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Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist -g drc2 and pintype

Karl Hammar wrote:

>  Running gnetlist -g drc2 on a schematic I get:
> Why does it warn about
>  output       <--> input/output

Don't know. IMHO, this combination should be fine.

>  input/output <--> pwr

input and output are meant to refer to signals. The DRC assumes that 
signals should never be connected to power lines. With analog circuits 
there is no strict dividing line between signal and power. So DRC 
should be taken with a large grain of salt on these circuits.

> The "ERROR" is a lm7805's output (U3:3) connected to other pins of 
> type pwr. How do I make it accept that?

Make the output pin of the LM8705 type pwr, too. 

> The "unconnected pins" can be left unconnected, how can I make it
> accept that?

I don't know. I put my own nc.sym at pins that are deliberately not 
connected. This symbol contains just one pin and no net. However, DRC 
still complains, because the generated net is connected to only one 

How about a special net "no_net" to deal with this situation? This net 
would be ignored for generation of the net list.

Kai-Martin Knaak
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