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Re: gEDA-user: GNUduino - Arduino made with gEDA

jeffrey antony:
> 1) I have some problems with the PCB files in this design. I am not
> able to move component descriptors. At present many of the component
> descriptors are overlapped  (eg: R4 and LED14). Please let me know
> how to move these. In gschem moving the component descriptors are
> easy to move. 

I just point at the descriptor, press left button an move it.

But if I select it (shown as some light colour), I cannot move it, if 
so, just leftclick it first to deselect it.

If you don't show the solder layer (View->Shown Layers->Solder, or ctrl-2),
it is easier, because then you won't by mistake grab a copper trace.

You can rightclick the descriptor, and then it will rotate 90°, can be 

> 2) If possible can anyone go through the design files and give a reply about the board?

On the screen (with pcb), led0/led1/led13 overlaps, but in
they come out just fine. Maybe you are using the wrong footprint.

You can add the jumpers in the pcb file as 0-Ohm resistors if you like.
That would make the six anonymous holes more understandable.
You could make a jumper footprint if you like or use mine at

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

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