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Re: Best API?

Gareth Noyce wrote:

> > Big things sometimes starts this way, you know! Quadra is in the direct
> > lineage of Remtris 1 and 2, which were for the sole fun of the computer
> > club at my college! :-)
> Well, I don't think my little seal basher game is gonna generate anything
> more than derisive howls of laughter! ;-)

Hehehe, you should have seen Remtris 1, this was *nothing* like Quadra!
Basically, the only idea that comes from Remtris 1 itself is the
"gravity" (what causes chain reactions). It was ugly, slow, flicked, and
sucked abundantly.

But it was a lot of fun nonetheless! :-)

> > The fact is some guy in the world probably already made a library to do
> > what you want to do that is both more general and much faster/optimized
> > than you'll ever be able to make it. Unless you really are an expert.
> > Are you an *expert*?
> Which leads me nicely back to the 'Best API' question. So far I've got one
> vote for the toolkit used for Railroad Tycoon. Any other offers?!

Yes, SDL is very nice and quite fast. Clanlib is also nice, but I find
SDL more to the point, where Clanlib tries more to be a grand scheme of
things (which isn't bad neither). Big point is that SDL is in C and
Clanlib in C++. Clanlib can thus only be used in C++ (maybe you could
write a C wrapper for it), where SDL can be used in both C and C++, but
a C++ hacker might not like having to use a C API in his C++ programs...

Pierre Phaneuf
Ludus Design, http://ludusdesign.com/
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you. Then you win." -- Gandhi