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Re: gEDA-user: Enhancements for gEDA/pcb G-code export

Am Freitag, den 22.10.2010, 23:54 +0200 schrieb Markus Hitter:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3093302&group_id=161080&atid=818428
> "Traumflug's wishlist" in the Patches section, in case this long link
> doesn't work.

New patches today:

HID-gcode: remove a leftover debug-printf.

HID-gcode: provide info about drill diameters in G-code as well.
While this is currently unsorted, it's helpful for hand-editing

HID-gcode: sort drills not only by distance, but also by diameter.
This should help greatly when using a tool changer. Next step
would be to actual insert tool change commands and/or split
G-code output files by drill diameter. The later is for
manual tool changing, then.

HID-gcode: report one drill diameter only once in the output file.


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