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Re: gEDA-user: net= attributes, symbols and schematics

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Stephen Williams <steve@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I was thinking about multi-part symbols, actually. It would be
> kool to draw a symbol for all the business pins and another symbol
> for the power pins. Then I could have a sheet just for power/gnd.

This is what I would do. I would also make these footprints heavy so that
the footprint attribute is always found.

> But I wondered about netlisting and refdes support. Bummer that
> renumbering doesn't preserve relationships.

I believe my refdes_update script does. I can't remember if I thought
it was a good
idea and implemented it or thought it was a good idea and would add it later ;)
Try it on a backup copy of your schematic.

(* jcl *)

You can't create open hardware with closed EDA tools.

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