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Re: gEDA-user: 50 mil pitch through hole perf/proto board

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:54 PM, Tom Pope <introcept@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Why not make one? Seeedstudio's PCB manufacturing service will give
> you (10x)100cm^2 boards for ~$25.
> http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/fusion-pcb-service-p-835.html?cPath=185

I've done this before, but different PCB fab and different hole pitch
- mine had a standard 100 mil square grid of holes and a second 100
mil square grid of holes in quadrature locations to the first.  The
PCB fabs hate this sort of board, it plays havoc with their drilling
machines - excessive drilling time and bit consumption.  The first fab
I approached quoted a 60% overhead because of the high hole density.

I still have one or two fabbed boards and the (hastily cobbled
together) C code for generating .PCB files for these if anyone's

An example PCB file is attached - it's zipped because ~3000 vias makes
for a large .pcb file :)

Stephen Ecob
Silicon On Inspiration
Sydney Australia
$39 Spartan 6 board with 32MB DDR DRAM ?

Attachment: protoboard.pcb.zip
Description: Zip archive

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