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Re: gEDA-user: dependent sources in gschem
- To: geda-user@xxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: gEDA-user: dependent sources in gschem
- From: "H. S." <hs.samix@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 01:30:10 -0400
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On 9/12/05, H. S. <hs.samix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am trying to use a dependent source (CCCS) in an example for basic
circuit analysis. How do I specify a current source to be dependent on
a current through a resistor in a circuit in gschem?
Here is the circuit I am trying:
$> cat johnson-p-4_16.net
* gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o johnson-p-4_16.net johnson-p-4_16.sch
* Spice file generated by
* spice-sdb version 10.9.2004 by SDB
* provides advanced spice netlisting capability. *
* Documentation at http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/SPICE/ *
F1 1 2 unknown
R3 0 2 4
R2 1 2 3
R1 0 1 2
I1 0 1 15A
I want F1 to be dependent on current "i" flowing from node1 to node0 through R1.
All help is appreciated,
One way that I have found is to put a dummy voltage source of 0V
between R1 and node 1 with the source purpose of just measuring the
current through this branch. Then using:
F1 1 2 Vm 2
as the dependent source works perfectly.
Okay, the problem seems to have been solved. But I guess, from my
limited experience of spice, that this is the "spice method". Is there
any other way with which I can specify a CCCS without having to use a
dummy voltage source?
PS: The new spice file is:
* gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o johnson-p-4_16.net johnson-p-4_16.sch
* Spice file generated by
* spice-sdb version 10.9.2004 by SDB
* provides advanced spice netlisting capability. *
* Documentation at http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/SPICE/ *
F1 1 2 Vm 2
R3 0 2 4
R2 1 2 3
R1 0 3 2
Vm 1 3 0V
I1 0 1 15A