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Re: gEDA-user: How to deal with single/dual parts?

Michael Sokolov wrote:
> Bill Gatliff <bgat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Now I'm beginning to see the problems with slotting and symbols the way
>> we're doing them now: they unnecessarily tie the concept of a symbol to
>> the concept of a component, because the pin numbers that we currently
>> record in our symbols are also the pin numbers that the component maps
>> to the pins of the component's package.  We have munged together the
>> concepts of symbol and component in our "symbol" files, but can't seem
>> to admit to that.
> You have hit the nail right on the head!  It was this very issue (the
> fundamental difference between symbols and components) that played a
> major factor in my decision to invent a new schematic file format for
> uschem instead of merely writing a tool that prints gschem format
> schematics into PostScript without requiring an X11 display or a
> "modern" system to compile and run gEDA/gaf with all of its dependencies.

and this is exactly why the small library I have defines the component 
in a simple ascii database and then awk reads that data and combines a 
symbol template with a footprint and produces a .sym file that has the 
footprint set along with the pin out.  Wouldn't be too terribly hard to 
do something similar for a different flow.

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