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[tor-commits] [translation/vidalia_installer] Update translations for vidalia_installer

commit 97af52218fd861b8a89f8ae4ceb40e353bc2ec27
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Feb 13 10:19:35 2012 +0000

    Update translations for vidalia_installer
 ar/vidalia_ar.po       |   62 ++++++-------------------------------
 az/vidalia_az.po       |   59 +++++------------------------------
 ca/vidalia_ca.po       |   56 +++++++---------------------------
 cs/vidalia_cs.po       |   65 ++++++++-------------------------------
 cy/vidalia_cy.po       |   34 ++++-----------------
 da/vidalia_da.po       |   71 ++++++++-----------------------------------
 de/vidalia_de.po       |   74 ++++++++-------------------------------------
 el/vidalia_el.po       |   74 ++++++++------------------------------------
 es/vidalia_es.po       |   74 ++++++++------------------------------------
 et/vidalia_et.po       |   73 ++++++++------------------------------------
 eu/vidalia_eu.po       |   66 ++++++++--------------------------------
 fa/vidalia_fa.po       |   59 +++++++-----------------------------
 fi/vidalia_fi.po       |   70 +++++++-----------------------------------
 fr/vidalia_fr.po       |   79 ++++++++---------------------------------------
 he/vidalia_he.po       |   55 ++++++---------------------------
 hu/vidalia_hu.po       |   75 +++++++++------------------------------------
 id/vidalia_id.po       |   52 +++++++-------------------------
 it/vidalia_it.po       |   73 ++++++++------------------------------------
 ja/vidalia_ja.po       |    8 +----
 ko/vidalia_ko.po       |   48 ++++-------------------------
 my/vidalia_my.po       |   57 +++++++----------------------------
 nb/vidalia_nb.po       |   52 ++++++-------------------------
 nl/vidalia_nl.po       |   69 +++++++----------------------------------
 pl/vidalia_pl.po       |   72 ++++++++-----------------------------------
 pt/vidalia_pt.po       |   70 ++++++++----------------------------------
 pt_BR/vidalia_pt_BR.po |   72 ++++++++-----------------------------------
 ro/vidalia_ro.po       |   76 ++++++++--------------------------------------
 ru/vidalia_ru.po       |   73 ++++++++-----------------------------------
 sv/vidalia_sv.po       |   58 +++++++----------------------------
 templates/vidalia.pot  |   62 ++++++-------------------------------
 th/vidalia_th.po       |   12 +------
 tr/vidalia_tr.po       |   70 +++++++-----------------------------------
 uk/vidalia_uk.po       |   20 ++----------
 vi/vidalia_vi.po       |   51 ++++++-------------------------
 zh_CN/vidalia_zh_CN.po |   42 ++++----------------------
 zh_TW/vidalia_zh_TW.po |   20 ++----------
 36 files changed, 381 insertions(+), 1722 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ar/vidalia_ar.po b/ar/vidalia_ar.po
index 4b63cf5..4983c35 100644
--- a/ar/vidalia_ar.po
+++ b/ar/vidalia_ar.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?Ø°Ù? اÙ?Ù?اÙ?ذة سترشدÙ? Ø®Ù?اÙ? تÙ?صÙ?ب تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Polipo Ù?Ù?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر.\n"
-"تÙ?ر عبارة عÙ? برÙ?اÙ?ج Ù?استخداÙ? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ع اÙ?Ø­Ù?اظ عÙ?Ù? Ù?جÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø©Ø? بحÙ?Ø« Ù?ساعد Ù?Ù? إخÙ?اء Ù?Ù?Ù?تÙ? أثÙ?اء اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?اÙ?Ù?شر عÙ?Ù? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?تØ? Ù?براÙ?ج اÙ?تراسÙ? اÙ?Ù?Ù?رÙ? Ù?غÙ?رÙ?ا. Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?اجÙ?Ø© استخداÙ? تساعدÙ? Ù?Ù? اÙ?تحÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù?راÙ?بة Ù?ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر.\n"
-"Polipo Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? (برÙ?Ù?سÙ?) اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ستخدÙ? Ù?Ø­Ù?ظ Ù?Ù?Ù?ات Ù?ؤÙ?تة تساعد Ù?Ù? زÙ?ادة سرعة اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ أثÙ?اء استخداÙ? تÙ?ر.\n"
-"Ù?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر(Torbutton) Ù?Ù? إضاÙ?Ø© Ù?Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س تسÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù? بتشغÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù? تعطÙ?Ù? إخÙ?اء اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© أثÙ?اء اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?بسرعة Ù?سÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø©.\n"
-"Ø¥Ù? Ù?Ù?ت Ù?د Ù?صبت تÙ?ر Ø£Ù? Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ø£Ù? Polipo Ø£Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س Ù?Ù? اÙ?سابÙ? Ù?رجÙ? اÙ?تأÙ?د Ù?Ù? Ø£Ù? Ø£Ù?Ù?Ù? غÙ?ر Ù?شغÙ?Ù?Ù? أثÙ?اء تÙ?صÙ?ب اÙ?برÙ?اÙ?ج.\n"
+msgstr "Ù?Ø°Ù? اÙ?Ù?اÙ?ذة سترشدÙ? Ø®Ù?اÙ? تÙ?صÙ?ب تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Polipo Ù?Ù?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر.\n\nتÙ?ر عبارة عÙ? برÙ?اÙ?ج Ù?استخداÙ? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ع اÙ?Ø­Ù?اظ عÙ?Ù? Ù?جÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø©Ø? بحÙ?Ø« Ù?ساعد Ù?Ù? إخÙ?اء Ù?Ù?Ù?تÙ? أثÙ?اء اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?اÙ?Ù?شر عÙ?Ù? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?تØ? Ù?براÙ?ج اÙ?تراسÙ? اÙ?Ù?Ù?رÙ? Ù?غÙ?رÙ?ا. Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?اجÙ?Ø© استخداÙ? تساعدÙ? Ù?Ù? اÙ?تحÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù?راÙ?بة Ù?ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر.\n\nPolipo Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? (برÙ?Ù?سÙ?) اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ستخدÙ? Ù?Ø­Ù?ظ Ù?Ù?Ù?ات Ù?ؤÙ?تة تساعد Ù?Ù? زÙ?ادة سرعة اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ أثÙ?اء استخداÙ? تÙ?ر.\n\nÙ?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر(Torbutton) Ù?Ù? إضاÙ?Ø© Ù?Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س تسÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù? بتشغÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù? تعطÙ?Ù? إخÙ?اء اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© أثÙ?اء اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?بسرعة Ù?سÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø©.\n\nØ¥Ù? Ù?Ù?ت Ù?د Ù?صبت تÙ?ر Ø£Ù? Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ø£Ù? Polipo Ø£Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س Ù?Ù? ا
 Ù?سابÙ? Ù?رجÙ? اÙ?تأÙ?د Ù?Ù? Ø£Ù? Ø£Ù?Ù?Ù? غÙ?ر Ù?شغÙ?Ù?Ù? أثÙ?اء تÙ?صÙ?ب اÙ?برÙ?اÙ?ج.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"اÙ?تÙ?Ù?ت عÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø© اÙ?تÙ?صÙ?ب.\n"
-"Ù?رجÙ? Ù?راجعة https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows Ù?تعÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© ضبط إعدادات تطبÙ?Ù?اتÙ? Ù?استخداÙ? تÙ?ر.\n"
-"Ø¥Ù? Ù?Ù?ت Ù?د Ù?صبت Ù?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر سÙ?تÙ?جب عÙ?Ù?Ù? إعادة تشغÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س."
+msgstr "اÙ?تÙ?Ù?ت عÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø© اÙ?تÙ?صÙ?ب.\nÙ?رجÙ? Ù?راجعة https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows Ù?تعÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© ضبط إعدادات تطبÙ?Ù?اتÙ? Ù?استخداÙ? تÙ?ر.\n\nØ¥Ù? Ù?Ù?ت Ù?د Ù?صبت Ù?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر سÙ?تÙ?جب عÙ?Ù?Ù? إعادة تشغÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,8 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Ù?Ù? بتشغÙ?Ù? اÙ?برÙ?اÙ?ج اÙ?Ø¢Ù?"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?اجÙ?Ø© استخداÙ? تساعدÙ? عÙ?Ù? اÙ?تحÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù?راÙ?بة Ù?ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر."
+msgstr "Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?اجÙ?Ø© استخداÙ? تساعدÙ? عÙ?Ù? اÙ?تحÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù?راÙ?بة Ù?ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -87,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"سÙ?رشدÙ? Ù?عاÙ?ج اÙ?إعداد Ù?ذا Ø®Ù?اÙ? عÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø© تÙ?صÙ?ب Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?اجÙ?Ø© استخداÙ? تساعدÙ? عÙ?Ù? اÙ?تحÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù?راÙ?بة Ù?ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر.\n"
+msgstr "سÙ?رشدÙ? Ù?عاÙ?ج اÙ?إعداد Ù?ذا Ø®Ù?اÙ? عÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø© تÙ?صÙ?ب Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?اجÙ?Ø© استخداÙ? تساعدÙ? عÙ?Ù? اÙ?تحÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù?راÙ?بة Ù?ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -128,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"تÙ?ر عبارة عÙ? برÙ?اÙ?ج Ù?استخداÙ? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ع اÙ?Ø­Ù?اظ عÙ?Ù? Ù?جÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø©Ø? بحÙ?Ø« "
-"Ù?ساعد Ù?Ù? إخÙ?اء Ù?Ù?Ù?تÙ? أثÙ?اء اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?اÙ?Ù?شر عÙ?Ù? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?تØ? Ù?براÙ?ج اÙ?تراسÙ? اÙ?Ù?Ù?رÙ?"
-" Ù?غÙ?رÙ?ا."
+msgstr "تÙ?ر عبارة عÙ? برÙ?اÙ?ج Ù?استخداÙ? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ع اÙ?Ø­Ù?اظ عÙ?Ù? Ù?جÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø©Ø? بحÙ?Ø« Ù?ساعد Ù?Ù? إخÙ?اء Ù?Ù?Ù?تÙ? أثÙ?اء اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?اÙ?Ù?شر عÙ?Ù? اÙ?اÙ?ترÙ?تØ? Ù?براÙ?ج اÙ?تراسÙ? اÙ?Ù?Ù?رÙ? Ù?غÙ?رÙ?ا."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -146,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?دÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù? ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر بشÙ?Ù? Ù?سبÙ?.$\n"
-"Ù?Ù? ترÙ?د اÙ?Ù?تابة Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? بعÙ?Ù?Ø© Ù?Ù?Ù? اÙ?إعداد اÙ?اÙ?تراضÙ?Ø©Ø?"
+msgstr "Ù?دÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù? ضبط إعدادات تÙ?ر بشÙ?Ù? Ù?سبÙ?.$\n$\nÙ?Ù? ترÙ?د اÙ?Ù?تابة Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? بعÙ?Ù?Ø© Ù?Ù?Ù? اÙ?إعداد اÙ?اÙ?تراضÙ?Ø©Ø?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -171,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? (برÙ?Ù?سÙ?) اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ستخدÙ? Ù?Ø­Ù?ظ Ù?Ù?Ù?ات Ù?ؤÙ?تة تساعد Ù?Ù? زÙ?ادة سرعة "
-"اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ أثÙ?اء استخداÙ? تÙ?ر."
+msgstr "Polipo Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? (برÙ?Ù?سÙ?) اÙ?ترÙ?ت Ù?ستخدÙ? Ù?Ø­Ù?ظ Ù?Ù?Ù?ات Ù?ؤÙ?تة تساعد Ù?Ù? زÙ?ادة سرعة اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ أثÙ?اء استخداÙ? تÙ?ر."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -203,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر Ù?Ù? إضاÙ?Ø© Ù?Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س تسÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù? بتشغÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù? تعطÙ?Ù? إخÙ?اء اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© أثÙ?اء "
-"اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ بسرعة Ù?سÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø©."
+msgstr "Ù?Ù?تاح تÙ?ر Ù?Ù? إضاÙ?Ø© Ù?Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س تسÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù? بتشغÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù? تعطÙ?Ù? إخÙ?اء اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ø© أثÙ?اء اÙ?تصÙ?Ø­ بسرعة Ù?سÙ?Ù?Ù?Ø©."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -257,13 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù?زÙ?Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?س غÙ?ر Ù?ثبت Ù?Ù? حاسÙ?بÙ?.\n"
-"تÙ?ر Ù?عÙ?Ù? Ù?ع باÙ?Ù? اÙ?Ù?تصÙ?حاتØ? Ù?Ø«Ù? اÙ?Ø¥Ù?ترÙ?ت Ø¥Ù?سبÙ?Ù?ررØ? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?\n"
-"Ù?Ù? اÙ?سÙ?Ù? إسÙ?عÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?ع اÙ?Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?سØ? اÙ?Ø°Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? بحÙ?اÙ?Ø© Ù?Ù?Ù?تÙ? بشÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù?ضÙ?.\n"
-"إذا اردت تÙ?صÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س, رجاءاÙ? إضغط عÙ?Ù? Ø¥Ù?غاءØ? Ø«Ù? إذÙ?ب \n"
-"Ø¥Ù?Ù? صÙ?حة تحÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س عÙ?Ù?"
