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Re: gEDA-user: Introduction and some questions/thoughts on gEDA/gaf...

Hi Paul,

>That's the beauty of the approach! Actually, on studying guile more I was
>a bit disappointed that it does not seem (at least on my cursory look) the
>notion of _extending_ guile with gEDA stuff, only _embedding_ it  (see this
>http://docs.python.org/ext/ext.html if you are totally lost at this
>point! ;-) ).

	Yeah, this has come up in the past.  What sort of things would
you do if gEDA stuff had the necessary scripting hooks to allow it to be
extended?  This sort of thing comes up often enough on geda-*, but before
anything can happen (code wise), it would be nice to hear about possible
applications.  Thanks.


PS. I'm beginning to think that virtually everything that can be done
    interactively or via the command line should have a scripting hook.