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[owner-independence-l@seul.org: BOUNCE independence-l@independence.seul.org: Non-member submission from [bud@seul.org]]

This message bounced on the list because we no longer accept posts from
unsubscribeed people after having being spammed.

I am forwarding it.

About who is supposed to read the text.  I want potentail users
telling themselves : "I have tried .... who had a nice install but
didn't address my problems, this distribution looks like it is being
made by people who consider the kinds of problems I have as something
important, perhaps because they have met these problems.  It is better
to use a distribution made by people who live in _my_ world"

I want potential developpers telling themselves: "This makes sense:
many Linux users are in situations who are not contemplated by
classical Unix and need specific solutions.  We have to forget about
our own tastes and traditions and start thinking in those new user
types.  Also helping to make Indy a success would do more good to
Linux than helping ...."

You could argue that there is too much detail and that it should be in
interior pages.  Perhaps you are right.  I am not an expert at web
site design but I still think the user should see the main ideas in
the main page.  Of course if you can propose a better way to present
the goals without altering the general tone then I would be glad to
accept your proposal.

------- Start of forwarded message -------
From: owner-independence-l@seul.org
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 17:01:34 -0500
To: owner-independence-l@independence.seul.org
Subject: BOUNCE independence-l@independence.seul.org:    Non-member submission from [bud@seul.org]   
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>From owner-independence-l@seul.org  Tue Nov 23 17:01:33 1999
Received: from cran.mit.edu (IDENT:root@CRAN.MIT.EDU []) by belegost.mit.edu (8.9.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id RAA05738 for <independence-l@majordomo.independence.seul.org>; Tue, 23 Nov 1999 17:01:33 -0500
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Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:04:00 -0700
From: bud@seul.org
Message-Id: <199911232204.PAA00510@localhost.localdomain>
To: independence-l@independence.seul.org
Subject: Indy-2-rev.txt

I have made grammatical changes.

Is this the first page which a person sees when exploring the Indy web site? If
so, perhaps the page ought to spell put the reasons that Indy has formed rather
than the lack of distributions meeting some of the needs of the Linux user.
Save that for another explanatory page.

Who comes to visit the site? The new user, one trying to make up their mind of
whether Linux would be better than what they are using? Or, people who are
just exploring the possibilities of Linux? Or, people just looking for
information? Consider each and make a link within the page to direct them to
information they are looking for.

Just musing,


=============================  BEGIN ======================================

 <LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="/config/independence.css" TYPE="text/css">
 <A HREF="/index.shtml">Home</A>  
 <A HREF="/distribution/">Distribution</A>              
 <A HREF="/developers/index.shtml">Developers</A>                
 <!-- <A HREF="/software/index.shtml">Software Repository</A>        --><NOBR><A 
HREF="/thinklinux.shtml">Think Linux!</A></NOBR>
 <NOBR><A HREF="/subscribing/index.shtml">Mailing List</A></NOBR>
 <!-- <A HREF="/sitemap/index.shtml">Site Map</A> --><A 
to display image]</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER>


<H2>Why Independence?</H2>

<TITLE>Independence project: Linux for the masses</TITLE>

<h1>Independence Linux: The user's revolt</h1>

<p>We want Linux to become <STRONG>the</STRONG> dominant operating
system.  But this will not happen if Linux remains a system for an
elite, it will not happen if Linux follows the steps of a system
(Unix) who never made significant inroads in two vital areas: the
desktop and the personal computer.</p>

<h2>A distribution belonging to us, the users</H2>

Independence is not just one of these commercial distributions which
has been appearing daily for the several months.  Indy desires to be a
distribution which allows users to make known their voice in a
distribution's design.  It is built by volunteers who no longer wish accept
having an aristocracy of distribution designers who provide solutions
that have little relation to the problems faced by us, Linux users.
It is built by people who do not accept present distributions which have time
and again neglected two areas vital for Linux's future: the
desktop and the personal computer.

<h2>Why do we revolt?<h2>

Year after year, version after version, distribution designers have
been living in a nice little Unix world which has little relation with
the Linux world in which we are living today.  In Unix: one can ignore private
users and small organizations, they quite simply can't afford the cost;
ignore workstations because, for most tasks, Windows was so much cheaper where
Unix was not a contender; can assume the user has a system administrator
who cares for the box and the system administrator reading the docs necessary
to the system for weeks because only big organizations could afford Unix -- 
that means there are other people doing real work while the system
administrator tunes his skills. </p>

In Linux, or in any affordable system, you cannot ignore the small
company, the private user or the workstation.  However, eight years
after Linux was created distribution designers are still unaware of
this basic fact.  They are still shipping servers which are an overkill
for small organizations, they are still giving a far better treatment
to LAN users than to a dial-up user, and despite the availability of
office suites, they seem unable to think outside the realm of servers and
include productivity software, or, the tools you will need if your Linux box is
a client of an NT box.  Eight years after the creation of Linux, distribution
designers haven't learned to think of software for private users as
something as important as Apache or Samba or, that you have to think of
users who don't have a system administrator to care for them.

We at project Independence, think that the Linux user is different from
the Unix user, that Linux has potential to go where Unix never went
and that means we need Linux specific solutions.  We have waited
and waited and waited for the day we would get a distribution designed
for the Linux user in mind.  We are tired of waiting.  We think the
users who are presently neglected, while far less influential than
those who use Linux in traditional Unix roles, are in fact far
more important for the future of Linux.  We think it is time for Linux
users taking charge.  That is why we made Independence.

<H2>The Independence distribution</h2>

Independence is a free distribution designed by users for users and
particularly those who are being left out by present distributions.
You can find more info about the distribution in the <A HREF="/distribution/"> 
distribution page</A>
 You can find more info about Indy in the<A HREF="/distribution/"> 
distribution page</A>.
Independence is volunteer work, we will progress faster 
if<STRONG>you</STRONG> participate.  If you believe that Linux users 
are different and need <A HREF="/thinklinux.shtml"> 

Independence is volunteer work and it will make faster progress if
<STRONG>you</STRONG> participate.  If you believe that the Linux user
is different and needs <HREF <STRONG>Linux</STRONG> solutions Think
Linux>, if you believe that we, users in the front line, are in the
best position to determine what is good for us, if you want the use of Linux
to spread beyond its present niche and would like to <STRONG>ACT</ACT><A
HREF="/subscribing/index.shtml">join us!</A>

<p>To keep yourself informed about Independence progress subscribe to
our mailing list by sending a e-mail to <strong>majordomo@seul.org</strong>
with no subject or signature and <strong>subscribe
independence-l</strong> in the body of the message.
<HR><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><STRONG> Project coordinator</STRONG>
 <A HREF="jfm2@club-internet.fr">jfm2@club-inter">mailto:jfm2@club-internet.fr">jfm2@club-inter
net.fr </A></TD><TD><STRONG>Web Weaver</STRONG>
 <A HREF="elflord@pegasus.rutgers.edumailto:elflord@pegasus.rutgers.edu">elflo
rd@pegasus.rutgers.edu></TD><TD><STRONG>Mailing list subscriptions </STRONG>
 </A>majordomo@seul.org>(put subscribe independence-l in the 
body)</TD></TR></TABLE><!-- Close the global table --></TD></TR></TABLE>
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