+msgstr "Ù?تصÙ?Ø­ Ù?Ù?زÙ?Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?س غÙ?ر Ù?ثبت Ù?Ù? حاسÙ?بÙ?.\nتÙ?ر Ù?عÙ?Ù? Ù?ع باÙ?Ù? اÙ?Ù?تصÙ?حاتØ? Ù?Ø«Ù? اÙ?Ø¥Ù?ترÙ?ت Ø¥Ù?سبÙ?Ù?ررØ? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?\nÙ?Ù? اÙ?سÙ?Ù? إسÙ?عÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?ع اÙ?Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?سØ? اÙ?Ø°Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? بحÙ?اÙ?Ø© Ù?Ù?Ù?تÙ? بشÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù?ضÙ?.\n\nإذا اردت تÙ?صÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س, رجاءاÙ? إضغط عÙ?Ù? Ø¥Ù?غاءØ? Ø«Ù? إذÙ?ب \nØ¥Ù?Ù? صÙ?حة تحÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?س عÙ?Ù?"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -272,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"بعد اتÙ?اÙ? تÙ?صÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?سØ? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? تشغÙ?Ù?\n"
-"Ù?Ù?Ù? تÙ?صÙ?ب تÙ?ر Ù?رة أخرÙ?.\n"
-"Ø£Ù? إذا Ù?Ù?ت تÙ?ضÙ? تثبÙ?ت تÙ?ر بدÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?سØ? ببساطة\n"
-"إضغط \"اÙ?تاÙ?Ù?\" Ù?Ù?استÙ?رار"
+msgstr "بعد اتÙ?اÙ? تÙ?صÙ?ب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?سØ? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? تشغÙ?Ù?\nÙ?Ù?Ù? تÙ?صÙ?ب تÙ?ر Ù?رة أخرÙ?.\n\nØ£Ù? إذا Ù?Ù?ت تÙ?ضÙ? تثبÙ?ت تÙ?ر بدÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?Ù?Ù?سØ? ببساطة\nإضغط \"اÙ?تاÙ?Ù?\" Ù?Ù?استÙ?رار"
diff --git a/az/vidalia_az.po b/az/vidalia_az.po
index dd57986..c8faf4e 100755
--- a/az/vidalia_az.po
+++ b/az/vidalia_az.po
@@ -33,18 +33,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bu proqram Tor, Vidalia. Polipo vÉ? TordüymÉ?si yüklÉ?mÉ?lÉ?ri É?rzindÉ? sizÉ? bÉ?lÉ?dçilik edÉ?cÉ?k.â?? \n"
-"â?? \n"
-"Tor Ä°nternetdÉ?n anonim istifadÉ? etmÉ?k üçün sistemdir. SizÉ? anonim veb sÉ?yyahları vÉ? dÉ?rclÉ?ri, tÉ?cili mÉ?sajları, Ä°RC vÉ? daha çoxunda istifadÉ?yÉ? kömÉ?k edir.Vidalia GUÄ° olmaqla sizÉ? monitoru vÉ? Toru tÉ?Å?kil etmÉ?kdÉ? kömÉ?k edir.â?? \n"
-"â?? \n"
-"Polipo Tor Å?É?bÉ?kÉ?sinin iÅ?ini güclÉ?ndirmÉ?yÉ? malik bir sistemdir.â?? \n"
-"â?? \n"
-"Tor düymÉ?si Firefoxla sizÉ? hüquqi vÉ? ya qeyri hüquqi gizli sÉ?yyahlarda axtarıÅ? aparasınız.â?? \n"
-"â?? \n"
-"Æ?gÉ?r sizdÉ? É?vvÉ?lcÉ?dÉ?n yüklÉ?nmiÅ? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo vÉ? ya Firefox varsa É?min olunki bu yüklÉ?mÉ? getdikdÉ? onlar davaç etmÉ?sinlÉ?r.â?? \n"
-"â?? \n"
+msgstr "Bu proqram Tor, Vidalia. Polipo vÉ? TordüymÉ?si yüklÉ?mÉ?lÉ?ri É?rzindÉ? sizÉ? bÉ?lÉ?dçilik edÉ?cÉ?k.â?? \nâ?? \nTor Ä°nternetdÉ?n anonim istifadÉ? etmÉ?k üçün sistemdir. SizÉ? anonim veb sÉ?yyahları vÉ? dÉ?rclÉ?ri, tÉ?cili mÉ?sajları, Ä°RC vÉ? daha çoxunda istifadÉ?yÉ? kömÉ?k edir.Vidalia GUÄ° olmaqla sizÉ? monitoru vÉ? Toru tÉ?Å?kil etmÉ?kdÉ? kömÉ?k edir.â?? \nâ?? \nPolipo Tor Å?É?bÉ?kÉ?sinin iÅ?ini güclÉ?ndirmÉ?yÉ? malik bir sistemdir.â?? \nâ?? \nTor düymÉ?si Firefoxla sizÉ? hüquqi vÉ? ya qeyri hüquqi gizli sÉ?yyahlarda axtarıÅ? aparasınız.â?? \nâ?? \nÆ?gÉ?r sizdÉ? É?vvÉ?lcÉ?dÉ?n yüklÉ?nmiÅ? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo vÉ? ya Firefox varsa É?min olunki bu yüklÉ?mÉ? getdikdÉ? onlar davaç etmÉ?sinlÉ?r.â?? \nâ?? \n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -60,11 +49,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"YüklÉ?nmÉ? tamamlandı.\n"
-"ZÉ?hmÉ?t olmasa Tordan istifadÉ? etmÉ?k üçün É?rizÉ?lÉ?rinizi necÉ? hazırlamaÄ?ı burdan öyrÉ?nin https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows \n"
-"Æ?gÉ?r siz Tor düymÉ?sin yüklÉ?misinizsÉ? onda siz Firefox-a yenidÉ?n baÅ?lamaÄ?a ehtiyac duyacaqsınız."
+msgstr "YüklÉ?nmÉ? tamamlandı.\nZÉ?hmÉ?t olmasa Tordan istifadÉ? etmÉ?k üçün É?rizÉ?lÉ?rinizi necÉ? hazırlamaÄ?ı burdan öyrÉ?nin https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows \n\nÆ?gÉ?r siz Tor düymÉ?sin yüklÉ?misinizsÉ? onda siz Firefox-a yenidÉ?n baÅ?lamaÄ?a ehtiyac duyacaqsınız."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -87,10 +72,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bu proqram GUÄ° nin qurmalarından olan Vidali yüklÉ?mÉ?lÉ?rindÉ? sizÉ? bÉ?lÉ?dçilik edÉ?cÉ?k vÉ? sizin idarÉ? etmÉ?nizÉ?, monitorunuza vÉ? Torun tÉ?Å?kilinÉ? kömÉ?k edÉ?cÉ?kdir.\n"
+msgstr "Bu proqram GUÄ° nin qurmalarından olan Vidali yüklÉ?mÉ?lÉ?rindÉ? sizÉ? bÉ?lÉ?dçilik edÉ?cÉ?k vÉ? sizin idarÉ? etmÉ?nizÉ?, monitorunuza vÉ? Torun tÉ?Å?kilinÉ? kömÉ?k edÉ?cÉ?kdir.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -128,10 +110,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor Ä°nternetdÉ?n anonim istifadÉ? etmÉ?k üçün sistemdir. SizÉ? anonim veb "
-"sÉ?yyahları vÉ? dÉ?rclÉ?ri, tÉ?cili mÉ?sajları, Ä°RC vÉ? daha çoxunda istifadÉ?yÉ? "
-"kömÉ?k edir."
+msgstr "Tor Ä°nternetdÉ?n anonim istifadÉ? etmÉ?k üçün sistemdir. SizÉ? anonim veb sÉ?yyahları vÉ? dÉ?rclÉ?ri, tÉ?cili mÉ?sajları, Ä°RC vÉ? daha çoxunda istifadÉ?yÉ? kömÉ?k edir."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -146,10 +125,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Siz Tor konfiqurasiyası  faylına artıq maliksiniz.$\n"
-"Siz tipik konfiqurasiya  faylı ilÉ? bunun üstünÉ? yazmaq istÉ?yirsiniz?"
+msgstr "Siz Tor konfiqurasiyası  faylına artıq maliksiniz.$\n$\nSiz tipik konfiqurasiya  faylı ilÉ? bunun üstünÉ? yazmaq istÉ?yirsiniz?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -201,9 +177,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"TordüymÉ?si Firefox É?lavÉ?sidir.o imkan verirki siz qadaÄ?a qoyulmuÅ? veb "
-"sÉ?yyahlara daxil ola bilÉ?siniz."
+msgstr "TordüymÉ?si Firefox É?lavÉ?sidir.o imkan verirki siz qadaÄ?a qoyulmuÅ? veb sÉ?yyahlara daxil ola bilÉ?siniz."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -244,9 +218,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox yüklÉ?nmÉ?di."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Biz mÉ?slÉ?hÉ?t görürük ki, É?n yaxÅ?ı tÉ?hlükÉ?sizlik üçün davam etmÉ?miÅ?dÉ?n É?vvÉ?l "
-"Firefox-u yüklÉ?yÉ?siniz."
+msgstr "Biz mÉ?slÉ?hÉ?t görürük ki, É?n yaxÅ?ı tÉ?hlükÉ?sizlik üçün davam etmÉ?miÅ?dÉ?n É?vvÉ?l Firefox-u yüklÉ?yÉ?siniz."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -257,14 +229,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox Veb sÉ?yyahı sizin kompüterinizdÉ? quraÅ?dırılmayıb.\n"
-"Tor baÅ?qa sÉ?yyahlarla iÅ?lÉ?yÉ?cÉ?k, Internet Explorer kimi, amma\n"
-"sizin anonimliyinizin qorumaÄ?ın daha asan yolu Firefox-dan\n"
-" istifadÉ? etmÉ?kdir.\n"
-"Æ?gÉ?r siz Firefox-u quraÅ?dırmaq istÉ?yirsinizsÉ?, zÉ?hmÉ?t olmasa LÉ?Ä?v etÉ? vur\n"
-"sonra Firefox u yüklyÉ?cÉ?yiniz pÉ?ncÉ?rÉ?yÉ? gedin"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox Veb sÉ?yyahı sizin kompüterinizdÉ? quraÅ?dırılmayıb.\nTor baÅ?qa sÉ?yyahlarla iÅ?lÉ?yÉ?cÉ?k, Internet Explorer kimi, amma\nsizin anonimliyinizin qorumaÄ?ın daha asan yolu Firefox-dan\n istifadÉ? etmÉ?kdir.\n\nÆ?gÉ?r siz Firefox-u quraÅ?dırmaq istÉ?yirsinizsÉ?, zÉ?hmÉ?t olmasa LÉ?Ä?v etÉ? vur\nsonra Firefox u yüklyÉ?cÉ?yiniz pÉ?ncÉ?rÉ?yÉ? gedin"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -273,10 +238,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-" Firefoxu yüklÉ?dikdÉ? siz bir dÉ?fÉ?dÉ? yenidÉ?n\n"
-" Tor qurgusunu davam etdirÉ? bilÉ?rsiniz.\n"
-"VÉ? ya É?gÉ?r siz Firefox-suz Tor quraÅ?dırmaÄ?ı üstün tutardınızsa, sadÉ?cÉ?Sonrakı -nı  kliklÉ?yÉ?rÉ?k davam edÉ? bilÉ?rsiniz."
+msgstr " Firefoxu yüklÉ?dikdÉ? siz bir dÉ?fÉ?dÉ? yenidÉ?n\n Tor qurgusunu davam etdirÉ? bilÉ?rsiniz.\n\nVÉ? ya É?gÉ?r siz Firefox-suz Tor quraÅ?dırmaÄ?ı üstün tutardınızsa, sadÉ?cÉ?Sonrakı -nı  kliklÉ?yÉ?rÉ?k davam edÉ? bilÉ?rsiniz."
diff --git a/ca/vidalia_ca.po b/ca/vidalia_ca.po
index cb21fab..f140dc1 100755
--- a/ca/vidalia_ca.po
+++ b/ca/vidalia_ca.po
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"La instal·lació s'ha completat.\n"
-"Siusplau mira https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows per coneixer com configuar les teves aplicacions utilitzant Tor.\n"
-"Si tens instal·lat Torbutton, necesites reiniciart Firefox."
+msgstr "La instal·lació s'ha completat.\nSiusplau mira https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows per coneixer com configuar les teves aplicacions utilitzant Tor.\n\nSi tens instal·lat Torbutton, necesites reiniciart Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -60,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Iniciant components instal·lats"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia es una aplicació GUI que t'ajuda a monitorar, controlar, i "
-"configurar Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia es una aplicació GUI que t'ajuda a monitorar, controlar, i configurar Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -77,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Això et guiara per la instalació de Vidalia, una aplicació GUI que t'ajudara a controlar, monitorar, i configurar Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Això et guiara per la instalació de Vidalia, una aplicació GUI que t'ajudara a controlar, monitorar, i configurar Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -92,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Pàgina principal de ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia es una aplicació GUI que t'ajuda a controlar, monitorar, i "
-"configurar Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia es una aplicació GUI que t'ajuda a controlar, monitorar, i configurar Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -120,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor es un sistema per utilitzar Internet anonimament,t'ajuda a anonimar el "
-"teu navegador i publicar, fer chat, IRC, i molt més."
+msgstr "Tor es un sistema per utilitzar Internet anonimament,t'ajuda a anonimar el teu navegador i publicar, fer chat, IRC, i molt més."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -137,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ja tenies un arxiu de configuració Tor.$\n"
-"El vols sobreescriure amb l'arxiu de configuracio per defecte?"
+msgstr "Ja tenies un arxiu de configuració Tor.$\n$\nEl vols sobreescriure amb l'arxiu de configuracio per defecte?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -192,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton es una extensió Firefox que et permet activar o desactivar "
-"rapidament el teu anonimat al navegar la web."
+msgstr "Torbutton es una extensió Firefox que et permet activar o desactivar rapidament el teu anonimat al navegar la web."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -214,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Afegir la extensió ${TORBUTTON_DESC} al Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"No s'ha trobat Firefox en el teu sistema. No s'ha instal·lat Torbutton."
+msgstr "No s'ha trobat Firefox en el teu sistema. No s'ha instal·lat Torbutton."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -236,8 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox no está instal·lat"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Et recomanem que instalis Firefox abans de continuar, per més seguretat."
+msgstr "Et recomanem que instalis Firefox abans de continuar, per més seguretat."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -248,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"El navegador Mozilla Firefox no está instal·lat al teu ordinador. \n"
-"Tor pot treballar amb altres navegadors, com internet explorer, pero \n"
-"es mes facil amb Firefox, amb el que treballa millor per \n"
-"protegir el teu anonimat.\n"
-"Si vols instal·lar Firefox, siusplau cancela , i despres ves\n"
-"a la pàgina de descarregues de Firefox a"
+msgstr "El navegador Mozilla Firefox no está instal·lat al teu ordinador. \nTor pot treballar amb altres navegadors, com internet explorer, pero \nes mes facil amb Firefox, amb el que treballa millor per \nprotegir el teu anonimat.\n\nSi vols instal·lar Firefox, siusplau cancela , i despres ves\na la pàgina de descarregues de Firefox a"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -264,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Quan tinguis Firefox instal·lat al teu ordinador, pots continuar\n"
-"amb la instal·lació de Tor.\n"
-"O si prefereixes continuar amb la instal·lació de Tor sense Firefox\n"
-"prem Next per continuar."
