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gEDA-user: Need papers of Toporouter

    Hello ,
    I saw the GSoC project "Toporouter." It looks really nice. Very good
    I would also like to work on the Toporouter. As described in the code,
    can anyone provide me these(Please see below) papers (PDF copy). Also
    if there are any more documents, can anyone share it?
     * Dayan, T. and Dai, W.W.M., "Layer Assignment for a Rubber Band
    Router" Tech
     * Report UCSC-CRL-92-50, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, 1992.
     * Dai, W.W.M and Dayan, T. and Staepelaere, D., "Topological Routing
    in SURF:
     * Generating a Rubber-Band Sketch" Proc. 28th ACM/IEEE Design
     * Conference, 1991, pp. 39-44.
     * David Staepelaere, Jeffrey Jue, Tal Dayan, Wayne Wei-Ming Dai,
     * Rubber-Band Routing System for Multichip Modules," IEEE Design and
    Test of
     * Computers ,vol. 10, no. 4,  pp. 18-26, October/December, 1993.
     * Dayan, T., "Rubber-band based topological router" PhD Thesis, Univ.
     * California, Santa Cruz, 1997.
     * David Staepelaere, "Geometric transformations for a rubber-band
     * Master's thesis, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, September 1992.
    Thanks and Best Regards
    W: http://jeffrey.co.in/
    M: +918148490036

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