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Re: gEDA-user: pcb: Howto print the far side?

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> Is there a way to print the far side of the layout? This would be
> useful for prototyping on perfboard. 

It is possible to combine EPS output to yield the desired printout.

Excerpt from my print script that produces the result attached to this mail:
(Note, the action string option will fail with unless my rejected patch to 
hidnogui.c was applied)

$PCB -x eps \
  --action-string 'DISPLAY(NameOnPCB)' \
  --element-color '#000000' \
  --pin-color '#cccccc' \
  --layer-color-1 '#999999' \
  --layer-color-2 '#bbbbbb' \
  --layer-color-3 '#aaaaaa' \
  --layer-color-4 '#555555' \
  --layer-color-5 '#aaaaaa' \
  --as-shown  \
  --layer-stack "outline,comment,elements,bottom" \
  --eps-file "/tmp/out2.eps" \

$PCB -x eps \
  --action-string 'DISPLAY(Value)' \
  --element-color '#000000' \
  --pin-color '#cccccc' \
  --layer-color-1 '#999999' \
  --layer-color-2 '#bbbbbb' \
  --layer-color-3 '#aaaaaa' \
  --layer-color-4 '#555555' \
  --layer-color-5 '#aaaaaa' \
  --as-shown  \
  --layer-stack "elements" \
  --eps-file "/tmp/out3.eps" \

## Derive a see-thru of bottom with awk and tail (very dirty hack)
awk 'NR == 20 { exit } { print }' /tmp/out3.eps > /tmp/out23.ps
awk 'NR <= 20 { next } $1 == "showpage" { exit } { print }' /tmp/out2.eps >> /tmp/out23.ps
awk 'NR <= 20 { next } $1 == "showpage" { exit } { print }' /tmp/out3.eps >> /tmp/out23.ps
tail -n 6 /tmp/out3.eps >> /tmp/out23.ps
poster -mA4 -p$SIZE -c12x12mm -o "/tmp/bw23.ps" "/tmp/out23.eps"

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
UniversitÃt Hannover, Inst. fÃr Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211	
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover           http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key:    http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get

Attachment: bw23.ps
Description: PostScript document

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