On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 01:44:16PM +0200, Henrik Karlsson wrote:
Karel Kulhavy skrev:
But what should user do when he has an old version of gEDA and needs
a new one? Erase the disk and reinstall the operating system completely?
How about 'yum update' or 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade'? Or use some
other package mangement system.
clock@kestrel:~$ yum update
bash: yum: command not found
clock@kestrel:~$ apt-get update
bash: apt-get: command not found
clock@kestrel:~$ apt-get upgrade
bash: apt-get: command not found
Friend has Ubuntu and there are no gEDA packages.
These suggestions are irrelevant. The message is: reinstallation
procedure doesn't exist and has to be written. Please understand
the message and fix the problem.