+msgstr "Quan tinguis Firefox instal·lat al teu ordinador, pots continuar\namb la instal·lació de Tor.\n\nO si prefereixes continuar amb la instal·lació de Tor sense Firefox\nprem Next per continuar."
diff --git a/cs/vidalia_cs.po b/cs/vidalia_cs.po
index 19d7a60..96a75e2 100644
--- a/cs/vidalia_cs.po
+++ b/cs/vidalia_cs.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Sanky <gsanky+transifex@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"This wizard will guide you through the installation of Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, and Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more. Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.Polipo is a caching web proxy that helps increase performance of browsing the web through Tor.Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or disable anonymous web browsing.If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.$_CLICK"
+msgstr "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, and Torbutton.\nTor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more. Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.Polipo is a caching web proxy that helps increase performance of browsing the web through Tor.Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or disable anonymous web browsing.If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -51,11 +49,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Instalace je dokonÄ?ena.\n"
-"Prosím navštivte https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows kde získáte více informací, jak nakonfigurovat aplikace tak, aby používaly Tor.\n"
-"Jestliže jste instalovali Torbutton, je nutné restartovat Firefox."
+msgstr "Instalace je dokonÄ?ena.\nProsím navÅ¡tivte https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows kde získáte více informací, jak nakonfigurovat aplikace tak, aby používaly Tor.\n\nJestliže jste instalovali Torbutton, je nutné restartovat Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -63,9 +57,7 @@ msgstr "Spustit nainstalované komponenty nyní"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia je uživatelské rozhraní, které vám pomůže ovládat, monitorovat a "
-"konfigurovat Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia je uživatelské rozhraní, které vám pomůže ovládat, monitorovat a konfigurovat Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -80,10 +72,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Tento průvodce vás provede instalací aplikace Vidalia, uživatelského rozhraní, které vám pomůže ovládat, monitorovat a konfigurovat Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Tento průvodce vás provede instalací aplikace Vidalia, uživatelského rozhraní, které vám pomůže ovládat, monitorovat a konfigurovat Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -95,9 +84,7 @@ msgstr "Domovská stránka aplikace ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia je uživatelské rozhraní, které vám pomůže ovládat, monitorovat a "
-"konfigurovat Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia je uživatelské rozhraní, které vám pomůže ovládat, monitorovat a konfigurovat Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -123,10 +110,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor je systém umožÅ?ující používat internet anonymnÄ?, který vám pomůže "
-"anonymnÄ? surfovat webem a publikovat informace, používat instant messaging, "
-"IRC a mnohem více."
+msgstr "Tor je systém umožÅ?ující používat internet anonymnÄ?, který vám pomůže anonymnÄ? surfovat webem a publikovat informace, používat instant messaging, IRC a mnohem více."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -141,10 +125,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vy již máte Tor konfiguraÄ?ní soubor.$\n"
-"Chcete jej pÅ?epsat defaultním ukázkovým konfiguraÄ?ním souborem?"
+msgstr "Vy již máte Tor konfiguraÄ?ní soubor.$\n$\nChcete jej pÅ?epsat defaultním ukázkovým konfiguraÄ?ním souborem?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -166,9 +147,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo je webová proxy, která zvyšuje výkon z prohlížení webových stránek "
-"prostÅ?ednictvím Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo je webová proxy, která zvyÅ¡uje výkon z prohlížení webových stránek prostÅ?ednictvím Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -198,9 +177,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton je rozšíÅ?ení Firefoxu, které vám umožní jednoduÅ¡e povolit, nebo "
-"zakázat anonymní surfování webem."
+msgstr "Torbutton je rozšíÅ?ení Firefoxu, které vám umožní jednoduÅ¡e povolit, nebo zakázat anonymní surfování webem."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -241,9 +218,7 @@ msgstr "Není nainstalován Firefox."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Než budete pokraÄ?ovat, doporuÄ?ujeme nainstalovat prohlížeÄ? Firefox, pro "
-"vyšší bezpeÄ?nost."
+msgstr "Než budete pokraÄ?ovat, doporuÄ?ujeme nainstalovat prohlížeÄ? Firefox, pro vyšší bezpeÄ?nost."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -254,14 +229,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Webový prohlížeÄ? Mozilla Firefox není ve vaÅ¡em systému nainstalován.\n"
-"Tor pracuje i s jinými prohlížeÄ?i, jako je napÅ?. Internet Explorer,\n"
-"ale jeho použití je s Firefoxem snadnÄ?jší, ten také lépe ochrání\n"
-"vaši anonymitu.\n"
-"Jestli si pÅ?ejete nainstalovat Firefox, kliknÄ?te na ZruÅ¡it a jdÄ?te\n"
-"na stránku stažení Firefoxu na"
+msgstr "Webový prohlížeÄ? Mozilla Firefox není ve vaÅ¡em systému nainstalován.\nTor pracuje i s jinými prohlížeÄ?i, jako je napÅ?. Internet Explorer,\nale jeho použití je s Firefoxem snadnÄ?jší, ten také lépe ochrání\nvaÅ¡i anonymitu.\n\nJestli si pÅ?ejete nainstalovat Firefox, kliknÄ?te na ZruÅ¡it a jdÄ?te\nna stránku stažení Firefoxu na"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -270,11 +238,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Až dokonÄ?íte instalaci Firefoxu, můžete Tor instalátor spustit\n"
-"jeÅ¡tÄ? jednou.\n"
-"Pokud preferujete instalovat Tor bez prohlížeÄ?e Firefox, jednoduÅ¡e\n"
-"kliknÄ?te na PokraÄ?ovat."
+msgstr "Až dokonÄ?íte instalaci Firefoxu, můžete Tor instalátor spustit\njeÅ¡tÄ? jednou.\n\nPokud preferujete instalovat Tor bez prohlížeÄ?e Firefox, jednoduÅ¡e\nkliknÄ?te na PokraÄ?ovat."
diff --git a/cy/vidalia_cy.po b/cy/vidalia_cy.po
index 5dec7a5..0eeaec8 100755
--- a/cy/vidalia_cy.po
+++ b/cy/vidalia_cy.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: cymro <markives@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bydd y dewin yma yn eich arweini chi drwy osod Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, a Torbutton.\n"
-"Mae Tor yn system ar gyfer defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn ddi-enw, gan eich helpu anhysbyseddu pori'r We a chyhoeddi, negeseuon gwib, IRC, a mwy. Mae Vidalia yn GUI sy'n eich helpu chi reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor.\n"
-"Mae Polipo yn storfa procsi gwe sy'n helpu perfformiad gynnydd pori'r we drwy Tor.\n"
-"Mae Torbutton yn estyniad Firefox sy'n caniatáu i  chi yn sydun i galluogi neu analluogi pori'r we yn  ddienw.\n"
-"Os ydych chi eisoes wedi gosod Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, neu Firefox, gwnewch yn siwr nad ydynt yn cael eu cynnal cyn parhau gosodiad hwn.\n"
+msgstr "Bydd y dewin yma yn eich arweini chi drwy osod Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, a Torbutton.\n\nMae Tor yn system ar gyfer defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn ddi-enw, gan eich helpu anhysbyseddu pori'r We a chyhoeddi, negeseuon gwib, IRC, a mwy. Mae Vidalia yn GUI sy'n eich helpu chi reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor.\n\nMae Polipo yn storfa procsi gwe sy'n helpu perfformiad gynnydd pori'r we drwy Tor.\n\nMae Torbutton yn estyniad Firefox sy'n caniatáu i  chi yn sydun i galluogi neu analluogi pori'r we yn  ddienw.\n\nOs ydych chi eisoes wedi gosod Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, neu Firefox, gwnewch yn siwr nad ydynt yn cael eu cynnal cyn parhau gosodiad hwn.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Gosodiad yn gyflawn.\n"
-"Gweler https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows i ddysgu sut i ffurfweddu eich ceisiadau i ddefnyddio Tor.\n"
-"Os rydych wedi gosod Torbutton, bydd angen i chi ailddechrau Firefox."
+msgstr "Gosodiad yn gyflawn.\nGweler https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows i ddysgu sut i ffurfweddu eich ceisiadau i ddefnyddio Tor.\n\nOs rydych wedi gosod Torbutton, bydd angen i chi ailddechrau Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,8 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Rhedwch cydrannau sydd wedi cael ei oosod yn awr"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Mae Vidalia yn GUI sy'n eich helpu i reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor."
+msgstr "Mae Vidalia yn GUI sy'n eich helpu i reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -87,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bydd y dewin yma yn eich arwain chi trwy osod Vidalia, GUI sy'n eich helpu i reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Bydd y dewin yma yn eich arwain chi trwy osod Vidalia, GUI sy'n eich helpu i reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -102,8 +83,7 @@ msgstr "$ {VIDALIA_NAME} hafan"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Mae Vidalia yn GUI sy'n eich helpu i reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor."
+msgstr "Mae Vidalia yn GUI sy'n eich helpu i reoli, monitro, a ffurfweddu Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -258,5 +238,3 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/da/vidalia_da.po b/da/vidalia_da.po
index 60d6b58..880a253 100755
--- a/da/vidalia_da.po
+++ b/da/vidalia_da.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Aputsiaq Janussen <aputtu@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -33,18 +33,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Denne guide vil guide dig gennem installationen af â??â??Tor, Vidalia, Polipo og Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor er et system til at bruge internettet anonymt, hjælper dig med at anonymisere webbrowsing og publicering, kvikbeskeder, IRC og meget mere. Vidalia er en GUI, der hjælper dig med at styre, overvåge og konfigurere Tor.\n"
-"Polipo er en internet proxy-mellemlager, der hjælper med at øge ydeevnen af â??â??browsing pÃ¥ internettet via Tor.\n"
-"Torbutton er en Firefox-udvidelse, der giver dig mulighed for hurtigt at aktivere eller deaktivere anonym webbrowsing.\n"
-"Hvis du tidligere har installeret Tor, Vidalia, Polipo eller Firefox, så sørg for at de ikke kører, før du fortsætter denne installation.\n"
-"$ _CLICK"
+msgstr "Denne guide vil guide dig gennem installationen af â??â??Tor, Vidalia, Polipo og Torbutton.\n\nTor er et system til at bruge internettet anonymt, hjælper dig med at anonymisere webbrowsing og publicering, kvikbeskeder, IRC og meget mere. Vidalia er en GUI, der hjælper dig med at styre, overvÃ¥ge og konfigurere Tor.\n\nPolipo er en internet proxy-mellemlager, der hjælper med at øge ydeevnen af â??â??browsing pÃ¥ internettet via Tor.\n\nTorbutton er en Firefox-udvidelse, der giver dig mulighed for hurtigt at aktivere eller deaktivere anonym webbrowsing.\n\nHvis du tidligere har installeret Tor, Vidalia, Polipo eller Firefox, sÃ¥ sørg for at de ikke kører, før du fortsætter denne installation.\n\n$ _CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -60,11 +49,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Installationen er fuldført.\n"
-"Se her https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows for at lære hvordan du konfigurerer dine programmer til at bruge Tor.\n"
-"Hvis du har installeret Torbutton, skal du genstarte Firefox."
+msgstr "Installationen er fuldført.\nSe her https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows for at lære hvordan du konfigurerer dine programmer til at bruge Tor.\n\nHvis du har installeret Torbutton, skal du genstarte Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -72,9 +57,7 @@ msgstr "Kør installerede komponenter nu"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia er en grafisk brugergrænseflade som hjælper dig kontrollere, "
-"overvåge og konfigurere Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia er en grafisk brugergrænseflade som hjælper dig kontrollere, overvåge og konfigurere Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -89,10 +72,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Denne guide fører dig gennem installationen af Vidalia, en grafisk brugergrænseflade, der hjælper med at styre, overvåge og konfigurere Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Denne guide fører dig gennem installationen af Vidalia, en grafisk brugergrænseflade, der hjælper med at styre, overvåge og konfigurere Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -104,9 +84,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} hjemmeside"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia er en grafisk brugergrænseflade der hjælper dig kontrollere, "
-"overvåge og konfigurere Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia er en grafisk brugergrænseflade der hjælper dig kontrollere, overvåge og konfigurere Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -132,10 +110,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor er et system til at bruge internettet anonymt, hjælpe dig med at "
-"anonymisere web browsing og udgivning, instant messaging, IRC, og meget "
+msgstr "Tor er et system til at bruge internettet anonymt, hjælpe dig med at anonymisere web browsing og udgivning, instant messaging, IRC, og meget mere."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -150,10 +125,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Du har allerede en Tor konfigurations fil.$\n"
-"�nsker du at overskrive den med den standard prøve konfigurations fil?"
+msgstr "Du har allerede en Tor konfigurations fil.$\n$\n�nsker du at overskrive den med den standard prøve konfigurations fil?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -175,9 +147,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo er et internet proxy-mellemlager, der øger ydeevnen af â??â??internet-"
-"browsing via Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo er et internet proxy-mellemlager, der øger ydeevnen af â??â??internet-browsing via Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -207,9 +177,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton er en Firefox udvidelse, som giver dig mulighed for hurtigt at "
-"aktivere eller deaktivere anonymt webbrowsing."
+msgstr "Torbutton er en Firefox udvidelse, som giver dig mulighed for hurtigt at aktivere eller deaktivere anonymt webbrowsing."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -250,8 +218,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox er ikke installeret."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Vi foreslår at du installere Firefox før du fortsætter, for bedre sikkerhed."
