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Re: gEDA-user: Enhancements for gEDA/pcb G-code export
here my comments about the patches:
1-HID-gcode: let the system library allocate the temporary file.
The intermediate png file is necessary to check if the enlarged tracks
touch and cannot be milled.
5-HID-gcode: add a flag wether to produce advanced G-code.
please enable advanced gcode by default
16-HID-gcode: sort drills not only by distance, but also by diameter.
drill = sort_drill_distance (drill, n_drill);
qsort (drill, n_drill, sizeof (struct drill_struct),
this breaks the path minimization algorithm: as already said
sort_drill_distance HAS to be the last sort otherwise it doesn't have any
effect; if you want to sort by diameter (which by the way is of no use without
a tool changer command or a pause between different diameters) create a list
for each diameter and use sort_drill_distance on all of them. Sort by diameter
should be enabled by a flag.
This is the third time I explain this so I'm starting have a doubt:
am I not explaining well enough or are you not reading my comments?
19-HID-gcode: fetch the board's extents from the outline layer, if possible.
what is this for? How is this better than the following?
PCB->MaxWidth / pcb_unit;
PCB->MaxHeight / pcb_unit;
21-HID-gcode: simplify and increase accuracy of a conversion a bit.
How is this working?
(pcb * gcode_dpi) / pcb_unit;
((double)(pcb * gcode_dpi) + 0.5) / pcb_unit;
2010/11/1 Markus Hitter <mah@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> A new set of patches is out, addressing all the suggestions here:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3100354&group_id=73743&atid=538813
> New patches make G-code output respecting the outline layer if available.
> Enhancements planned include milling this outline with an end mill and using
> that end mill to drill bigger holes by milling a small circle.
> While I tried, I couldn't find any code in pcb's sources which would produce
> an offset of the path in the outline layer with proper relimiting of the
> lines in respect to each other. I'd be glad if somebody can point me to such
> a function without introducing new dependencies. Else I'd have to restrict
> this outline milling to rectangles, as the route used for isolation milling
> is difficult to handle either.
> Markus
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter
> http://www.jump-ing.de/
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