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gEDA-user: Re: an attribute editor program

Hi Stuart,
I was thinking about that before. I agree that gschem attribute handling
should be improved, but I think it should be done within gschem, without
requiring the user to use other programs (doing that with external
programs will be only a fix, but not the solution).

You can embed gnumeric into gschem using bonobo, but I think this will
be too much for gschem's needs.

The other simple option is to use the GtkSheet widget, from the
libgtkextra library, used succesfully in SciGraphica
(http://gtkextra.sourceforge.net/). A little search at geda shows it was
suggested before..
I don't know its state, if it's actively developed (the last news entry
is from 2001...), if it's changed its homepage, or what happens to it.

Maybe GTK guys are thinking about including a similar widget in 
future releases?


> On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 12:55, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> >  a useful gEDA tool might be an attribute editor program
> > (gattrib) which reads in a  schematic, finds all the components, and
> > then shows them to the user via a spreadsheet interface.   Each
> > component would occupy a row, and the various attributes would occupy
> > the columns, like this: 
> > 
> > U1 	LM311			so8		LM311		/path/to/spice-model
> > R1	RESISTOR	100K	0603
> > C1	CAPACITOR	1uF	0603		
> > U2	LF356		LF356	so8		
> > 
> > (This will look better if you use a constant spacing sized font.)  Of
> > course, other attributes would also appear in the following columns.  
> > 
> > Then, you could use gattrib to edit the attributes, and attach new
> > ones easily.  Right now, you've got to do a lot of clicking to use
> > gschem to attach attributes to all the parts.  This would be a lot
> > easier, particularly for larger schematics.
> > 
> > Another way to do this is to create a prog which reads .sch and .sym
> > files and exports to gnumeric (or even creates whitespace deliminated
> > .txt).  A similar prog would be used to read the output spreadsheet
> > format and stick the attribute values back into the .sch and .sym
> > files.  This would be very easy using Perl or Python.  
> > 
> > Well, this is a project for another day.
> > 

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