+msgstr "Vi foreslår at du installere Firefox før du fortsætter, for bedre sikkerhed."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -262,14 +229,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox web browser er ikke installeret på din computer.\n"
-"Tor kan arbejde sammen med andre browsere, såsom Internet Explorer, men\n"
-"er nemmere at bruge med Firefox, som også gør et bedre stykke arbejde\n"
-"med at beskytter din anonymitet.\n"
-"Hvis du ønsker at installere Firefox, skal du trykke på Annuller og derefter gå\n"
-"til Firefox download siden på"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox web browser er ikke installeret på din computer.\nTor kan arbejde sammen med andre browsere, såsom Internet Explorer, men\ner nemmere at bruge med Firefox, som også gør et bedre stykke arbejde\nmed at beskytter din anonymitet.\n\nHvis du ønsker at installere Firefox, skal du trykke på Annuller og derefter gå\ntil Firefox download siden på"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -278,9 +238,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Når du er færdig med at installerer Firefox, kan du igen køre Tor installationen.\n"
-"Eller, hvis du foretrækker at installere Tor uden Firefox, tryk på Næste for at fortsætte."
+msgstr "Når du er færdig med at installerer Firefox, kan du igen køre Tor installationen.\n\nEller, hvis du foretrækker at installere Tor uden Firefox, tryk på Næste for at fortsætte."
diff --git a/de/vidalia_de.po b/de/vidalia_de.po
index 7ebc7ae..cbd7480 100644
--- a/de/vidalia_de.po
+++ b/de/vidalia_de.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Installation von Tor, Vidalia, Polipo und Torbutton begleiten.\n"
-"Tor ist ein System, um das Internet anonym zu nutzen. Es anonymisiert das Browsen, das Veröffentlichen von Inhalten, Instant Messaging, IRC, usw. Vidalia ist eine Oberfläche zur Einrichtung, Steuerung und �berwachung von Tor.\n"
-"Polipo ist ein filternder Webproxy, welcher die Leistung des Webbrowsens mittels Tor erhöht.\n"
-"Torbutton ist eine Erweiterung für Firefox, die das schnelle Ein- und Ausschalten des anonymes Webbrowsens ermöglicht.\n"
-"Sollten Sie Tor, Vidalia, Polipo oder Firefox bereits früher installiert haben, stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Programme nicht laufen, bevor Sie die Installation fortsetzen.\n"
+msgstr "Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Installation von Tor, Vidalia, Polipo und Torbutton begleiten.\n\nTor ist ein System, um das Internet anonym zu nutzen. Es anonymisiert das Browsen, das Veröffentlichen von Inhalten, Instant Messaging, IRC, usw. Vidalia ist eine Oberfläche zur Einrichtung, Steuerung und �berwachung von Tor.\n\nPolipo ist ein filternder Webproxy, welcher die Leistung des Webbrowsens mittels Tor erhöht.\n\nTorbutton ist eine Erweiterung für Firefox, die das schnelle Ein- und Ausschalten des anonymes Webbrowsens ermöglicht.\n\nSollten Sie Tor, Vidalia, Polipo oder Firefox bereits früher installiert haben, stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Programme nicht laufen, bevor Sie die Installation fortsetzen.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Installation ist abgeschlossen.\n"
-"Bitte besuchen Sie https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows um zu erfahren, wie Sie Ihre Anwendungen zur Benutzung mit Tor einrichten können.\n"
-"Sollten Sie Torbutton installiert haben, müssen Sie Firefox neu starten."
+msgstr "Die Installation ist abgeschlossen.\nBitte besuchen Sie https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows um zu erfahren, wie Sie Ihre Anwendungen zur Benutzung mit Tor einrichten können.\n\nSollten Sie Torbutton installiert haben, müssen Sie Firefox neu starten."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Installierte Anwendungen jetzt starten"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia ist eine Oberfläche zur Einrichtung, Steuerung und �berwachung von "
+msgstr "Vidalia ist eine Oberfläche zur Einrichtung, Steuerung und �berwachung von Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Dieser Assistent führt Sie durch die Installation von ${VIDALIA_DESC}.\n"
+msgstr "Dieser Assistent führt Sie durch die Installation von ${VIDALIA_DESC}.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -103,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} Webseite"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia ist eine Oberfläche zur Einrichtung, Steuerung und �berwachung von "
+msgstr "Vidalia ist eine Oberfläche zur Einrichtung, Steuerung und �berwachung von Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -131,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor ist ein System, um das Internet anonym zu nutzen. Es anonymisiert das "
-"Webbrowsen, das Veröffentlichen von Inhalten, Instant Messaging, IRC, usw."
+msgstr "Tor ist ein System, um das Internet anonym zu nutzen. Es anonymisiert das Webbrowsen, das Veröffentlichen von Inhalten, Instant Messaging, IRC, usw."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -148,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sie haben bereits eine Tor Konfigurationsdatei.$\n"
-"Soll diese mit der allgemeinen Beispiel-Konfigurationsdatei überschrieben werden?"
+msgstr "Sie haben bereits eine Tor Konfigurationsdatei.$\n$\nSoll diese mit der allgemeinen Beispiel-Konfigurationsdatei überschrieben werden?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -173,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo ist ein speichernder Web-Proxy, der die Leistung des Webbrowsens "
-"durch Tor erhöht."
+msgstr "Polipo ist ein speichernder Web-Proxy, der die Leistung des Webbrowsens durch Tor erhöht."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -205,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton ist eine Erweiterung für Firefox, die das schnelle Ein- und "
-"Ausschalten des anonymen Webbrowsens ermöglicht."
+msgstr "Torbutton ist eine Erweiterung für Firefox, die das schnelle Ein- und Ausschalten des anonymen Webbrowsens ermöglicht."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -227,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Die ${TORBUTTON_DESC}-Erweiterung zu Firefox hinzufügen."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox konnte nicht gefunden werden. Torbutton wird nicht installiert."
+msgstr "Firefox konnte nicht gefunden werden. Torbutton wird nicht installiert."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -249,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox ist nicht installiert"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Für die maximale Sicherheit empfehlen wir, Firefox zu installieren, bevor "
-"Sie fortfahren. "
+msgstr "Für die maximale Sicherheit empfehlen wir, Firefox zu installieren, bevor Sie fortfahren. "
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -262,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Der Mozilla Firefox-Browser ist auf Ihrem Computer nicht installiert.\n"
-"Tor arbeitet mit anderen Browsers, wie dem Internet Explorer zusammen, aber\n"
-"ist einfacher mit Firefox zu nutzen, der zudem besser\n"
-"Ihre Anonymität schützt.\n"
-"Wenn Sie Firefox installieren wollen, klicken Sie bitte auf Abbrechen und besuchen\n"
-"Sie anschliessend die Firefox Downloadseite unter"
+msgstr "Der Mozilla Firefox-Browser ist auf Ihrem Computer nicht installiert.\nTor arbeitet mit anderen Browsers, wie dem Internet Explorer zusammen, aber\nist einfacher mit Firefox zu nutzen, der zudem besser\nIhre Anonymität schützt.\n\nWenn Sie Firefox installieren wollen, klicken Sie bitte auf Abbrechen und besuchen\nSie anschliessend die Firefox Downloadseite unter"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -278,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie Firefox installiert haben, können Sie das\n"
-" Tor Installationsprogramm erneut ausführen.\n"
-"Falls Sie es vorziehen, Tor ohne Firefox zu installieren, klicken\n"
-"Sie einfach auf Weiter,"
+msgstr "Wenn Sie Firefox installiert haben, können Sie das\n Tor Installationsprogramm erneut ausführen.\n\nFalls Sie es vorziehen, Tor ohne Firefox zu installieren, klicken\nSie einfach auf Weiter,"
diff --git a/el/vidalia_el.po b/el/vidalia_el.po
index d0554e5..12a7241 100755
--- a/el/vidalia_el.po
+++ b/el/vidalia_el.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Î?ιάννηÏ? <yannanth@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -33,17 +33,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο οδηγÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? οδηγείÏ?ει μέÏ?α αÏ?Ï? Ï?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo και Torbutton.\n"
-"Το Tor είναι Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα για Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, βοηθÏ?νÏ?αÏ? Ï?Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μοÏ?οίηÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, άμεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?νομιλίαÏ?, IRC και Ï?εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?εÏ?α.Το Vidalia είναι ένα γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλον Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor.\n"
-"Το Polipo είναι μεÏ?ολαβηÏ?ήÏ? Ï?ηÏ? κÏ?Ï?Ï?ήÏ? μνήμηÏ? Ï?οÏ? δικÏ?Ï?οÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?ξάνει Ï?ην αÏ?Ï?δοÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? οÏ?άν Ï?εÏ?ιηγήÏ?ε μέÏ?Ï? Ï?οÏ? Tor.\n"
-"Το Torbutton είναι ένα Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?ο για Ï?ο Firefox Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? αÏ?ήνει να γÏ?ήγοÏ?α ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ?Ï?ε ή αÏ?ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδÏ?κÏ?ίοÏ?.\n"
+msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο οδηγÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? οδηγείÏ?ει μέÏ?α αÏ?Ï? Ï?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo και Torbutton.\n\nΤο Tor είναι Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα για Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, βοηθÏ?νÏ?αÏ? Ï?Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μοÏ?οίηÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, άμεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?νομιλίαÏ?, IRC και Ï?εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?εÏ?α.Το Vidalia είναι ένα γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλον Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor.\n\n\nΤο Polipo είναι μεÏ?ολαβηÏ?ήÏ? Ï?ηÏ? κÏ?Ï?Ï?ήÏ? μνήμηÏ? Ï?οÏ? δικÏ?Ï?οÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?ξάνει Ï?ην αÏ?Ï?δοÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? οÏ?άν Ï?εÏ?ιηγήÏ?ε μέÏ?Ï? Ï?οÏ? Tor.\n\nΤο Torbutton είναι ένα Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?ο για Ï?ο Firefox Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? αÏ?ήνει να γÏ?ήγοÏ?α ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ
 ?Ï?ε ή αÏ?ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδÏ?κÏ?ίοÏ?.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +49,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Î? εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η ολοκληÏ?Ï?θηκε.\n"
-"Î?ιαβάÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ο https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows για να μάθεÏ?ε Ï?Ï?Ï? θα Ï?Ï?θμίÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ιÏ? εÏ?αÏ?μογέÏ? Ï?αÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?ε να Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιοÏ?ν Ï?ο Tor.\n"
-"Î?ν εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?αÏ?ε Ï?ο Torbutton, θα Ï?Ï?έÏ?ει να εÏ?ανεκκινήÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ον Firefox."
+msgstr "Î? εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η ολοκληÏ?Ï?θηκε.\nÎ?ιαβάÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ο https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows για να μάθεÏ?ε Ï?Ï?Ï? θα Ï?Ï?θμίÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ιÏ? εÏ?αÏ?μογέÏ? Ï?αÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?ε να Ï?Ï?ηÏ?ιμοÏ?οιοÏ?ν Ï?ο Tor.\n\nÎ?ν εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?αÏ?ε Ï?ο Torbutton, θα Ï?Ï?έÏ?ει να εÏ?ανεκκινήÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ον Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +57,7 @@ msgstr "Î?κÏ?έλεÏ?η εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένÏ?ν Ï?Ï?ογÏ?αμμάÏ?Ï?ν 
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Το Vidalia είναι ένα γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλον Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η"
-" και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor."
+msgstr "Το Vidalia είναι ένα γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλον Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,9 +72,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο οδηγÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? οδηγήÏ?ει μέÏ?α αÏ?Ï? Ï?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Vidalia γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? "
-"Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλονÏ?οÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor."
+msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? ο οδηγÏ?Ï? θα Ï?αÏ? οδηγήÏ?ει μέÏ?α αÏ?Ï? Ï?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Vidalia γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλονÏ?οÏ? Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -102,9 +84,7 @@ msgstr "Î?Ï?Ï?ική Ï?ελίδα ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Το Vidalia είναι ένα γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλον Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η"
-" και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor."
+msgstr "Το Vidalia είναι ένα γÏ?αÏ?ικÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιβάλλον Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? βοηθά Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?θμιÏ?η, εÏ?ιÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?η και Ï?Ï?ον έλεγÏ?ο Ï?οÏ? Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -130,10 +110,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Το Tor είναι Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα για Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, βοηθÏ?νÏ?αÏ? Ï?Ï?ην "
-"ανÏ?νÏ?μοÏ?οίηÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, άμεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?νομιλίαÏ?, IRC και "
+msgstr "Το Tor είναι Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημα για Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, βοηθÏ?νÏ?αÏ? Ï?Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μοÏ?οίηÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? Ï?οÏ? διαδικÏ?Ï?οÏ?, άμεÏ?ηÏ? Ï?Ï?νομιλίαÏ?, IRC και Ï?εÏ?ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?εÏ?α."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -148,10 +125,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Î?Ï?εÏ?ε ήδη ένα αÏ?Ï?είο Ï?Ï?θμίÏ?εÏ?ν Ï?οÏ? Tor.$\n"
-"Î?έλεÏ?ε να Ï?ο ανÏ?ικαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?εÏ?ε με Ï?ο αÏ?Ï?ικÏ? δείγμα Ï?οÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? Ï?Ï?θμίÏ?εÏ?ν;"
+msgstr "Î?Ï?εÏ?ε ήδη ένα αÏ?Ï?είο Ï?Ï?θμίÏ?εÏ?ν Ï?οÏ? Tor.$\n$\nÎ?έλεÏ?ε να Ï?ο ανÏ?ικαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?εÏ?ε με Ï?ο αÏ?Ï?ικÏ? δείγμα Ï?οÏ? αÏ?Ï?είοÏ? Ï?Ï?θμίÏ?εÏ?ν;"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -173,9 +147,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Το Polipo είναι μεÏ?ολαβηÏ?ήÏ? Ï?ηÏ? κÏ?Ï?Ï?ήÏ? μνήμηÏ? Ï?οÏ? δικÏ?Ï?οÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?ξάνει Ï?ην "
-"αÏ?Ï?δοÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? οÏ?άν Ï?εÏ?ιηγήÏ?ε μέÏ?Ï? Ï?οÏ? Tor."
+msgstr "Το Polipo είναι μεÏ?ολαβηÏ?ήÏ? Ï?ηÏ? κÏ?Ï?Ï?ήÏ? μνήμηÏ? Ï?οÏ? δικÏ?Ï?οÏ? Ï?οÏ? αÏ?ξάνει Ï?ην αÏ?Ï?δοÏ?η Ï?ηÏ? Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?ηÏ? οÏ?άν Ï?εÏ?ιηγήÏ?ε μέÏ?Ï? Ï?οÏ? Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -205,9 +177,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Το Torbutton είναι ένα Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?ο για Ï?ο Firefox Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? αÏ?ήνει να γÏ?ήγοÏ?α "
-"ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ?Ï?ε ή αÏ?ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδÏ?κÏ?ίοÏ?."
