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Re: src.rpm

> 1: I believe someone said that you can re-create the original directory
> structure (used for creating) of an rpm package by using the src.rpm. Is
> this true, and how? I want to check if there aren't too much files in
> it.
Yes, you can recreate it. 
rpm -i my_package.src.rpm
This has the following effects:
* the spec file gets unpacked into SPECS
* the source archive, patches, and any additional files needed for the
  package (e.g. sample config files) go into SOURCES

Thus. you are now ready to build the binary package with 
rpm -bb my_package.spec
if you so choose.

> 2: Further on that: I put the files of all the 3 packages in the BUILD
> etc. dirs before building the 3 rpms. Does this mean that a single
> package contain all the files for the 3 packages (so including those
> files not being used by it)?
No, only files which are listed in the spec file will be included; any
extra files lying around will always be ignored.

> 3: I'm confused by the SOURCES and BUILD directories. When do you switch
> from one to the other, when is one used, etc.?
SOURCES is where the source archives you're working with go originally.
BUILD is used by rpm as a working directory; rpm unpacks the source archive
(tar.gz or tar.bz) into BUILD and proceeds to build the software there.

                              S. Lockwood