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Re: gEDA-user: Help with PCB
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 21:48:13 -0400
Dave McGuire <mcguire@neurotica.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 09:36 PM, Xtian Xultz wrote:
> > I have a strange nickname, but Im a man :D Xtian means Christian,
> > Xultz means Schultz. But with a name like this, im brazilian. Yeah,
> > Im a strange person :D
> Ahh, all you people from South America are weirdos! ;)
> (my girlfriend is from Colombia)
> > I am writin a tutorial called "from the idea to the prototype". Its a
> > document that starts with a simple circuit idea, explains a little
> > (very little) bit of electronic teory, the teachs step by step how to
> > capture the circuit in gEDA, export the netlist to PCB, teaches
> > step by step how to design the printed circuit board, generating the
> > output files, and how to make a homebrew single sided board with
> > the clothes iron process, printin the output in a magazine page and
> > tranfer the draw to the board, etch, drill and mount the circuit.
> This is a GREAT project! I look forward to reading it.
> > I have two problems: I have today a lot of work to do (thats a good
> > thing, because more work gives me a little more money to pay some
> > bills) and as everybody can see, my english is a piece of crap. So,
> > Im writing the document in portuguese, and will try to translate to
> > english, but the result will be horrible, so, I will need some help
> > from someone that speaks a good english to make the corrections on
> > the text.
> I'd be happy to go over it and make corrections when it's done.
> -Dave
I'm a long time user of PCB also, and I'd be happy to help out with any tutorials etc (as time allows).
I've got a lot out of Pcb and would like to put something back in.
My skillset for docs is LaTeX mainly.
I've got a tutorial page re making pcbs (Pcb abd Gschem) with laser artwork and lightbox etc at :
Kind Regards
* See my Gnu/Linux EDA webpage at : http://milkstone.d2.net.au/
* Free Software provided by GNU; http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html