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Re: gEDA-user: "revert" vs "reload"

On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 12:42 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 12:09 +0100, Richard Barlow wrote:
> > I've started implementing this[1] with a little help from the gedit
> > source. Unfortunately the info bar widget that I've used was introduced
> > in GTK 2.18 and PCB currently depends on GTK 2.12. Is there any argument
> > against upping PCBs GTK version dependency to 2.18? It was released
> > almost two years ago now (23rd Sept 2009).
> Sorry Richard - I beat you to it - committed to git HEAD of PCB last
> night ;) I bumped PCB's GTK version requirement to 2.18.

Haha, nice. I suspected you were working on this after seeing your
commits cleaning up gui-top-window.c. I see you've made a load more
modifications today bringing the code up to date, nice work.

I've made a couple of small modifications to the message that's
displayed to the user in the info bar[1]. It would also be good if when
reloading/reverting the file the state of the UI wasn't reset too, it's
quite annoying for all of the layers to be re-enabled if you're in the
middle of routing. I'll look into that later.

> > I'm also planning on implementing the same behavior in gschem which
> > currently depends on GTK 2.10.
> Please feel free to take any of the code I wrote to help you on the way
> with a gschem / gattrib version. I would love to see this consistently
> across the tools, yet didn't have time to do the gEDA parts at the
> moment.

Cool, thanks.


[1] git://srobo.org/~rbarlow/pcb.git

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