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gEDA-user: test repo

For the last two (three?) years I used and tested Peters pcb+GL
branch of PCB because it provided the joy of speed and transparency.
If Peter would screw his version, which he rarely did, I could fall 
back to git-head from gpleda.org . Fall back to the last relased 
version of PCB would have been not so nice, because of the long 
release cycle. 

After openGL was finally included in git-head, I switched to this 
repo for my daily work. I was delighted to see the mil-to-nm upgrade.
There were a few show stoppers. Most of them got rectified. quickly. 
But big text is still broken. This means, I need to fall back to some
older version at least for gerber export. 

This kind of brokenness will probably happen more often when big changes
to the GUI to the layer infrastructure and/or the file system will hit 
git head. If this happens too often, I may have to quit using and testing 
the cutting edge version. After all, I still have to get my projects 
done. I guess, other users feel the same.

Proposal to tone down the impact of patches breaking important features:

   Add a branch "test" to git. This branch would work pretty much like 
   sid/unstable repo of debian. It would receive all the new stuff so 
   advanced users like me can give them a test run. 
   If a patch stands the test by same time, it will be applied to git-head.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
increasingly unhappy with moderation of geda-user

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