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Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL+3D Packages??

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> An actual rendering from PCB+GL with some code I've been playing with...
> http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pcjc2/geda/pcb+gl_3d/pcb+gl_3d_packages_mockup.png
> Not currently pushed to any repository, this hard-codes a search for
> ACY400 footprints (as used on this board), and renders a 3D model for
> each resistor. (The 3D model is defined in C code, not a generic format
> at the moment).
> I have been playing with 1D texturing to put stripes on the resistors -
> albeit not actually with the correct value at this stage.. but it IS
> possible ;)
> Questions:
> 1. Does anyone care about seeing this land in PCB?

For my work I'd regard it as nice but not essential - but I think
there is a strong indirect benefit in making PCB more attractive to a
wider community of users.
The /lack/ of a feature like this is just one of the many reasons
potential new users may prefer Kicad or Altium to PCB.  I feel that we
really need more users - particularly users who will contribute to the
PCB community.  We need more people discovering and reporting bugs,
writing patches, checking and applying patches and adding new

> 2. Will anyone bother to make 3D models for packages?

My current projects are not really space constrained - but if a future
product /is/ then I will certainly bother!

> 3. What format would people like to make models in?

FreeCAD would suit me well.

> I'm thinking VRML (perhaps as output by Wings32) might be a good choice,
> as I believe this is what KiCad uses.

+1 to Kaimartins's comment on VRML.


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