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gEDA-user: pcb prevents overlapping vias


When creating a multiple purpose HF connector footprint pcb refused
to place vias close to each other. The trigger for refusal seems
to be overlapping annulus. However, I see no strong hardware reason
to second guess me where I want to put a via. As long as the holes
themselves don't overlap, my fab is fine with it. If the hole is
large enough they would even accept overlapping holes and probably
use a milling bit to produce the irregularly shaped hole.    
pcbc not only ignored my wish to place a via. It silently dropped
the "offending" vias from copy-paste action. In the end, I outsmarted
the application by placing tiny vias and subsequently enlarged 
them to the desired size ;-)

If it were me, I'd rather do without this. "Please, don't interfere
with my placement, no matter what. You may throw a warning at DRC if
you have to."

Would a patch to remove this feature, or at least make it dependent
on the state of the enforce-DRC-clearance flag receive a welcome?

PS: Here is the offending footprint.
Kai-Martin Knaak
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