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Re: gEDA-user: Gdatabase and datadraw available for download

>I'm going to go out on a limb and say that with even a bare-bones 
>interpreter mode for gnetlist (print variables, evaluate expressions), 
>a fair number of people would be more willing to put aside their 
>language preferences long enough to give guile a try.

% man gnetlist

gEDA(1)                            20030525                            gEDA(1)

       gnetlist - gEDA/gaf Netlist extraction/generation

       gnetlist  [-i]  [-v]  [-l schem_file] [-m schem_file ] [-g guile_proce-
       dure] [-o output_filename] schematic1 [... schematicN]

       -i      Interactive  mode.   After  the schematic is read in and parsed
               and, if specified, the guile_procedure is execute then go  into
               interactive  mode.  Interactive mode allows the user to execute
               guile procedures directly.

:)  However, after reading this, and seeing how the code works, you cannot
specify -g and -i at the same time.  Man page fixed in CVS.

Instead you should do something like this:

% gnetlist -i filename.sch
gnetlist> (load "/home/ahvezda/geda/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-geda.scm")
gnetlist> (define packages (gnetlist:get-packages "dummy"))
gnetlist> (display packages) 
(U3 U2 U1)gnetlist> (geda "output.net")

% gnetlist -l /home/ahvezda/geda/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-geda.scm -i schem.sch
gnetlist> (geda "output.net")

I have been playing with the trace/debug facilities within guile
and I haven't figured out how to use them yet with a gnetlist backend.
Here's some minimal info on debugging with guile:
