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Re: gEDA-user: PCB to G-CODE export GUI

here is the code; it has to stay in the src/hid directory; I also
attached the Makefile.am and .im.
The exporter is based on the nelma and png gui (from 20091103
snapshot), and it basically prints every copper layer before sending
it to a tracing algorithm.
This way there are no problems regarding overlapping and cutting
through traces; after much thought and many attempts I found this
approach to be very effective.
The tracing part was taken from potrace, an open source tracing
program (again, after many attempts at writing my own algorithm I
realized that I was trying to reinvent the wheel).
The exporter is called gcode, and it will generate a mask image and a
.cnc gcode file for every copper layer, along with a drill file still
in gcode.
You have the possibility to change some settings:
-intermediate resolution: this affects how precisely the polygons will
be traced, especially around pads and other round objects;
-mill depth: depth of the milling pass; this and other milling
settings are expressed as g-code parameters, so it's easy to change
them in the cnc file itself;
-safe z: retract height;
-tool radius: in order to compensate for the tool radius all traces
are bloated by this amount; of course if two objects touch they won't
be cut;
-drill depth: not much to say;
-measurement unit: affects both settings and gcode coordinates.
I tried the codes with a homemade milling machine run by EMC2; is
seems to work fine.

I think this is all, let me know if there are problems or features
that should be included or anything else.

Best regards,

Attachment: gcode.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: makefiles.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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