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gEDA-user: geda 1.4.3, problems with BOM

This is a not too serious, but strange error -- maybe solved in 1.5.x?

I tried to generate a BOM for my DSO board. This has some Dual OpAmps
(slotted) with separate power symbols. 

I have reduced the problem to a minimal schematic, called test5.sch. If
I delete in this schematic the Power symbols 502 and 503 and replace
them with a copy of 501 and renumber manually again to 502 and 503 all
works fine:

stefan@AMD64-X2 ~ $ cd bomproblems/
stefan@AMD64-X2 ~/bomproblems $ ls -l
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan 1209 Sep 22 16:31 OpAmp-Dual-1.sym
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan  775 Sep 22 16:31 OpAmp-Dual-Pwr-1.sym
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan   24 Sep 22 16:30 gafrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan 3105 Sep 22 16:30 test5.sch
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan 3105 Sep 22 16:30 test8.sch
-rw-r--r-- 1 stefan stefan 3105 Sep 22 16:30 test9.sch
stefan@AMD64-X2 ~/bomproblems $ gnetlist -g partslist3 -o test.bom test5.sch && cat test.bom 
gEDA/gnetlist version
gEDA/gnetlist comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

Remember to check that your schematic has no errors using the drc2 backend.
You can do it running 'gnetlist -g drc2 your_schematic.sch -o drc_output.txt'
and seeing the contents of the file drc_output.txt.

Loading schematic [/home/stefan/bomproblems/test5.sch]
..device	value	footprint	quantity	refdes
OpAmp Dual	LMV393	MSOP-65P-490L1-8N__ADI_RM-8_Package	1	U501
OpAmp Dual	OPA2705	MSOP-65P-490L1-8N__ADI_RM-8_Package	1	U500
OpAmp Dual	unknown	MSOP-65P-490L1-8N__ADI_RM-8_Package	2	U502 U503
stefan@AMD64-X2 ~/bomproblems $ gnetlist -g partslist3 -o test.bom test8.sch && cat test.bom 
gEDA/gnetlist version
..device	value	footprint	quantity	refdes
OpAmp Dual	LMV393	MSOP-65P-490L1-8N__ADI_RM-8_Package	2	U501 U503
OpAmp Dual	OPA2705	MSOP-65P-490L1-8N__ADI_RM-8_Package	2	U500 U502
stefan@AMD64-X2 ~/bomproblems $ gnetlist -g partslist3 -o test.bom test9.sch && cat test.bom 
gEDA/gnetlist version
..device	value	footprint	quantity	refdes
OpAmp Dual	LMV393	MSOP-65P-490L1-8N__ADI_RM-8_Package	2	U501 U503
OpAmp Dual	OPA2705	MSOP-65P-490L1-8N__ADI_RM-8_Package	2	U500 U502

I can see no significant differences between file test5.sch which makes problems and
files 8 and 9 which are fine. May it be only the position where the symbols are stored
in the schematics?

The files are available here:


Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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