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gEDA-user: PCB problems


I'm having a pretty tough time here.  I have a design using a Xilinx
Vertex-5 part with over 1100 pins.  Other connectors have over 200 pins
as well, with 431 lines in the netlist file, and 14 to 16 layers.

My system is running Fedora-7, and the latest gEDA release (I think).
Specifically, I'm running pcb-20070208 and I have 3.9 Gigabytes of
memory installed in an AMD-64 machine with 29.8 Gigabytes of swap.

What I find is that frequently when I start a job (most recently miter),
the job starts OK, then the monitor shows that memory consumption starts
to grow until I see of the order of 99.0-99.5% memory commitment.  Then
(of course) swap starts.  Some jobs will continue to completion in a few
minutes, however in the case of miter, swap continues to grow to 35 to
40% by which time the system is doing mostly nothing but swap.  Miter
ran in this condition for over 60 hours.

I need to emphasize that I have my machine loaded to maximum memory
capacity.  Can anyone suggest a rationale short of a different machine
that I might be able to use to improve machine performance?

Any help would be appreciated.

    Harold Skank

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