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[Libevent-users] evbuffer_add_file() file descriptor exhaustion experiment


I am struggling with exhaustion of file descriptors when using
evbuffer_add_file(). My application responds to every line of input with
contents of a file. I don't know how to efficiently control open
descriptors number so when input rate is high I hit the open file
descriptors limit very quickly. I would like to ask how to resolve the
problem correctly. I have seen that long time ago someone has asked a
similar question[1], but there was no answer.

I attach a short source code to present my problem.

Ideas made up so far (excerpt from the attached source):
    Bad ideas:
    1. Depending on bytes count in the output evbuffer would be 
       troublesome if the sent file changes between 
       evbuffer_add_file() calls -- it would require a list of last 
       N file sizes to check if evbuffer size is below the sum of N-K 
       sizes (N - high water, N-K - low water).
    2. Checking fd number returned from open() wouldn't be enough
       because after sending contents associated with the oldest call 
       to evbuffer_add_file() the fd number is freed and the next 
       call to open() returns a low number even though descriptors 
       with higher numbers are still in use.
    3. Iterating through file descriptors to check their states seems 
    4. Listing files from /proc/self/fd seems inefficient.
    5. One could implement a rate limit on requests but it's a quirk.  
       There is no guarantee of the output rate.
    6. ???
    Possibly useful ideas:
    1. extend evbuffer_cb_info to have open file descriptors count
    2. implement evbuffer descriptor closed callback
    3. implement a function to check evbuffer open descriptors count
    4. ???

[1] http://archives.seul.org/libevent/users/Nov-2011/msg00019.html

Marcin Szewczyk                       http://wodny.org
mailto:Marcin.Szewczyk@xxxxxxxxxx  <- remove b / usuÅ b
xmpp:wodny@xxxxxxxxx                  xmpp:wodny@xxxxxxxxxx
/* evbuffer_add_file() file descriptor exhaustion experiment
 * it connects to CONN_ADDRESS and for every received line it responds with
 * contents of a file specified by argv[1]
 * feeding command:
 *      (while true; do echo hello; done) | nc -q0 -l -p 5000
 * version: 0.1
 * gcc evbuffer_add_file.c -o evbuffer_add_file -levent -Wall -pedantic -std=gnu99 -g
 * Marcin Szewczyk <libevent at wodny.org>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <event2/event.h>
#include <event2/bufferevent.h>
#include <event2/buffer.h>

#define CONN_ADDRESS ""

void logmsg (const char* message, ...) {
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, message);
    vfprintf(stderr, message, args);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

struct context {
    struct sockaddr_in maddr;
    char *fpath;
    struct evbuffer* evbuff_in;
    struct evbuffer* evbuff_out;

void event_cb (struct bufferevent *bev, short events, void *ptr) {
    struct context *ctx = ptr;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    socklen_t size = sizeof (addr);
    int retval;

    if (events & BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED) {
        retval = getpeername (bufferevent_getfd (bev), (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &size);
        if (retval) {
            logmsg ("rejected connection");
        } else {
            logmsg ("connected");
            ctx->evbuff_in  = bufferevent_get_input(bev);
            ctx->evbuff_out = bufferevent_get_output(bev);
    } else if (events & BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT) {
        logmsg ("timeout");
        bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ|EV_WRITE);
    } else if (events & (BEV_EVENT_ERROR|BEV_EVENT_EOF)) {
        logmsg ("connection closed");
        exit (0);

void read_cb (struct bufferevent *bev, void *ptr) {
    struct context *ctx = ptr;
    char *line;
    size_t len;
    struct stat stat_;
    int fd;

    // How to implement a limit?
    // Bad ideas:
    // 1. Depending on bytes count in the output evbuffer would be 
    //    troublesome if the sent file changes between 
    //    evbuffer_add_file() calls -- it would require a list of last 
    //    N file sizes to check if evbuffer size is below the sum of N-K 
    //    sizes (N - high water, N-K - low water).
    // 2. Checking fd number returned from open() wouldn't be enough
    //    because after sending contents associated with the oldest call 
    //    to evbuffer_add_file() the fd number is freed and the next 
    //    call to open() returns a low number even though descriptors 
    //    with higher numbers are still in use.
    // 3. Iterating through file descriptors to check their states seems 
    //    inefficient.
    // 4. Listing files from /proc/self/fd seems inefficient.
    // 5. One could implement a rate limit on requests but it's a quirk.  
    //    There is no guarantee of the output rate.
    // 6. ???
    // Possibly useful ideas:
    // 1. extend evbuffer_cb_info to have open file descriptors count
    // 2. implement evbuffer descriptor closed callback
    // 3. implement a function to check evbuffer open descriptors count
    // 4. ???

    logmsg ("entered read_cb");

    while ((line = evbuffer_readln (ctx->evbuff_in, &len, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF))) {
        logmsg ("got line (output evbuffer length: %ld", evbuffer_get_length (ctx->evbuff_out));
        fd = open (ctx->fpath, O_RDONLY);
        if (fd < 0)
            error (1, errno, "open");
        fstat (fd, &stat_);
        evbuffer_add_file (ctx->evbuff_out, fd, 0, stat_.st_size);

struct bufferevent* connection_new (struct event_base *base, struct context *ctx) {
    int conn;
    struct bufferevent *bev;

    conn = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    evutil_make_socket_nonblocking (conn);

    // removing BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS doesn't help
    bev = bufferevent_socket_new (base, conn, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE | BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS);
    if (bev == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // not effective
    bufferevent_setwatermark (bev, EV_READ, 0, 100);

    bufferevent_setcb (bev, read_cb, NULL, event_cb, ctx);

    bufferevent_enable (bev, EV_READ|EV_WRITE);
    bufferevent_socket_connect (bev, (struct sockaddr*)&ctx->maddr, sizeof (ctx->maddr));

    return bev;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    struct event_base *base;
    struct bufferevent *bev;
    struct context ctx;
    struct sigaction newaction;
    int len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
    int retval;

    if (argc != 2)
        error (1, 0, "filename required");

    memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof (struct context));
    ctx.fpath = argv[1];

    retval = evutil_parse_sockaddr_port (CONN_ADDRESS, (struct sockaddr*)&ctx.maddr, &len);
    if (retval)
        error (1, 0, "failed to parse address");

    memset (&newaction, 0, sizeof(newaction));
    newaction.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    sigaction (SIGPIPE, &newaction, NULL);

    base = event_base_new ();
    if (base == NULL)
        error (1, 0, "failed to create libevent base");

    bev = connection_new (base, &ctx);
    if (bev == NULL)
        error (1, 0, "failed to create bufferevent");

    event_base_dispatch (base);

    return 0;