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gEDA-user: PCB realign grid sucks

I have a DIL-14 crystal oscillator at random position of the board.

I want to add two vias in 100-mil grid away from the vias of the
existing DIL-14 pins so I want to realign the grid on the pins of the

I set grid spacing 100mil, then crosshair snaps to pins and pads.
But when I select then "realign grid" and want to make use of the snap
feature it doesn't work. The realignment is done according to current
mouse position, not that snapped one, and as I have mouse position
always a bit offset (at least by quantum noise of the universe ;-) )
I can never make it out.

Is this some kind of obscure feature or is it a bug? Can it be
fixed? It makes the grid realignment virtually useless.

Also the menus in the old-style widget (I don't know how it's called)
suck. When I invoke a menu using right button on the working area I
can't get rid of it by escape key. How should I get rid of it?