+msgstr "Το Torbutton είναι ένα Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?ο για Ï?ο Firefox Ï?οÏ? Ï?αÏ? αÏ?ήνει να γÏ?ήγοÏ?α ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ?Ï?ε ή αÏ?ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μη Ï?εÏ?ιήγηÏ?η Ï?οÏ? διαδÏ?κÏ?ίοÏ?."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -227,8 +197,7 @@ msgstr "ΠÏ?οÏ?θήκη Ï?οÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?θεÏ?οÏ? ${TORBUTTON_DESC} Ï?Ï?ο Fire
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Το Firefox δεν βÏ?έθηκε Ï?Ï?ο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημά Ï?αÏ?. Το Torbutton δεν θα εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ειθεί."
+msgstr "Το Firefox δεν βÏ?έθηκε Ï?Ï?ο Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?ημά Ï?αÏ?. Το Torbutton δεν θα εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ειθεί."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -249,9 +218,7 @@ msgstr "Το Firefox δεν είναι εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένο"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"ΣαÏ? Ï?Ï?οÏ?είνοÏ?με να εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ο Firefox Ï?Ï?ιν Ï?Ï?νεÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε, για Ï?ην "
-"καλÏ?Ï?εÏ?η δÏ?ναÏ?ή αÏ?Ï?άλεια."
+msgstr "ΣαÏ? Ï?Ï?οÏ?είνοÏ?με να εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ο Firefox Ï?Ï?ιν Ï?Ï?νεÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε, για Ï?ην καλÏ?Ï?εÏ?η δÏ?ναÏ?ή αÏ?Ï?άλεια."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -262,14 +229,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Î? Ï?εÏ?ιηγηÏ?ήÏ? ιÏ?Ï?οÏ? Mozilla Firefox δεν είναι εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοÏ? Ï?Ï?ον Ï?Ï?ολογιÏ?Ï?ή Ï?αÏ?.\n"
-"Το Tor δοÏ?λεÏ?ει και με άλλοÏ?Ï? Ï?εÏ?ιηγηÏ?έÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? Ï?ον Internet Explorer, αλλά\n"
-"είναι Ï?ιο εÏ?κολο Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η με Ï?ο Firefox, Ï?ο οÏ?οίο εÏ?ίÏ?ηÏ?\n"
-"Ï?Ï?οÏ?Ï?αÏ?εÏ?ει Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μία Ï?αÏ? Ï?ιο καλά.\n"
-"Î?ν θέλεÏ?ε να εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ο Firefox, Ï?αÏ?ακαλοÏ?με κάνÏ?ε κλικ Ï?Ï?ο «Î?κÏ?Ï?ο»\n"
-"και μεÏ?ά να Ï?άÏ?ε Ï?Ï?η Ï?ελίδα λήÏ?ηÏ? Firefox Ï?Ï?η διεÏ?θÏ?νÏ?η"
+msgstr "Î? Ï?εÏ?ιηγηÏ?ήÏ? ιÏ?Ï?οÏ? Mozilla Firefox δεν είναι εγκαÏ?εÏ?Ï?ημένοÏ? Ï?Ï?ον Ï?Ï?ολογιÏ?Ï?ή Ï?αÏ?.\nΤο Tor δοÏ?λεÏ?ει και με άλλοÏ?Ï? Ï?εÏ?ιηγηÏ?έÏ? Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï? Ï?ον Internet Explorer, αλλά\nείναι Ï?ιο εÏ?κολο Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ήÏ?η με Ï?ο Firefox, Ï?ο οÏ?οίο εÏ?ίÏ?ηÏ?\nÏ?Ï?οÏ?Ï?αÏ?εÏ?ει Ï?ην ανÏ?νÏ?μία Ï?αÏ? Ï?ιο καλά.\n\nÎ?ν θέλεÏ?ε να εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ήÏ?Ï?ε Ï?ο Firefox, Ï?αÏ?ακαλοÏ?με κάνÏ?ε κλικ Ï?Ï?ο «Î?κÏ?Ï?ο»\nκαι μεÏ?ά να Ï?άÏ?ε Ï?Ï?η Ï?ελίδα λήÏ?ηÏ? Firefox Ï?Ï?η διεÏ?θÏ?νÏ?η"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -278,10 +238,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Î?Ï?οÏ? έÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ελειÏ?Ï?ει Ï?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Firefox, Ï?Ï?έξεÏ?ε Ï?ον\n"
-"εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?άÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Tor.\n"
-"Î?νναλακÏ?ικά, εάν θα Ï?Ï?οÏ?ιμοÏ?Ï?αÏ?ε να εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ο Tor Ï?Ï?Ï?ίÏ? Ï?ο Firefox,\n"
-"αÏ?λÏ?Ï? Ï?αÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ε «Î?Ï?Ï?μενο» για να Ï?Ï?νεÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε."
+msgstr "Î?Ï?οÏ? έÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ελειÏ?Ï?ει Ï?ην εγκαÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Firefox, Ï?Ï?έξεÏ?ε Ï?ον\nεγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?άÏ?η Ï?οÏ? Tor.\nÎ?νναλακÏ?ικά, εάν θα Ï?Ï?οÏ?ιμοÏ?Ï?αÏ?ε να εγκαÏ?αÏ?Ï?ηÏ?εÏ?ε Ï?ο Tor Ï?Ï?Ï?ίÏ? Ï?ο Firefox,\nαÏ?λÏ?Ï? Ï?αÏ?ήÏ?Ï?ε «Î?Ï?Ï?μενο» για να Ï?Ï?νεÏ?ίÏ?εÏ?ε."
diff --git a/es/vidalia_es.po b/es/vidalia_es.po
index 1249a22..7da1ce4 100644
--- a/es/vidalia_es.po
+++ b/es/vidalia_es.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-05 20:21+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/torproject/team/es/)\n"
+"Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/torproject/language/es/)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -32,16 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Este asistente le guiará a través de la instalación de Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, y Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor es un sistema para utilizar Internet anónimamente, ayudándolo a hacer anónima su navegación Web, publicaciones, mensajería instantánea, IRC, y más. Vidalia es una interfaz de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, monitorear y configurar Tor.\n"
-"Polipo es un web proxy cache que ayuda a mejorar el performance al navegar por la web via Tor. Torbutton es una extensión para Firefox que le permite habilitar o deshabilitar rápidamente la navegación anónima por la web.\n"
-"Si ha instalado previamente Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, o Firefox, por favor asegúrese que no se estén ejecutando antes de continuar con la instalación.\n"
+msgstr "Este asistente le guiará a través de la instalación de Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, y Torbutton.\n\nTor es un sistema para utilizar Internet anónimamente, ayudándolo a hacer anónima su navegación Web, publicaciones, mensajería instantánea, IRC, y más. Vidalia es una interfaz de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, monitorear y configurar Tor.\n\nPolipo es un web proxy cache que ayuda a mejorar el performance al navegar por la web via Tor. Torbutton es una extensión para Firefox que le permite habilitar o deshabilitar rápidamente la navegación anónima por la web.\n\nSi ha instalado previamente Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, o Firefox, por favor asegúrese que no se estén ejecutando antes de continuar con la instalación.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -57,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"La instalación está completa.\n"
-"Por favor, vea https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows para aprender cómo configurar sus aplicaciones para que utilicen Tor.\n"
-"Si instaló Torbutton, necesitará reiniciar Firefox."
+msgstr "La instalación está completa.\nPor favor, vea https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows para aprender cómo configurar sus aplicaciones para que utilicen Tor.\n\nSi instaló Torbutton, necesitará reiniciar Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -69,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Ejecutar los componentes instalados ahora"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia es una interfaz gráfica de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, "
-"monitorear y configurar Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia es una interfaz gráfica de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, monitorear y configurar Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -86,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Este asistente le guiará a través de la instalación de Vidalia, una interfaz gáfica de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, monitorear y configurar Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Este asistente le guiará a través de la instalación de Vidalia, una interfaz gáfica de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, monitorear y configurar Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -101,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Página Principal de ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia es una interfaz gráfica de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, "
-"monitorear y configurar Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia es una interfaz gráfica de usuario que le ayuda a controlar, monitorear y configurar Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -129,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor es un sistema para anonimizar Internet, ayudándolo a anonimizar  su "
-"navegación Web y publicaciones, mensajería instantánea, IRC, y más."
+msgstr "Tor es un sistema para anonimizar Internet, ayudándolo a anonimizar  su navegación Web y publicaciones, mensajería instantánea, IRC, y más."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -146,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha encontrado una configuración de Tor.$\n"
-"¿Desea sobrescribirla con la configuración predeterminada?"
+msgstr "Se ha encontrado una configuración de Tor.$\n$\n¿Desea sobrescribirla con la configuración predeterminada?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -171,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo es un cache web proxy que mejora el performance de la navegación "
-"usando Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo es un cache web proxy que mejora el performance de la navegación usando Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -203,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton es una extensión para Firefox que le permite habilitar o "
-"deshabilitar rápidamente la navegación anónima por la web."
+msgstr "Torbutton es una extensión para Firefox que le permite habilitar o deshabilitar rápidamente la navegación anónima por la web."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -233,8 +204,7 @@ msgstr "Datos de la aplicación"
 msgctxt "AppDataUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove saved application data and configuration files."
-msgstr ""
-"Eliminar archivos de configuración y datos de la aplicación guardados."
+msgstr "Eliminar archivos de configuración y datos de la aplicación guardados."
 msgctxt "LanguageCode"
 msgid "en"
@@ -247,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox no está instalado"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Le recomendamos que instale Firefox antes de continuar, para mayor "
+msgstr "Le recomendamos que instale Firefox antes de continuar, para mayor seguridad."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -260,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"El navegador Mozilla Firefox no está instalado en el ordenador.\n"
-"Podrá usar otros navegadores, como Internet Explorer, pero\n"
-"es más sencillo el uso con Firefox, el cual también realiza un buen trabajo\n"
-"protegiendo su anonimato.\n"
-"Si quiere instalar Firefox, por favor pulse Cancelar, luego diríjase\n"
-"a la web de descarga de Firefox en"
+msgstr "El navegador Mozilla Firefox no está instalado en el ordenador.\nPodrá usar otros navegadores, como Internet Explorer, pero\nes más sencillo el uso con Firefox, el cual también realiza un buen trabajo\nprotegiendo su anonimato.\n\nSi quiere instalar Firefox, por favor pulse Cancelar, luego diríjase\na la web de descarga de Firefox en"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -276,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuando termines la instalación de Firefox, puedes lanzar de nuevo\n"
-"el instalador de Tor.\n"
-"O, si prefieres instalar Tor sin Firefox, simplemente\n"
-"pulse Continuar."
+msgstr "Cuando termines la instalación de Firefox, puedes lanzar de nuevo\nel instalador de Tor.\n\nO, si prefieres instalar Tor sin Firefox, simplemente\npulse Continuar."
diff --git a/et/vidalia_et.po b/et/vidalia_et.po
index d95257d..4a69a55 100644
--- a/et/vidalia_et.po
+++ b/et/vidalia_et.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"See programm juhatab sind läbi Tori, Vidalia, Polipon ning Torbuttoni installeerimise.\n"
-"Tor on süsteem Interneti anonüümseks kasutamiseks, mis aitab sul jääda anonüümseks veebis surfates ja infot avaldades, ning kasutades kiirsuhtlust, IRCd ja palju muud. Vidalia on graafiline programm, mis aitab sul kontrollida, jälgida ning konfigureerida Tori.\n"
-"Polipo on vaheserver, mis aitab sul tõsta veebi läbi Tori lehitsemise jõudlust, salvestades ajutiselt osa infot, mille veebiserverid sulle saadavad.\n"
-"Torbutton on Mozilla Firefoxi lisa, mis laseb sul kiiresti vahetada anonüümse ja mitteanonüümse veebilehitsemise vahel.\n"
-"Kui sa oled varem installeerinud Tori, Vidalia, Polipo või Firefoxi, siis tee palun kindlaks, et nad ei jookse, enne kui jätkad installatsiooniga.\n"
+msgstr "See programm juhatab sind läbi Tori, Vidalia, Polipon ning Torbuttoni installeerimise.\n\nTor on süsteem Interneti anonüümseks kasutamiseks, mis aitab sul jääda anonüümseks veebis surfates ja infot avaldades, ning kasutades kiirsuhtlust, IRCd ja palju muud. Vidalia on graafiline programm, mis aitab sul kontrollida, jälgida ning konfigureerida Tori.\n\nPolipo on vaheserver, mis aitab sul tõsta veebi läbi Tori lehitsemise jõudlust, salvestades ajutiselt osa infot, mille veebiserverid sulle saadavad.\n\nTorbutton on Mozilla Firefoxi lisa, mis laseb sul kiiresti vahetada anonüümse ja mitteanonüümse veebilehitsemise vahel.\n\nKui sa oled varem installeerinud Tori, Vidalia, Polipo või Firefoxi, siis tee palun kindlaks, et nad ei jookse, enne kui jätkad installatsiooniga.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Installatsioon on lõpetatud.\n"
-"Palun vaata https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows selleks, et õppida, kuidas konfigureerida oma rakendused Tori kasutama.\n"
-"Kui sa installeerisid Torbuttoni, siis sa pead Firefoxi taaskäivitama."
+msgstr "Installatsioon on lõpetatud.\nPalun vaata https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows selleks, et õppida, kuidas konfigureerida oma rakendused Tori kasutama.\n\nKui sa installeerisid Torbuttoni, siis sa pead Firefoxi taaskäivitama."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Käivita installeeritud komponendid nüüd"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia on graafiline programm, mis aitab sul kontrollida, jälgida ning "
-"konfigureerida Tori."
+msgstr "Vidalia on graafiline programm, mis aitab sul kontrollida, jälgida ning konfigureerida Tori."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"See programm juhatab su läbi Vidalia installeerimise.\n"
+msgstr "See programm juhatab su läbi Vidalia installeerimise.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -103,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} koduleht"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia on graafiline programm, mis aitab sul kontrollida, jälgida ning "
-"konfigureerida Tori."
