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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf devel snapshot 1.5.4-20090830 - fedora test packages

On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 17:49 +0200, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:

> These gEDA-gaf RPMs will replace your existing fedora geda rpms
> without breaking anything.

Were the old rpms called "gEDA-gaf-...." ?

There have been no "official" Debian testing packages of 1.5.4 yet, but
I'm hopeful that all .deb and .rpm packages can be named as similar as
possible. This helps the gEDA developers and support community to say
things like.. "You need to install the 'geda-...' package", and not
worry about what distro they are using.

1. I don't believe .deb packages are allowed to have capitalisations in
them, so I called my source package "geda-gaf", not "gEDA-gaf".

2. My personal gut feeling was that the debian _binary_ packages will
probably retain their current names, (geda-gschem, geda-gattrib etc..),
OR.. would be rolled into one uber-package. (geda-gaf) The former is how
I rolled my PPA packages for Ubuntu testing.

Whilst I have no say in either Ubuntu or Debian packaging, (nor any
other distro for that matter), I'd reflect (and other gEDA developers
will step in if I'm out of line...) that:

The packages under the gEDA/gaf umbrella are canonically referred to as
"geda-gschem", "geda-...", (as is used for the translation domains, .mo
files, desktop icons etc..). Thus - I'd really prefer to see the
generated binary packages called geda-*....rpm as well.

I couldn't see (on skimming) any rule which prevented a "geda-gaf"
source package prodincing binaries which are "geda-gschem, geda-..."

I did get the feeling that the packaging guidelines you linked me to
were framed to respect upstream naming - so perhaps if necessary we
could have some input on that before any official packages are released.

Do any other of the gEDA developers (or packages) feel strongly on any
of the issues above?

Best regards,

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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