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gEDA-user: Errors converting from schematic to PCB...

When I attempt to use gsch2pcb on my current project, I keep getting a
ton of rather mysterious errors:

....  lots of repeated messages removed ....
Could not find refdes on component and could not find any special attributes!
Could not find refdes on component and could not find any special attributes!
Could not find refdes on component and could not find any special attributes!
Could not find refdes on component and could not find any special attributes!
WARNING: U? has no footprint attribute so won't be in the layout.

Done processing.  Work performed:
0 file elements and 7 m4 elements added to boards/1p3.new.pcb.
1 components had no footprint attribute and are omitted.

The problem is, I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's
complaining about some ghost component with a label of U?, because
grep "U?" *.sch produces zero results.  It should produce at least one
if one had actually existed.

Also, I'd like to know why it cannot find refdes on any components,
because all components in the schematics DO have a refdes on them, as
confirmed by going into gschem and looking at all the attributes.


Samuel A. Falvo II