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Re: gEDA-user: Topics discussed at yesterday's Free Dog meeting (10.6.2005)

El vie, 07-10-2005 a las 10:37 -0400, Stuart Brorson escribiÃ:
> As for embedding and unembedding the graphic into/from the .sch file:
> Embedding worked great.  However, unembedding failed the first time
> around.  Ales looked at the code which supports unembedding
> components (which this new feature piggybacks upon), and we found a
> slight bug.  Ales fixed it in real time.  To me, this is a
> demonstration of the value of these user meetings: we can use them as
> light-duty hacking sessions!

sure it had a bug! I was so focused into getting embedding pictures
working that I forgot to test to unembed them! :-(
Ales, can you update CVS version with the changes? Thanks.

As an aside note: I remember to see something in the Free Dog's meeting
notes about some demo of the gschem's file open dialog using gtk
widgets. Is there already any code for that?
It's in relation with adding picture output support when exporting png.
In order to do that I think it's better to use gtk functions to get a
pixmap of the drawing area and then save it as a .png file. This way we
can get rid of libgdgeda... (I think it's not used for anything more).
It's like a preview picture of the schematic in memory, and this will be
needed when using the file load/save gtk dialog...
I made some tries to get a pixmap from the drawing area, but I was not
quite succesfull. Anyone can give me a clue about how to do this?

