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Re: gEDA-user: New gtk menu system

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 02:29:04AM +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Andrew Poelstra wrote:
> > Here is some visual feedback. It brightens the swatches when
> > the mouse is over the row, a little bit. Let me know what you
> > think of it.
> > 
> This feedback is in git-head now. However, it is a very subtle effect. 
> Much too suptle for my taste. I can hardly tell the difference, if the 
> mouse is at rest. Compare this to the strong optical feeedback the 
> traditional layer buttons provided: A frame colored in GTKs select 
> color combined with an inverted font color. You can easily spot the 
> button, the mouse is over, even on a black&white screenshot.

Why do you want this feedback? The highlighting is meant to give a
tactile feel to the layer selector, nothing more. Pcb doesn't care
what layer the mouse is over. The user shouldn't care what layer
the mouse is over.

Screenshots usually don't even have a cursor in them. Having one
layer with a bigger swatch would then be completely meaningless,
and confusing.

The old highlight mode was awful. If the layer was visible, it
would simply change the text color to black (making it hard to
read over the colors, which by default are almost all dark).
(The default gtk button prelighting is even less visible than
my layer swatch business -- look at the "Route Styles" button.)

If the layer wasn't visible, there was no indication on the
button what color it was. If you then hovered over it, the color
would re-appear, making it impossible to tell whether or not the
layer was visible!
> IMHO, an increase in size would work better - Much like many desktop 
> manager do, when they prelight icons on mouse-over. Best would be 
> a changed background. (Did I understand you correctly, that this can't 
> be done easily with the chosen widget?)

Correct. We are using a treeview widget, which is essentially
a select-box. I have never seen a select box with prelighting
like you suggest, and evidently neither have the gtk folks.

Andrew Poelstra
Email: asp11 at sfu.ca OR apoelstra at wpsoftware.net
Web:   http://www.wpsoftware.net/andrew

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