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Re: Invalid certificate

Hi Nick,

On second try, everything worked fine. Thanks.

Here is the first server route that failed:
Nov 26 17:49:57.723 [INFO] Selected path is

I checked the time and date controls.. The clock is updated by Apple time
automatically. Since I live in Arizona, I did go through a time zone change
last month but not a change in time.

Guess it's all okay !

Thanks again,

nickm@freehaven.net at nickm@freehaven.net wrote on 11/26/03 10:09 PM:

> Bryce wrote:
>> I recently upgraded to Panther (Mac OS X). My first attempt at using
>> mixminion produced this result:
>> Mixminion version 0.0.5
>> .
>> . etc.
>> Nov 26 18:01:12.910 [INFO] Generating payload(s)...
>> Nov 26 18:01:13.329 [INFO] Message queued
>> Nov 26 18:01:13.333 [INFO] Connecting...
>> Nov 26 18:01:14.429 [INFO] Error while delivering message; leaving in queue
>> ERROR: ('Invalid certificate: %s', 'Certificate has expired')
>> Do I need to regenerate the Mixminion client-ware"
> Hm.  Before you take that route, check out whether maybe your clock is
> set wrong.  (Check time, date, and timezone.)  If everything is
> working correctly, then you should only see this error message if you
> get a certificate whose expiry time is earlier than your current clock
> time.
> If you _still_ get this error, could you send me the following info:
>  - A list of which server(s) give you this error when you try to
>    connect to them.  All, or just a few?
>  - A pointer to a tarball containing all of your compiled software.
>    (The contents of ~/lib/python2.?/site-packages/mixminion will do
>    nicely.)  [I just upgraded to 10.3 myself, so I'd like a chance to
>    check this out.]
> Yours,

To carry yourself forward and experience myriad things is delusion. That
myriad things come forth and experience themselves is awakening.

-- Buddha