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Re: gEDA-user: help with gwave svn-REV2444
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Stefan Salewski <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-08-13 at 12:19 +0100, sibu xolo wrote:
>> I have been trying to compile the program gwave (from svn )
> gwave is one of the most demanding tools of geda suite, for building
> from sources. In my opinion, if your goal is to compile latest versions
> from sources, then some knowledge and own work (at least google search
> for error messages) may be helpful (may be related to guile-gtk?)
Late to this party, but I've recently had the desire for the svn
version (still r244), specifically for the sim data readers and sp2sp.
I'm working on kubuntu 10.04 LTS. Gwave requires guile-gtk, which is
no longer in ubuntu. Compiling guile-gtk-2.1 from it's homepage
fails. I found a gentoo patch (don't remember where) that changes the
relevant variables to something for more current gtk versions. The
following repo has those changes I made:
It also required setting LDFLAGS and GUILE_LOAD_PATH to appropriate
values even during "./configure".
The following has my changed from the current gwave svn. Mostly it
adds an output mode to sp2sp for translating (tested with hspice) data
directly to a numpy ".npy" file to load in as a memory-mapped array.
Using numpy.genfromtxt was not an option for me as it was causing my
machine (2g ram) to swap. The output file has a string trailing the
data as a python dict holding the sweep and column info in the array.
Gwave itself runs after this but there is something wrong with
waveform colors so they're all black-on-black. With the sp2sp mods
and some custom classes, using python+matplotlib has been great.
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