+msgstr "Vidalia on graafiline programm, mis aitab sul kontrollida, jälgida ning konfigureerida Tori."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -131,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor on süsteem Interneti anonüümseks kasutamiseks, aidates sul muuta "
-"veebilehitsemise, veebis avaldamise, kiirsuhtluse, IRC jpm anonüümseks."
+msgstr "Tor on süsteem Interneti anonüümseks kasutamiseks, aidates sul muuta veebilehitsemise, veebis avaldamise, kiirsuhtluse, IRC jpm anonüümseks."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -148,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sul juba on Tori konfiguratsioonifail.$\n"
-"Kas sa soovid selle üle kirjutada tavapärase näidiskonfiguratsioonifailiga?"
+msgstr "Sul juba on Tori konfiguratsioonifail.$\n$\nKas sa soovid selle üle kirjutada tavapärase näidiskonfiguratsioonifailiga?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -173,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo on veebi vaheserver, mis suurendab veebi läbi Tori lehitsemise "
+msgstr "Polipo on veebi vaheserver, mis suurendab veebi läbi Tori lehitsemise jõudlust."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -205,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton on Mozilla Firefoxi lisa, mis lubab sul kiiresti lülitada "
-"anonüümset veebilehitsemist sisse ja välja."
+msgstr "Torbutton on Mozilla Firefoxi lisa, mis lubab sul kiiresti lülitada anonüümset veebilehitsemist sisse ja välja."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -227,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Lisa ${TORBUTTON_DESC} lisa Mozilla Firefoxile."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefoxi ei leitud sinu süsteemist. Torbuttonit ei installeerita."
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefoxi ei leitud sinu süsteemist. Torbuttonit ei installeerita."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -249,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Mozilla Firefox ei ole installeeritud."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Me soovitame sul installeerida parema turvalisuse huvides enne jätkamist "
-"Mozilla Firefox."
+msgstr "Me soovitame sul installeerida parema turvalisuse huvides enne jätkamist Mozilla Firefox."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -262,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefoxi veebilehitseja ei ole installeeritud sinu arvutis.\n"
-"Tor töötab teiste veebilehitsejatega, nagu Internet Explorer, kuid\n"
-"on palju lihtsamini kasutatav Firefoxiga, mis ühtlasi kaitseb\n"
-"su anonüümsust paremini.\n"
-"Kui sa soovid installeerida Firefoxi, siis katkesta installatsioon ja mine\n"
-"Firefoxi allalaadimislehele siin:"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefoxi veebilehitseja ei ole installeeritud sinu arvutis.\nTor töötab teiste veebilehitsejatega, nagu Internet Explorer, kuid\non palju lihtsamini kasutatav Firefoxiga, mis ühtlasi kaitseb\nsu anonüümsust paremini.\n\nKui sa soovid installeerida Firefoxi, siis katkesta installatsioon ja mine\nFirefoxi allalaadimislehele siin:"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -278,10 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Kui sa oled Firefoxi installeerimise lõpetanud, siis võid Tori installeri\n"
-"uuesti käivitada.\n"
-"Kui sa soovid Tori installeerida ilma Firefoxita, jätka lihtsalt installatsiooniga."
+msgstr "Kui sa oled Firefoxi installeerimise lõpetanud, siis võid Tori installeri\nuuesti käivitada.\n\nKui sa soovid Tori installeerida ilma Firefoxita, jätka lihtsalt installatsiooniga."
diff --git a/eu/vidalia_eu.po b/eu/vidalia_eu.po
index 7fcef1b..1d0e99d 100755
--- a/eu/vidalia_eu.po
+++ b/eu/vidalia_eu.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: baldarra <baldarra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Laguntzaile honek Tor, Vidalia, Polipo eta Torbutton-ren instalazioaren zehar gidatuko zaitu.\n"
-"Tor Internet anonimoki erabiltzeko sistema bat da, Web nabigazio eta argitaratzea, berehalako mezuak, IRC eta gehio anonimizatzen laguntzeko. Vidalia Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen lagunduko dizun GUI bat da.\n"
-"Polipo Tor-en bitarteko web nabigazioaren errendimendua indartzen duen web proxy bat da.\n"
-"Torbutton web nabigazio anonimoa azkar gaitzea eta ezgaitzea ahalbidetzen duen Firefoxentzako hedapena da.\n"
-"Aurretik Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, edo Firefox instalatuta baduzu, mesedez zihurtatu ez direla exekutatzen ari instalazio honekin jarraitu baino lehenago.\n"
+msgstr "Laguntzaile honek Tor, Vidalia, Polipo eta Torbutton-ren instalazioaren zehar gidatuko zaitu.\n\nTor Internet anonimoki erabiltzeko sistema bat da, Web nabigazio eta argitaratzea, berehalako mezuak, IRC eta gehio anonimizatzen laguntzeko. Vidalia Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen lagunduko dizun GUI bat da.\n\nPolipo Tor-en bitarteko web nabigazioaren errendimendua indartzen duen web proxy bat da.\n\nTorbutton web nabigazio anonimoa azkar gaitzea eta ezgaitzea ahalbidetzen duen Firefoxentzako hedapena da.\n\nAurretik Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, edo Firefox instalatuta baduzu, mesedez zihurtatu ez direla exekutatzen ari instalazio honekin jarraitu baino lehenago.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Instalazioa burutu da.\n"
-"Mesedez begiratu https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows zure aplikazioak Tor erabil dezaten nola konfiguratu behar diren ikasteko.\n"
-"Torbutton instalatu baduzu, Firefox berrabiarazi beharko duzu."
+msgstr "Instalazioa burutu da.\nMesedez begiratu https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows zure aplikazioak Tor erabil dezaten nola konfiguratu behar diren ikasteko.\n\nTorbutton instalatu baduzu, Firefox berrabiarazi beharko duzu."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Exekutatu instalatutako osagaiak orain"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen lagunduko dizun GUI bat "
+msgstr "Vidalia Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen lagunduko dizun GUI bat da."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,9 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Laguntzaile honek Vidalia,  Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen "
-"lagunduko dizun GUIaren instalazioan zehar gidatuko zaitu."
+msgstr "Laguntzaile honek Vidalia,  Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen lagunduko dizun GUIaren instalazioan zehar gidatuko zaitu."
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -102,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} webgunea"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen lagunduko dizun GUI bat "
+msgstr "Vidalia Tor kontrolatu, jarraitu eta konfiguratzen lagunduko dizun GUI bat da."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -130,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor Internet anonimoki erabiltzeko sistema bat da, Web nabigazio eta "
-"argitaratzea, berehalako mezuak, IRC eta gehio anonimizatzen laguntzeko."
+msgstr "Tor Internet anonimoki erabiltzeko sistema bat da, Web nabigazio eta argitaratzea, berehalako mezuak, IRC eta gehio anonimizatzen laguntzeko."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -147,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Tor ezarpen fitxategi bat duzu jada.\n"
-"Lehenetsitako fitxategiarekin ordeztu nahi al duzu?"
+msgstr "Tor ezarpen fitxategi bat duzu jada.\n$\nLehenetsitako fitxategiarekin ordeztu nahi al duzu?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -172,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo Tor-en bitarteko web nabigazioaren errendimendua indartzen duen web "
-"proxy bat da."
+msgstr "Polipo Tor-en bitarteko web nabigazioaren errendimendua indartzen duen web proxy bat da."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -204,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton web nabigazio anonimoa azkar gaitzea eta ezgaitzea ahalbidetzen "
-"duen Firefoxentzako hedapena da."
+msgstr "Torbutton web nabigazio anonimoa azkar gaitzea eta ezgaitzea ahalbidetzen duen Firefoxentzako hedapena da."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -247,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox ez dago instalatuta"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Jarraitu baino lehen Firefox instala dezazun gomendatzen dizugu, segurtasun "
+msgstr "Jarraitu baino lehen Firefox instala dezazun gomendatzen dizugu, segurtasun hoberako."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -260,10 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox Web nabigatzailea ez dago zure sisteman instalatuta. Tor-ek badabil beste nabigatzaile batzuekin, Internet Explorer bezala, baina Firefoxekin erabiltzea errazagoa da, eta zure anonimotasuna babesten lan hobea egiten du.\n"
-"Firefox instalatu nahi baduzu, mesedez sakatu Utzi, eta ondoren joan Firefoxen deskarga orrira hemen"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox Web nabigatzailea ez dago zure sisteman instalatuta. Tor-ek badabil beste nabigatzaile batzuekin, Internet Explorer bezala, baina Firefoxekin erabiltzea errazagoa da, eta zure anonimotasuna babesten lan hobea egiten du.\n\nFirefox instalatu nahi baduzu, mesedez sakatu Utzi, eta ondoren joan Firefoxen deskarga orrira hemen"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -272,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Behin Firefox instalatu duzunean, Tor instalaria berriz exekutatu dezakezu.\n"
-"Edo, nahiago baduzu Tor instalatu Firefoxik gabe, sakatu Aurrera besterik gabe."
+msgstr "Behin Firefox instalatu duzunean, Tor instalaria berriz exekutatu dezakezu.\n\nEdo, nahiago baduzu Tor instalatu Firefoxik gabe, sakatu Aurrera besterik gabe."
diff --git a/fa/vidalia_fa.po b/fa/vidalia_fa.po
index 419e8cd..34c75cf 100644
--- a/fa/vidalia_fa.po
+++ b/fa/vidalia_fa.po
@@ -32,14 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"اÙ?Ù? دستÙ?ارØ? Ø´Ù?ا را در Ø·Û? بارگذارÛ? تÙ?رØ? Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù?Ø? Ù? تÙ?رباتÙ?Ù? راÙ?Ù?Ù?اÙ?Û? Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?د.\n"
-"تÙ?ر سÙ?ستÙ?Û? براÛ? استÙ?ادÙ? از اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?ت بÙ?â??صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس است Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا Ú©Ù?Ú© Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?د Ú©Ù? کارÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?Ø«Ù? گردش Ù? Ù?Ù?شتÙ? در Ù?بØ? Ù¾Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?رÛ?Ø? IRC  Ù? برÙ?اÙ?Ù?â??Ù?اÙ? دÙ?گرÙ? را Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? Ú©Ù?Ù?د. Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د.\n"
-"Ù¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?ب پراÙ?سÙ? Ù?Ø´ Ù?Ù?Ù?دÙ? است Ù?Ù? Ù?ابÙ?Ù?تÙ?اÙ? Ù?شاÙ?دÙ? Ù?ب ساÙ?ت از طرÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر را اÙ?زاÙ?Ø´ Ù?Ù?â??دÙ?د..\n"
-"تÙ?رباتÙ?Ù? Ù?Ú© اÙ?زÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اکس است Ú©Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا اجازÙ? Ù?Û?â??دÙ?د اÙ?کاÙ? Ù?رÙ?ر Ù?اشÙ?اس در Ù?ب را بÙ?â??سرعت Ù?عاÙ? Ù?ا غÙ?رÙ?عاÙ? Ú©Ù?Ù?د.\n"
-"اگر Ù¾Ù?Ø´ از اÙ?Ù? تÙ?رØ? Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù?Ø? Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اکس را Ù?صب کردÙ?â??اÙ?دØ? Ø®Ù?اÙ?Ø´Ù?Ù?د است از بستÙ? بÙ?دÙ? Ø¢Ù?â??Ù?ا در Ø­Ù?Ù? Ù?صب اÙ?Ù? برÙ?اÙ?Ù? اطÙ?Ù?Ù?اÙ? Ù¾Ù?دا Ú©Ù?Ù?د.\n"
+msgstr "اÙ?Ù? دستÙ?ارØ? Ø´Ù?ا را در Ø·Û? بارگذارÛ? تÙ?رØ? Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù?Ø? Ù? تÙ?رباتÙ?Ù? راÙ?Ù?Ù?اÙ?Û? Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?د.\n\nتÙ?ر سÙ?ستÙ?Û? براÛ? استÙ?ادÙ? از اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?ت بÙ?â??صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس است Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا Ú©Ù?Ú© Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?د Ú©Ù? کارÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?Ø«Ù? گردش Ù? Ù?Ù?شتÙ? در Ù?بØ? Ù¾Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?رÛ?Ø? IRC  Ù? برÙ?اÙ?Ù?â??Ù?اÙ? دÙ?گرÙ? را Ù?Ø®Ù?Û? Ú©Ù?Ù?د. Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د.\nÙ¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?ب پراÙ?سÙ? Ù?Ø´ Ù?Ù?Ù?دÙ? است Ù?Ù? Ù?ابÙ?Ù?تÙ?اÙ? Ù?شاÙ?دÙ? Ù?ب ساÙ?ت از طرÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر را اÙ?زاÙ?Ø´ Ù?Ù?â??دÙ?د..\nتÙ?رباتÙ?Ù? Ù?Ú© اÙ?زÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اکس است Ú©Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا اجازÙ? Ù?Û?â??دÙ?د اÙ?کاÙ? Ù?رÙ?ر Ù?اشÙ?اس در Ù?ب را بÙ?â??سرعت Ù?عاÙ? Ù?ا غÙ?رÙ?عاÙ? Ú©Ù?Ù?د.\nاگر Ù¾Ù?Ø´ از اÙ?Ù? تÙ?رØ? Ù?Ù?
 داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù?Ø? Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اکس را Ù?صب کردÙ?â??اÙ?دØ? Ø®Ù?اÙ?Ø´Ù?Ù?د است از بستÙ? بÙ?دÙ? Ø¢Ù?â??Ù?ا در Ø­Ù?Ù? Ù?صب اÙ?Ù? برÙ?اÙ?Ù? اطÙ?Ù?Ù?اÙ? Ù¾Ù?دا Ú©Ù?Ù?د.\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -55,9 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"عÙ?Ù?Ù?ات Ù?صب اÙ?جاÙ? شد.\n"
-" Ø®Ù?اÙ?Ø´Ù?Ù?د است براÙ? آگاÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?تÙ? از Ú?Ú¯Ù?Ù?Ú¯Ù? Ù¾Ù?Ù?ربÙ?دÙ? برÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ? Ù?اربردÙ?â??تاÙ? در تÙ?ر بÙ? آدرس https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows Ù?راجعÙ? Ù?Ù?اÙ?Ù?د. /nاگر Ø´Ù?ا تÙ?رباتÙ? را Ù?صب Ù?ردÙ?â??اÙ?دØ? Ù?Ù?از Ø®Ù?اÙ?Ù?د داشت تا Ù?Ù?بار Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س را رÙ?â??استارت Ù?Ù?Ù?د."
