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gEDA-user: Working on xgsch2pcb-0.1.3 for Gentoo

On Mon, 2009-10-26 at 15:09 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:

> The latest version is
> http://geda.seul.org/dist/geda-xgsch2pcb-0.1.3.tar.gz
> Although I think I was slack and didn't get a release announcement


seems to work fine, I can launch gschem, gattrib and PCB from this tool,
but I get in terminal window

stefan@AMD64-X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/test $ rm b1*
stefan@AMD64-X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/test $ cat p1
schematics FPGA_Power.sch FPGA_B0B1.sch FPGA_B2B3.sch RAM.sch ADC.sch TDC.sch Digital_In_A.sch Digital_In_B.sch Digital_In_C.sch InputDividerCh1.sch InputDividerCh2.sch AmplifierCh1.sch AmplifierCh2.sch Controller.sch PowerManager.sch DC_DC_Converter.sch Lin_Regulators.sch Misc.sch AmpCommon.sch
output-name b1
elements-dir /usr/local/share/pcb-symbols-jcl_2008-4-25
elements-dir /home/stefan/gEDA/imported-footprints
elements-dir /mnt/data/stefan/gedasymbols/www/user/stefan_salewski/footprints
elements-dir /home/stefan/gEDA/custom-footprints

stefan@AMD64-X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/test $ gsch2pcb p1
gsch2pcb backend configuration:

   Variables which may be changed in gafrc:
   gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-command:    /usr/bin/m4
   gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-dir:        /usr/share/pcb/m4
   gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-confdir:    /etc/pcb
   gsch2pcb:pcb-m4-path:       /usr/share/pcb/m4  /etc/pcb  $HOME/.pcb  .
   gsch2pcb:m4-command-line:   /usr/bin/m4 -d  -I/usr/share/pcb/m4 -I/etc/pcb -I$HOME/.pcb -I. /usr/share/pcb/m4/common.m4 - >> b1.pcb

   Variables which may be changed in the project file:
   gsch2pcb:use-m4:            no

Skipping the m4 processor for pcb footprints

Done processing.  Work performed:
1058 file elements and 0 m4 elements added to b1.pcb.

Next step:
1.  Run pcb on your file b1.pcb.
    You will find all your footprints in a bundle ready for you to place
    or disperse with "Select -> Disperse all elements" in PCB.

2.  From within PCB, select "File -> Load netlist file" and select 
    b1.net to load the netlist.

3.  From within PCB, enter


    to propagate the pin names of all footprints to the layout.

stefan@AMD64-X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/test $ xgsch2pcb p1
Warning: Failed to load gettext translations
Warning: Unsupported project file line "skip-m4"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /usr/local/share/pcb-symbols-jcl_2008-4-25"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /home/stefan/gEDA/imported-footprints"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /mnt/data/stefan/gedasymbols/www/user/stefan_salewski/footprints"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /home/stefan/gEDA/custom-footprints"
stefan@AMD64-X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/test $ 

stefan@AMD64-X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/test $ rm b1*
stefan@AMD64-X2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/test $ xgsch2pcb p1
Warning: Failed to load gettext translations
Warning: Unsupported project file line "skip-m4"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /usr/local/share/pcb-symbols-jcl_2008-4-25"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /home/stefan/gEDA/imported-footprints"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /mnt/data/stefan/gedasymbols/www/user/stefan_salewski/footprints"
Warning: Unsupported project file line "elements-dir /home/stefan/gEDA/custom-footprints"

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