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Re: gEDA-user: anybody tried dicrect ink-jet resist?

Dave N6NZ wrote:
> This:
> http://www.fullspectrumengineering.com/pcbinkjet.html
> just came across the homebrew robotics mailing list (hbrobotics.org)
> These folks are selling an ink jet cartridge that squirts resist 
> directly onto a PCB.  No toner transfer involved.  They recommend 12/10 
> trace/space design rules, and claim to have tried 6/6 with mixed results 
> "depending on how carefully you etch".
> Anyway, just wondering if anyone has tried it. 

No, but ink jet has lots of promise -- you could use that for additive
circuit jetting as well as etching away sheet copper.

There's been a little research, maybe not developed very far, to jet solutions like
Silver nitrate followed by vitamin C to consolidate and adhere to substrate for making
antennas.  Not tried by me yet either.

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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