+msgstr "عÙ?Ù?Ù?ات Ù?صب اÙ?جاÙ? شد.\n Ø®Ù?اÙ?Ø´Ù?Ù?د است براÙ? آگاÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?تÙ? از Ú?Ú¯Ù?Ù?Ú¯Ù? Ù¾Ù?Ù?ربÙ?دÙ? برÙ?اÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ? Ù?اربردÙ?â??تاÙ? در تÙ?ر بÙ? آدرس https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows Ù?راجعÙ? Ù?Ù?اÙ?Ù?د. /nاگر Ø´Ù?ا تÙ?رباتÙ? را Ù?صب Ù?ردÙ?â??اÙ?دØ? Ù?Ù?از Ø®Ù?اÙ?Ù?د داشت تا Ù?Ù?بار Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س را رÙ?â??استارت Ù?Ù?Ù?د."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -65,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "اجرا Ù?ردÙ? گزÙ?Ù?Ù?â??Ù?اÙ? Ù?صب شدÙ?"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا در Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? Ù?ردÙ? تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù?"
-" Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د. ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
+msgstr "Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?اØ? Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا در Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? Ù?ردÙ? تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د. ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -82,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"اÙ?Ù? دستÙ?ار Ø´Ù?ا را در سرتاسر Ù?راحÙ? Ù?صب Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? براÙ? Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر استØ? Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د.\n"
+msgstr "اÙ?Ù? دستÙ?ار Ø´Ù?ا را در سرتاسر Ù?راحÙ? Ù?صب Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? براÙ? Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر استØ? Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -97,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "صÙ?Ø­Ù? اصÙ?Ù? ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا در Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? Ù?ردÙ? تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù? "
+msgstr "Ù?Ù?داÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ù?اسط گراÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا در Ù?Ù?ترÙ?Ø? Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ù? تÙ?ظÙ?Ù? Ù?ردÙ? تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -125,11 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"تÙ?ر سÙ?ستÙ?Ù? براÙ? استÙ?ادÙ? از اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?ت بÙ? صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د "
-"تا Ù?ب ساÙ?تÙ?ا را بÙ? صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس دÙ?دÙ? Ù? Ù?ا بارگذارÙ? Ù?Ù?اÙ?Ù?دØ? Ù¾Ù?اÙ? بÙ?رستÙ?دØ? از "
-"Ø¢Ù?â??آرسÙ? بÙ? صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس استÙ?ادÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?د Ù? Ù?Ù?Ú?Ù?Ù?Ù? براÙ? استÙ?ادÙ?â??Ù?اÙ? بÙ?شتر دÙ?گرÙ? "
-"Ù?Ù?ز Ù?Ù?رد Ù?صرÙ? Ù?رار Ù?Ù?â??Ú¯Ù?رد."
+msgstr "تÙ?ر سÙ?ستÙ?Ù? براÙ? استÙ?ادÙ? از اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?ت بÙ? صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس است Ù?Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?â??Ù?Ù?د تا Ù?ب ساÙ?تÙ?ا را بÙ? صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس دÙ?دÙ? Ù? Ù?ا بارگذارÙ? Ù?Ù?اÙ?Ù?دØ? Ù¾Ù?اÙ? بÙ?رستÙ?دØ? از Ø¢Ù?â??آرسÙ? بÙ? صÙ?رت Ù?اشÙ?اس استÙ?ادÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?د Ù? Ù?Ù?Ú?Ù?Ù?Ù? براÙ? استÙ?ادÙ?â??Ù?اÙ? بÙ?شتر دÙ?گرÙ? Ù?Ù?ز Ù?Ù?رد Ù?صرÙ? Ù?رار Ù?Ù?â??Ú¯Ù?رد."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -144,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ø´Ù?ا Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù? Ù¾Ù?Ù?ربÙ?دÙ? تÙ?ر را دارÙ?د.$\n"
-"Ø¢Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?Ù?Ù?د Ø¢Ù?â?? را با Ù?اÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù¾Ù?Ø´ Ù?رض Ù¾Ù?Ù?ربÙ?دÙ? جاÙ?گزÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?دØ?"
+msgstr "Ø´Ù?ا Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù? Ù¾Ù?Ù?ربÙ?دÙ? تÙ?ر را دارÙ?د.$\n$\nØ¢Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?Ù?Ù?د Ø¢Ù?â?? را با Ù?اÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù¾Ù?Ø´ Ù?رض Ù¾Ù?Ù?ربÙ?دÙ? جاÙ?گزÙ?Ù? Ù?Ù?Ù?دØ?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -169,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Ù¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?ب پراÙ?سÙ? Ù?Ø´ Ù?Ù?Ù?دÙ? است Ù?Ù? Ù?ابÙ?Ù?تÙ?اÙ? Ù?رÙ?ر Ù?ب از طرÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر را اÙ?زاÙ?Ø´ "
+msgstr "Ù¾Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù¾Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?ب پراÙ?سÙ? Ù?Ø´ Ù?Ù?Ù?دÙ? است Ù?Ù? Ù?ابÙ?Ù?تÙ?اÙ? Ù?رÙ?ر Ù?ب از طرÙ?Ù? تÙ?ر را اÙ?زاÙ?Ø´ Ù?Ù?â??دÙ?د."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -201,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"تÙ?رباتÙ?Ù? Ù?Ú© اÙ?زÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اکس است Ú©Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا اجازÙ? Ù?Û?â??دÙ?د اÙ?کاÙ? Ù?رÙ?ر Ù?اشÙ?اس در "
-"Ù?ب را بÙ?â??سرعت Ù?عاÙ? Ù?ا غÙ?رÙ?عاÙ? Ú©Ù?Ù?د."
+msgstr "تÙ?رباتÙ?Ù? Ù?Ú© اÙ?زÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اکس است Ú©Ù? بÙ? Ø´Ù?ا اجازÙ? Ù?Û?â??دÙ?د اÙ?کاÙ? Ù?رÙ?ر Ù?اشÙ?اس در Ù?ب را بÙ?â??سرعت Ù?عاÙ? Ù?ا غÙ?رÙ?عاÙ? Ú©Ù?Ù?د."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -255,12 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?رÙ?رگر Ù?Ù?زÙ?Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س رÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù¾Ù?Ù?تر Ø´Ù?ا Ù?صب Ù?شدÙ? است. /nتÙ?ر با Ù?رÙ?رگرÙ?اÙ? "
-"اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?تÙ? دÙ?گر Ù?Ø«Ù? اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?ت اÙ?سپÙ?Ù?رر Ù?Ù?ز Ù?ار Ø®Ù?اÙ?د Ù?رد Ù?Ù?Ù? /nÙ?ار با Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س  "
-"بÙ? دÙ?Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? داراÙ? اÙ?Ù?اÙ?ات بÙ?ترÙ? /nجÙ?ت Ø­Ù?اظت از Ù?اشÙ?اس Ù?اÙ?دÙ? Ø´Ù?ا استØ?â?? "
-"آساÙ?تر است. /nاگر Ù?اÙ?Ù? بÙ? Ù?صب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س Ù?ستÙ?دØ? Ù?Ø·Ù?اÙ? دÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?سÙ? را زدÙ? Ù? سپس "
-"بÙ?/nصÙ?Ø­Ù? بارگذارÙ? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س در آدرس"
+msgstr "Ù?رÙ?رگر Ù?Ù?زÙ?Ù?ا Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س رÙ?Ù? Ù?اÙ?Ù¾Ù?Ù?تر Ø´Ù?ا Ù?صب Ù?شدÙ? است. /nتÙ?ر با Ù?رÙ?رگرÙ?اÙ? اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?تÙ? دÙ?گر Ù?Ø«Ù? اÙ?Ù?ترÙ?ت اÙ?سپÙ?Ù?رر Ù?Ù?ز Ù?ار Ø®Ù?اÙ?د Ù?رد Ù?Ù?Ù? /nÙ?ار با Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س  بÙ? دÙ?Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù? داراÙ? اÙ?Ù?اÙ?ات بÙ?ترÙ? /nجÙ?ت Ø­Ù?اظت از Ù?اشÙ?اس Ù?اÙ?دÙ? Ø´Ù?ا استØ?â?? آساÙ?تر است. /nاگر Ù?اÙ?Ù? بÙ? Ù?صب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س Ù?ستÙ?دØ? Ù?Ø·Ù?اÙ? دÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?سÙ? را زدÙ? Ù? سپس بÙ?/nصÙ?Ø­Ù? بارگذارÙ? Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س در آدرس"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -269,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Ù?Ù?تÙ? Ù?صب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س را بÙ? اتÙ?اÙ? رساÙ?دÙ?دØ? Ù?Ù?â??تÙ?اÙ?Ù?د Ù?جدداÙ?/nÙ?صب Ù?Ù?Ù?دÙ? تÙ?ر/n/nرا"
-" اجرا Ù?Ù?Ù?د Ù?ا اگر Ù?اÙ?Ù? بÙ? Ù?صب Ø¢Ù? بدÙ?Ù? Ù?صب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س Ù?ستÙ?دØ? Ù?Ø·Ù?اÙ?/nدÙ?Ù?Ù? اداÙ?Ù? "
-"را بزÙ?Ù?د."
+msgstr "Ù?Ù?تÙ? Ù?صب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س را بÙ? اتÙ?اÙ? رساÙ?دÙ?دØ? Ù?Ù?â??تÙ?اÙ?Ù?د Ù?جدداÙ?/nÙ?صب Ù?Ù?Ù?دÙ? تÙ?ر/n/nرا اجرا Ù?Ù?Ù?د Ù?ا اگر Ù?اÙ?Ù? بÙ? Ù?صب Ø¢Ù? بدÙ?Ù? Ù?صب Ù?اÙ?رÙ?اÙ?س Ù?ستÙ?دØ? Ù?Ø·Ù?اÙ?/nدÙ?Ù?Ù? اداÙ?Ù? را بزÙ?Ù?د."
diff --git a/fi/vidalia_fi.po b/fi/vidalia_fi.po
index 978be19..7eab76f 100644
--- a/fi/vidalia_fi.po
+++ b/fi/vidalia_fi.po
@@ -32,17 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Tämä velho auttaa asentamaan Tor-ohjelman, Vidalian, Polipon ja Torbuttonin.\n"
-"Tor on järjestelmä, jonka avulla voit käyttää Internettiä tuntemattomana tekemällä anonyymiseksi sivujen selailun, pikaviestimisen, irkkaamisen ja muiden vastaavien ohjelmien käytön. Vidalia on graafinen käyttöliittymä jolla ohjataan, seurataan ja säädetään Tor-ohjelman toimintaa.\n"
-"Polipo on välimuistina toimiva web välityspalvelin, joka auttaa parantaa nettiselailun nopeutta Torria käytettäessä.\n"
-"Torbutton on Firefoxin lisäosa, jolla voi helposti ottaa käyttöön tai poistaa käytöstä anonyymisen sivujen selailun.\n"
-"Jos koneelle on jo asennettu Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, Privoxy tai Firefox, on suositeltavaa tarkistaa ettei mikään niistä ole päällä ennen tämän asennuksen jatkamista.\n"
+msgstr "Tämä velho auttaa asentamaan Tor-ohjelman, Vidalian, Polipon ja Torbuttonin.\nTor on järjestelmä, jonka avulla voit käyttää Internettiä tuntemattomana tekemällä anonyymiseksi sivujen selailun, pikaviestimisen, irkkaamisen ja muiden vastaavien ohjelmien käytön. Vidalia on graafinen käyttöliittymä jolla ohjataan, seurataan ja säädetään Tor-ohjelman toimintaa.\n\nPolipo on välimuistina toimiva web välityspalvelin, joka auttaa parantaa nettiselailun nopeutta Torria käytettäessä.\n\nTorbutton on Firefoxin lisäosa, jolla voi helposti ottaa käyttöön tai poistaa käytöstä anonyymisen sivujen selailun.\n\nJos koneelle on jo asennettu Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, Privoxy tai Firefox, on suositeltavaa tarkistaa ettei mikään niistä ole päällä ennen tämän asennuksen jatkamista.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -58,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Asennus on valmis.\n"
-"Tutustu https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows -ohjesivuun missä kerrotaan kuinka tehdä Tor-ohjelman vaatimat asetukset eri ohjelmille.\n"
-"Jos asensit Torbuttonin, Firefox tulee käynnistää uudestaan."
+msgstr "Asennus on valmis.\nTutustu https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows -ohjesivuun missä kerrotaan kuinka tehdä Tor-ohjelman vaatimat asetukset eri ohjelmille.\n\nJos asensit Torbuttonin, Firefox tulee käynnistää uudestaan."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -70,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Käynnistä asennetut komponentit nyt"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia on käyttöliittymä ohjaamaan, tarkkailemaan ja säätämään Tor-ohjelman"
-" asetuksia."
+msgstr "Vidalia on käyttöliittymä ohjaamaan, tarkkailemaan ja säätämään Tor-ohjelman asetuksia."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -87,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Tämä velho auttaa asentamaan Vidalian, joka on käyttöliittymä ohjaamaan, tarkkailemaan ja säätämään Tor-ohjelman toimintaa.\n"
+msgstr "Tämä velho auttaa asentamaan Vidalian, joka on käyttöliittymä ohjaamaan, tarkkailemaan ja säätämään Tor-ohjelman toimintaa.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -102,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME}:n kotisivu"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia on käyttöliittymä, joka auttaa ohjaamaan, tarkkailemaan ja säätämään"
-" Tor-ohjelmaa."
+msgstr "Vidalia on käyttöliittymä, joka auttaa ohjaamaan, tarkkailemaan ja säätämään Tor-ohjelmaa."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -130,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor on järjestelmä, jolla voi käyttää Internettiä tuntemattomasti tekemällä "
-"anonyymiseksi sivujen selailun, pikaviestimisen, irkkaamisen ja muiden "
+msgstr "Tor on järjestelmä, jolla voi käyttää Internettiä tuntemattomasti tekemällä anonyymiseksi sivujen selailun, pikaviestimisen, irkkaamisen ja muiden käytön."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -148,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sinulla on jo ennestään Tor asetustiedosto.$\n"
-"Haluatko, että se korvataan esimerkki asetustiedostolla?"
