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Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL+3D Packages??
Peter Clifton wrote:
> http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pcjc2/geda/pcb+gl_3d/pcb+gl_3d_packages_mockup.png
Very nice.
> I have been playing with 1D texturing to put stripes on the resistors -
> albeit not actually with the correct value at this stage.. but it IS
> possible ;)
Why do the hard render work, when there is blender available with a
mature multitude of shaders and light options?
> 1. Does anyone care about seeing this land in PCB?
I'd take it as a nice-to-have.
> 2. Will anyone bother to make 3D models for packages?
I'd model "my" parts if I can use them in some kind of 3D mechanical
CAD. The incentive is the ability to make the circuit fit into some
kind of space -- such as a specific enclosing. I already made about
30 3D models of switches, trimmers and enclosings for this purpose.
They are in varicad format. So a way to convert from varicad to
whatever format pcb can read would be a plus. Most likely, this would
include STEP as an intermediate format.
> 3. What format would people like to make models in?
FreeCAD, or any other format, I can produce with an open sourced
CAD application. An exception is BRLCAD. I would only dive into
this particular suite if someone paid me real money.
> I'm thinking VRML (perhaps as output by Wings32) might be a
> good choice, as I believe this is what KiCad uses.
Methinks, this is a dead end with regard to mechanical CAD. No 3D
construction suite I worked with, was able to import/export VRML
in a decent way. They all converted the geometry into some kind
of mesh --> Loss of information, large files.
Kai-Martin Knaak
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