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gEDA-user: plugins (was: How can you help...)

On 09/05/2011 09:33 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
Also, they tend to bit-rot and break
when the main source moves on.
That's why they are separate.   There is not enough
coding/testing man-or-woman-power to pull all conceivable plugins along
with core changes.  Seems obvious.  The ones that are truly wanted
will get updated.  And you can develop, customize and use them without a recompile cycle.

I can see a core set of plugins shipping with the source, but not all.
I don't see it as a big deal though, since if a feature is really "core"
it will be in the core, so not shipping plugins is natural.  They're not core.

Documenting them however is a big deal.  We mostly need documentation
for enlisting more users.  After that, we need a good beginner user interface
that doesn't kill any GUI or command-line functions that are currently customizable .

I think it would help a lot if the scheme or c code underlying functions showed
in the log window in a way that can be cut and pasted to execute it again, or
create a script that can be run with a button.

IOW, for PCB, I'd like to see all the actions commands to get the same effect
as the GUI mouse and keyboard commands listed in a command log window as they happen
so they could be cut and pasted to redo.

Having exact command logs would help proficient users document actions easily and write them up
as tutorials, videos, style references.


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