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Re: gEDA-user: Icarus Verilog: library module search

Alan M. Feldstein wrote:
> I'm using
>      -y dir-path
> in the command file to add to the library module search path after using 
> an external tool to locate a module definitions in  specific 
> subdirectories of
>     $(DV_ROOT)/libs
> The problem is that such a subdirectory will often contain Verilog files 
> that each contain multiple module definitions.

When there is a module that it needs, it uses the name of the
module to generate a likely file name and searches for that file
in the library path. For example, if you instantiate my_dev in
your verilog, it will look for my_dev.v in the library path, and
it will bring in that file.

Icarus Verilog expects that file to contain your module, but it
may also contain other modules, for example modules that my_dev
itself uses. Those extra modules come along as baggage.

If you have a single large file that contains your library, then
the "-y" method won't work. Icarus Verilog won't know how to find
your library modules. Use the "-v" method instead for those sorts
of "libraries."

Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at icarus.com           But I have promises to keep,
http://www.icarus.com         and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."

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