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Re: [Libevent-users] ev_send_error() and friends

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 13:50 -0400, Nick Mathewson wrote:
> > If you have no objections, feel free to apply it.
> Done, with minor tweaking to make it C90-compliant.

Great. Sorry about the C99 thing - why don't you add the appropriate
compiler switch to the build system? Wouldn't have happened then. :-)

> > 1. The reason parameter is now redundant, everywhere, at all send
> > routines. You should probably always set it to NULL, both for
> > semi-correctness and to save some bytes of space (it will still do the
> > same thing as before if you give it a value though).
> > That's unfortunate but unavoidable if you want to keep compatibility.
> Yup; not a huge disaster.

Of-course it's not - but it's something I believe should be targeted to
be resolved in a major release... either by renaming them all
(personally I wouldn't like that) or by providing a set of macros which
silently drop the parameter (probably put in the compat header).

Wouldn't provide _true_ compatibility (because the correct status
response would be emitted instead)... It's up to you (well. just stating
the obvious :-).

> The first patch is IMO a bug fix, but the second patch is
> definitely a new feature, and I don't want to break the feature-freeze
> for 2.0.x even for probably harmless stuff.

Agreed. What's the time-table for opening up a 2.1 branch? I'm just
starting development - currently with my patch for all the error
responses - of an application, and I have no problem dog-food-testing
other people's contributions.

(Another reason I'm asking because I strongly suspect the evhttp API is
lacking support for the stuff I want to do, and instead of redoing
evhttp on-top of evbufferevent I will keep touching the code).

Of-course I have no problem with sticking to my local git repository for
now (or indefinitely, personally I don't care :-)

> I've changed the behavior of "make verify" in Git so that it should be
> better at displaying what test actually fails for you.  You can also
> get more verbose output from older versions of Libevent by running
> ./test/regress manually.  Could you please add a bugtracker entry for
> the unit test that's failing for you?



Stating the obvious again - if you need any more information about my
system... just ask. :-)

On a side note - as I have been doing mostly proprietary work in the
last few years... I really enjoy the F/OSS "bazaar style" development
process again...

I also learn to love git again - my experience with it dates back to my
collaboration with the Wine project a few years back...



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