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Re: gEDA-user: PCB Copy / Panellizing

On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 12:08 -0500, Tony Radice wrote:
> Gentlemen - 
>     First - Ineiev and Peter - Thank you for the replies. This was
> indeed a combination of my errors - 
> a) I pulled the latest cvs per DJ's instructions and re-compiled. Not
> only did the fills come out properly, but the software behaves MUCH
> faster!  My complements on the two fixes.
> b) You are both correct on the grouping - I normally add an "Outline"
> layer as the top most on the layers, I failed to do this on the D-Sheet
> template, resulting in an incorrect layer configuration when I pasted
> from a board file that DOES have the correct layer stack.
> Now - perhaps two questions for other poor schlubs like me who have to
> be hit over the head with a baseball bat to get a point through our
> thick skulls: 
> 1) What does "can you check the current GIT head" mean? How does one do
> that? 

We don't use CVS for development any more (although there is still a
server tracking the GIT repository". So when I mean "check our latest
unreleased code", I say "git HEAD". (the "HEAD" of the git repository)



> 2) Is there a written procedure on how the development team would like
> potential bugs submitted and checked?  If so, where? I would rather not
> submit 1 M files for review (Yes, Peter!! ;-)) - and (although I WILL do
> this next time) perhaps a checklist of "Is this the latest release" - do
> this first - may be helpful? 

On-list is fine, but can be forgotten. On bug-tracker is probably best
for long-running issues, or those which can't be fixed right away. You
can also use that to upload large files. (Or, you might be asked by a
developer interested in looking at the bug to mail the large file
directly to them).

The PCB bug tracker is here:


I'm sorry - you will have to put up with sourceforge to submit bugs that
way.. I can barely bring myself to do it..

Also, it is a good idea to ping the list when you file a bug (with a
link), since otherwise the bugs are likely to go un-noticed in the bug
tracker. There isn't a pcb-bug mailing list like the geda-bug one, so I
certainly tend to miss them.

Best wishes,

Peter C.

geda-user mailing list