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Re: gEDA-user: gschem: wiring two pins by scripting ?

On Oct 6, 2009, at 11:20 PM, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:

Hello there,

I wish to wire two pins by loading the .sch file by an automated
method, say a script.
Is there a way or did someone already has a script which wires two
known pins automatically ?

The attached script processes a flat file of (refdes pin netname) lines into a pseudo-schematic that connects the pins to the nets. So, to connect, say, U1 pin 2 to U2 pin 1, make a file that looks like:

U1 2 net_U1_2_U2_1
U2 1 net_U1_2_U2_1

and filter it through the script. The netname can be anything your netlist format allows, but must, of course, be unique so you don't have a short.

Filter this file through the script (awk -f pins2gsch <in.txt >out.sch) and then feed out.sch to gnetlist *after* your other schematics. File order is important here because of the attribute censorship problem: the pseudo schematic won't contain necessary attributes like value and footprint.

Attachment: pins2gsch.awk
Description: Binary data

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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