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Re: gEDA-user: New gtk menu system

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

> Here is some visual feedback. It brightens the swatches when
> the mouse is over the row, a little bit. Let me know what you
> think of it.
This feedback is in git-head now. However, it is a very subtle effect. 
Much too suptle for my taste. I can hardly tell the difference, if the 
mouse is at rest. Compare this to the strong optical feeedback the 
traditional layer buttons provided: A frame colored in GTKs select 
color combined with an inverted font color. You can easily spot the 
button, the mouse is over, even on a black&white screenshot.

IMHO, an increase in size would work better - Much like many desktop 
manager do, when they prelight icons on mouse-over. Best would be 
a changed background. (Did I understand you correctly, that this can't 
be done easily with the chosen widget?)

Kai-Martin Knaak, Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Still unhappy with moderation of geda-user. 
Why? Because it is completely intransparent.

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