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Re: gEDA-user: newbie, couple of Q's about gschem

On Saturday 13 October 2007, Wojciech Kazubski wrote:
>> Complaint #1 is that the diode bridge symbol is about 1/8th the area of a
>> landscape letter page, occupying many times the real estate that the DPDT
>> relay symbol occupies.  And for a newbie, no obvious way to scale it or
>> them to a more pleasing and usable size.  Did I miss it in my menu
>> searches?
>Common solution is to use bigger sheet to draw the circuit and then print it
> on standard paper. I have some smaller symbols in available as a tarball on
> the following page: http://www.sp5pbe.waw.pl/~sp5smk/my-gaf-pcb.html
>Current tarball is:
>The symbols are about the same size as in other schematic capture programs.

Ahhh, thanks.
Is that different from the fc5 rpm right under it?  I grabbed that and 
installed it, no problems, but no new components either after a gschem 
restart.  I don't see a place in gschemrc to spec the new 'smallsym' 
directory as a path to search for symbols.  I could selectively copy, but 
that looks like a couple of hours work, & I'm gettin lazy in my old age.

>> Complaint #3, and minor, is that the printout is B&W.  Even when fed to a
>> color capable printer.
>This is controlled by geda-gschemrc lines
>(output-color "disabled")
>;(output-color "enabled")
Found that thanks to your pointer, then found it took half a cc of black ink 
for one page, shut it back off. I see there is a way to change that, but 
yellow on white on paper is a non-starter for me.

>Wojciech Kazubski
Thanks for the speedy reply, probably speedier than I saw it as I've been 
mowing grass, staining a piece of a cabinet and a few other things, taking 
advantage of a warmer afternoon, up into the 60's(F) here today.

Cheers, Gene
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