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Re: gEDA-user: next PCB release - 1.99za vs 4.0

On Wed, Sep 08, 2010 at 09:12:57PM +0200, Frank Bergmann wrote:
> Am 08.09.2010 02:08, schrieb Andrew Poelstra:
> >I'm working on cleaning up the Gtk code - well, refactoring gui-top-window.c,
> >anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to get things into a top-down sorta structure
> >that can be easily mapped to C++.
> Do you have an open accessible repository of your code (e.g. GitHub)?
> I have also some gui-changes in my pipeline (docking
> windows/elements) and maybe it could be useful to look at changes
> that are coming.

You can get my git repository at:

Right now there are no changes pushed, though. I just threw away (well, archived)
a bunch of work extending the GUI because it was turning into a huge mess. Better
I clean up the existing code before extending it.
> >Plus, I don't have a clear understanding of what "mapped" and "allocated"
> >and "realized" mean in Gtk terms. Does anyone know of a good overview of
> >Gtk+?
> The official api !? ;)
> http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkWidget.html explains
> some of the terms you mentioned above.
> http://library.gnome.org/devel/gobject/stable/ is the base layer of
> all gtk stuff. There are more information to find if necessary.
> I guess the terms you want to understand are mostly relevant for
> writing new/own widgets.

Well, I am converting the top-level window to its own widget, rather than
using a stock GtkWindow and tacking stuff onto it. That way I can migrate
a lot of the global variables to member variables, pass more things as
parameters, and use the 'const' keyword a lot more.


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