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Re: gEDA-user: version control and non text files

John Griessen:
> On 11/01/2010 03:18 PM, Karl Hammar wrote:
> > If you do something like
> >
> >   mkdir Todo
> >   echo Todo/>>  .gitignore
> >   git-commit -m 'Todo/ is a work area git should not care about' .gitignore
> >
> > then you have a work area*inside*  the repo which git does not care about.
> I like that.  That's a helpful idea for documenting open hardware projects.
> keeping lists of URLs is good for sharing projects also...but when
> a server no longer has the data...I want a copy also.

Oh, you missed the "wget -x" part.

 cd ~/Net/http
 wget -x 'http://www.epcos.com/inf/50/db/ntc_09/MiniSensors__B57863__S863.pdf'
 xpdf www.epcos.com/inf/50/db/ntc_09/MiniSensors__B57863__S863.pdf &

When I download with wget -x, wget will strip the http:// part and save 
the file with with leading directories as in the url (and yes, there are 
sites that try to hide the direct link to the documentation). 

/Karl Hammar

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