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Re: gEDA-user: Help with PCB
I have a strange nickname, but Im a man :D Xtian means Christian,
Xultz means Schultz. But with a name like this, im brazilian. Yeah,
Im a strange person :D
I am writin a tutorial called "from the idea to the prototype". Its a
document that starts with a simple circuit idea, explains a little
(very little) bit of electronic teory, the teachs step by step how to
capture the circuit in gEDA, export the netlist to PCB, teaches
step by step how to design the printed circuit board, generating the
output files, and how to make a homebrew single sided board with
the clothes iron process, printin the output in a magazine page and
tranfer the draw to the board, etch, drill and mount the circuit.
I have two problems: I have today a lot of work to do (thats a good
thing, because more work gives me a little more money to pay some
bills) and as everybody can see, my english is a piece of crap. So,
Im writing the document in portuguese, and will try to translate to
english, but the result will be horrible, so, I will need some help
from someone that speaks a good english to make the corrections on
the text.
I am comfortable to make a tutorial like these, because thats my
job, and I am working only with gEDA, PCB and some others free
softwares. I dont know all the deep of Pcb (as I would love to know)
but next I have in mind other tutorials, followin the same line,
but makin more complicated designs, involvin the creation of components
in gEDA and PCB, and stuffs like this. I think that step by step
tutorials are a best way for a professional learns a software that
reading a boring manual with all the comands... The manual should
be the second (or third) lecture, not the first. OrCAD has a very
good tutorial, and I think gEDA and Pcb must have things like that
Maybe in the next week I have good news... :D
Best regards
Xultz - the man with a strange name
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 17:38:03 -0700
Stephen Meier <smeier@AlchemyResearch.com> wrote:
> Dan,
> I think this character Xtian Xultz should be encouraged to write the
> documentation. It has been my observation that he/she? knows a hell of
> lot about how to use pcb's gui. You Dan should be continuing
> development. How about it Xtian? care to write a book?
> Steve M.
> Dan McMahill wrote:
> >On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:09:14 -0400
> >DJ Delorie <dj@delorie.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>>My question is where does the new element go to, after a select
> >>>"convert buffer to element"? Following the instructions above, when
> >>>I select"convert buffer to element", the new element that I spent
> >>>"hours" drawing desappears, and I don't know where to find it. ;-(
> >>>
> >>>
> >>It's in the cut-n-paste buffer. Paste it. That's the button on the
> >>left sidebar that looks like an IC labelled "BUF".
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >And you can also then do 'save buffer elements to file' from the
> >'buffer' menu.
> >
> >-Dan (who is slowly working on improving the documentation)
> >
> >
> >