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Re: gEDA-user: CERN goes for KiCAD

   You might want to consider import/export capability for the most widely
   used commercial product (not sure what that is at the moment).
   You may want to consider the following as well:
   1) An updated tutorial that is accurate (IIRC, last edit is 2007, a bit
   long in the tooth, not to mention full of errors)
   2. Description and verification of a BoM method that works
   3. Fix tragsym, and better document how to use it
   4. Make sure the tools that your tools require/use do infact
   interoperate - For example, I recently tried to use Calc (open office
   equivalent of Excel) and could not find a way to save as text file (tab
   delimited) option that is required by tragsym....
   5. Might want to provide a comprehensive and accurate
   description/document for schematic symbol creation and strongly suggest
   using that approach.  I tried three approaches and the only one that
   had the shortest learning curve and works was a utube tutorial I found
   (it was the best I found and not even referenced anywhere in the
   gscheme website). I understand the 'freedom' to chose one of N ways to
   do development, or even write your own and hang it out there, but it
   really needs to work.
   So, someone followed up one of my posts (I admit it was a bit of a
   rant) that nothing would make me happy....well, actually tools that
   work according to their usage documentation, and tools that seamlessly
   interoperate would make me happy. My experience with what I tried
   clearly does not do this. Once I finally got to generating a PCB I lost
   my desire to keep forging ahead.  The  whole deal with m4 libraries
   versus the others kept nagging at me....did I make the 'right' choice?
   Is this going to somehow screw me in the end?....
   Anyway, I switched to using KiCAD and it was like going from driving a
   FIAT stick to driving a 911 stick...
   Why am I saying all this?  If someone at CERN who was not to familiar
   with gEDA picked it up to try and evaluate it, and did the same with
   KiCAD, and experienced the same problems I did, they would not be
   impressed, despite the dogma that is perpetuated about not being forced
   into one design paradigm....The other reason is if someone doesn't
   provide feedback the developers are going to thing everything is just
   I am trying to provide useful feedback based on my experience.
   I still 'watch' what is happening here, eventhough I have begun using
   other tools, mainly because I think the concept is stronger and that it
   would get better in time.

   On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Peter Clifton <[1]pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx>

   On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 20:37 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
   > > sad.
   > Which part?  The part where CERN found an open source app they liked,
   > or the part where they're going to contribute to OSS?

     Sounds like a few "spare" cycles working on KiCad file-format import
     export for our tools might be a wise move if we want them to
     after they have tried KiCAD.
     Peter Clifton
     Electrical Engineering Division,
     Engineering Department,
     University of Cambridge,
     9, JJ Thomson Avenue,
     CB3 0FA
     Tel: [2]+44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
     Tel: [3]+44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)
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