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Re: gEDA-user: GND and Vcc pin on IC 74245

On Friday 09 September 2005 14:52, Stephen Meier wrote:
> However... if one has only a paper schematic to work with while
> debugging a board then the hidden nets  don't tell you what voltage
> to expect at specific pins so debugging becomes harder.

It certainly does.... 

It is a custom-made way to catch out people who debug, prototype and 
route boards from those schematics, and I do all of the above.

I could think of serveral _good_ reasons why hidden nets are a Bad 
Idea and I have always been totally intrigued why anyone would want 
to do this - I have yet to see a single, good argument in favour.

Anyway, please ignore my rantings. We don't want a holy war :-)