+msgstr "Sinulla on jo ennestään Tor asetustiedosto.$\n$\nHaluatko, että se korvataan esimerkki asetustiedostolla?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -173,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo on välimuistiin tallentava web välityspalvelin joka auttaa "
-"parantamaan web selailun nopeutta Torria käytettäessä."
+msgstr "Polipo on välimuistiin tallentava web välityspalvelin joka auttaa parantamaan web selailun nopeutta Torria käytettäessä."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -205,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton on Firefox lisäosa, jonka avulla voi ottaa nopeasti käyttöön tai "
-"poistaa käytöstä anonyymisen web sivujen selailun."
+msgstr "Torbutton on Firefox lisäosa, jonka avulla voi ottaa nopeasti käyttöön tai poistaa käytöstä anonyymisen web sivujen selailun."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -248,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox ei ole asennettu"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Turvallisuuden vuoksi Firefoxin asentaminen on suositeltavaa ennen "
+msgstr "Turvallisuuden vuoksi Firefoxin asentaminen on suositeltavaa ennen jatkamista."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -261,13 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox selain ei ole asennettuna tähän tietokoneeseen.\n"
-"Tor toimii muillakin selaimilla, kuten Internet Explorer, mutta\n"
-"on helpompaa käyttää Firefoxilla, joka lisäksi turvaa yksityisyyden paremmin.\n"
-"Jos haluat asentaa Firefoxin, paina Peruuta ja mene\n"
-"Firefoxin lataussivulle osoitteeseen:"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox selain ei ole asennettuna tähän tietokoneeseen.\nTor toimii muillakin selaimilla, kuten Internet Explorer, mutta\non helpompaa käyttää Firefoxilla, joka lisäksi turvaa yksityisyyden paremmin.\n\nJos haluat asentaa Firefoxin, paina Peruuta ja mene\nFirefoxin lataussivulle osoitteeseen:"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -276,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Kun olet asentanut Firefoxin, voit uudestaan käynnistää\n"
-"Vaihtoehtoisesti voit asentaa Tor-ohjelman ilman Firefoxia\n"
-"painamalla Jatka."
+msgstr "Kun olet asentanut Firefoxin, voit uudestaan käynnistää\nTor-asennuksen.\n\nVaihtoehtoisesti voit asentaa Tor-ohjelman ilman Firefoxia\npainamalla Jatka."
diff --git a/fr/vidalia_fr.po b/fr/vidalia_fr.po
index 66bc569..aef9a0f 100644
--- a/fr/vidalia_fr.po
+++ b/fr/vidalia_fr.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Cet assistant vous guidera pendant l'installation de Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, et de Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor est un système pour utiliser internet anonymement, vous aidant à anonymer la navigation Web, la publication, la messagerie instantanée, l'IRC, et plus encore. Vidalia est un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer Tor.\n"
-"Polipo est un mandataire proxy de cache qui améliore la navigation web à travers Tor.\n"
-"Torbutton est un module complémentaire de Firefox qui vous permet d'activer ou de désactiver rapidement la navigation anonyme.\n"
-"Si vous avez déjà installé Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, ou Firefox, assurez-vous qu'ils ne sont pas démarrés avant de poursuivre l'installation.\n"
+msgstr "Cet assistant vous guidera pendant l'installation de Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, et de Torbutton.\n\nTor est un système pour utiliser internet anonymement, vous aidant à anonymer la navigation Web, la publication, la messagerie instantanée, l'IRC, et plus encore. Vidalia est un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer Tor.\n\nPolipo est un mandataire proxy de cache qui améliore la navigation web à travers Tor.\n\nTorbutton est un module complémentaire de Firefox qui vous permet d'activer ou de désactiver rapidement la navigation anonyme.\n\nSi vous avez déjà installé Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, ou Firefox, assurez-vous qu'ils ne sont pas démarrés avant de poursuivre l'installation.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"L'installation est terminée.\n"
-"Consultez la page https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows pour apprendre comment configurer vos applications avec Tor.\n"
-"Si vous venez d'installer Torbutton, vous devrez redémarrer Firefox."
+msgstr "L'installation est terminée.\nConsultez la page https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows pour apprendre comment configurer vos applications avec Tor.\n\nSi vous venez d'installer Torbutton, vous devrez redémarrer Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Démarrer les composants installés maintenant"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia est un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer "
+msgstr "Vidalia est un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Cet assistant vous guidera pendant l'installation de Vidalia, un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Cet assistant vous guidera pendant l'installation de Vidalia, un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -103,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Site Web de ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia est un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer "
+msgstr "Vidalia est un logiciel qui vous aide à contrôler,surveiller et configurer Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -131,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor est un système pour utiliser internet anonymement, vous aidant à "
-"anonymer la navigation Web, la publication, la messagerie instantanée, "
-"l'IRC, et plus encore."
+msgstr "Tor est un système pour utiliser internet anonymement, vous aidant à anonymer la navigation Web, la publication, la messagerie instantanée, l'IRC, et plus encore."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -149,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vous avez déjà un fichier de configuration de Tor.$\n"
-"Voulez-vous le remplacer par le fichier de configuration par défaut?"
+msgstr "Vous avez déjà un fichier de configuration de Tor.$\n$\nVoulez-vous le remplacer par le fichier de configuration par défaut?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -174,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo est un mandataire proxy de cache qui améliore la navigation web à "
-"travers Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo est un mandataire proxy de cache qui améliore la navigation web à travers Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -206,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton est un module complémentaire de Firefox qui vous permet d'activer "
-"ou de désactiver rapidement la navigation anonyme."
+msgstr "Torbutton est un module complémentaire de Firefox qui vous permet d'activer ou de désactiver rapidement la navigation anonyme."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -228,9 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Ajouter l'extension ${TORBUTTON_DESC} à Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox n'a pas été trouvé sur votre système. Torbutton ne sera pas "
+msgstr "Firefox n'a pas été trouvé sur votre système. Torbutton ne sera pas installé."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -238,8 +204,7 @@ msgstr "Données de l'Application"
 msgctxt "AppDataUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove saved application data and configuration files."
-msgstr ""
-"Supprimer les fichiers de configuration et les données de l'application."
+msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers de configuration et les données de l'application."
 msgctxt "LanguageCode"
 msgid "en"
@@ -252,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox n'est pas installé"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Nous recommandons, pour plus de sureté, l'installation de firefox avant de "
-"continuer. "
+msgstr "Nous recommandons, pour plus de sureté, l'installation de firefox avant de continuer. "
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -265,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Le navigateur Mozilla Firefox n'est pas installé sur votre ordinateur.\n"
-"Tor fonctionnera avec d'autres navigateurs, tel que Internet Explorer, mais\n"
-"il est simple à utiliser avec Firefox, qui est aussi plus adapté pour\n"
-"proteger votre anonymat.\n"
-"Si vous voulez intaller Firefox, merci de presser Annuler, puis allez\n"
-"sur la page de téléchargement de Firefox"
+msgstr "Le navigateur Mozilla Firefox n'est pas installé sur votre ordinateur.\nTor fonctionnera avec d'autres navigateurs, tel que Internet Explorer, mais\nil est simple à utiliser avec Firefox, qui est aussi plus adapté pour\nproteger votre anonymat.\n\nSi vous voulez intaller Firefox, merci de presser Annuler, puis allez\nsur la page de téléchargement de Firefox"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -281,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Quand vous aurez installé Firefox, vous pourrez à nouveau lancer l'\n"
-"installeur de Tor.\n"
-"Ou, si vous préférez installer Tor sans Firefox, pressez simplement\n"
+msgstr "Quand vous aurez installé Firefox, vous pourrez à nouveau lancer l'\ninstalleur de Tor.\n\nOu, si vous préférez installer Tor sans Firefox, pressez simplement\nContinuer."
diff --git a/he/vidalia_he.po b/he/vidalia_he.po
index 28b0851..db93424 100644
--- a/he/vidalia_he.po
+++ b/he/vidalia_he.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Amichay P. K. <am1chay.p.k@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -33,18 +33,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"×?שף ×?×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?תרנ×? ש×? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, ×?-Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor ×?× ×? ×?ער×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?× ×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×?, ש×?ס×?×?עת ×?×? ×?ש×?×?ר ×¢×? ×?× ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש×? ×?פרס×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×?, ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?, IRC, ×?×¢×?×?. Vidalia ×?× ×? ×?×?שק ×?שת×?ש ×?רפ×? ש×?ס×?×?×¢ ×?×? ×?ש×?×?×?, ×?×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?עק×?×? ×?×?ר×? ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?-Tor.\n"
-"Polipo ×?× ×? caching web proxy ש×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?×?צ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?×?ש×? ×¢×? Tor.\n"
-"Torbutton ×?×?× ×? ×?ר×?×?ת Firefox ×?×?×?פשרת ×?פע×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר ש×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?× ×?× ×?×?×?ת.\n"
-"×?×? ×?תקנת ×?×¢×?ר ×?ת Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, ×?×? Firefox, ×?× ×? ×?×?×? ש×?×? ×?×?× ×? פ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?פנ×? שתת×?×?×? ×?×?תקנ×?.\n"
+msgstr "×?שף ×?×? ×?× ×?×? ×?×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?תרנ×? ש×? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, ×?-Torbutton.\n\nTor ×?× ×? ×?ער×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?× ×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×?, ש×?ס×?×?עת ×?×? ×?ש×?×?ר ×¢×? ×?× ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש×? ×?פרס×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×?, ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?×?, IRC, ×?×¢×?×?. Vidalia ×?× ×? ×?×?שק ×?שת×?ש ×?רפ×? ש×?ס×?×?×¢ ×?×? ×?ש×?×?×?, ×?×?×?×?×?ר ×?×?עק×?×? ×?×?ר×? ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?-Tor.\n\nPolipo ×?× ×? caching web proxy ש×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ×?×?×?צ×?×¢×?×? ×?×?×?×?ש×? ×¢×? Tor.\n\nTorbutton ×?×?× ×? ×?ר×?×?ת Firefox ×?×?×?פשרת ×?פע×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר ש×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?× ×?× ×?×?×?ת.\n\n×?×? ×?תקנת ×?×¢×?ר ×?ת Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, ×?×? Firefox, ×?× ×? ×?×?×? ש×?×? ×?×?× ×? פ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?פנ×? שתת×?×?×? ×?×?תקנ×?.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -60,11 +49,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?תקנ×? ×?סת×?×?×?×?.\n"
-"×?× ×? ר×?×? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows ×¢×? ×?נת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×? ×?×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ×?ת×?×?× ×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?-Tor.\n"
-" ×?×? ×?תקנת Torbutton ×?ש צ×?ר×? ×?×?ת×?×?×? ×?×?×?ש ×?ת Firefox."
+msgstr "×?×?תקנ×? ×?סת×?×?×?×?.\n×?× ×? ר×?×? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows ×¢×? ×?נת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×? ×?×?×?×?×?ר ×?ת ×?ת×?×?× ×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?-Tor.\n\n ×?×? ×?תקנת Torbutton ×?ש צ×?ר×? ×?×?ת×?×?×? ×?×?×?ש ×?ת Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -87,10 +72,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"×?שף ×?×? ×?×?ר×?×? ×?×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?תקנת Vidalia, ×?×?שק ×?רפ×? ×?×¢×?×?ר ×?ש×?×?×?×?, × ×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?רת Tor.\n"
+msgstr "×?שף ×?×? ×?×?ר×?×? ×?×?ת×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?תקנת Vidalia, ×?×?שק ×?רפ×? ×?×¢×?×?ר ×?ש×?×?×?×?, × ×?×?×?ר ×?×?×?×?רת Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -128,9 +110,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor ×?×?×? ×?ער×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?× ×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×?, ×?×?×?×?ש×? ×?פרס×?×? ×?תר×? רשת, תקשר×?ת ×?סר×?×? "
-"×?×?×?×?×?×?, IRC ×?×¢×?×?."
+msgstr "Tor ×?×?×? ×?ער×?ת ×?ש×?×?×?ש ×?× ×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×?, ×?×?×?×?ש×? ×?פרס×?×? ×?תר×? רשת, תקשר×?ת ×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?, IRC ×?×¢×?×?."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -145,10 +125,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"ק×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?ר×?ת Tor × ×?צ×?.$\n"
-"×?×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?×?×?×?פ×? ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×??"
+msgstr "ק×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?ר×?ת Tor × ×?צ×?.$\n$\n×?×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?×?×?×?פ×? ×?ק×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?ר×?ת ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×??"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -200,8 +177,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton ×?×?× ×? ×?ר×?×?ת Firefox ×?×?×?פשרת ×?פע×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר ש×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?× ×?× ×?×?×?ת."
+msgstr "Torbutton ×?×?× ×? ×?ר×?×?ת Firefox ×?×?×?פשרת ×?פע×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר ש×? ×?×?×?ש×? ×?× ×?× ×?×?×?ת."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -242,8 +218,7 @@ msgstr "פ×?×?רפ×?קס ×?×?× ×? ×?×?תק×?"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"×?× ×? ×?×?×?×?צ×?×? ×?×?תק×?×? ×?ת פ×?×?רפ×?קס ×?פנ×? שת×?ש×?×?, ×¢×? ×?נת ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?תר."
+msgstr "×?× ×? ×?×?×?×?צ×?×? ×?×?תק×?×? ×?ת פ×?×?רפ×?קס ×?פנ×? שת×?ש×?×?, ×¢×? ×?נת ×?×?ש×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?תר."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -254,12 +229,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"×?×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? פ×?×?רפ×?קס ×?×?× ×? ×?×?תק×? ×¢×? ×?×?ש×?×?.\n"
-"Tor ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×? ×¢×? ×?פ×?פנ×?×? ×?×?ר×?×?, ×?×?×?×? Internet Explorer,\n"
-"×?×? ×?×? ק×? ×?×?תר ×?×?שת×?ש ×?פ×?×?רפ×?קס, שת×?ר×? ×?×?×?× ×? ×¢×? ×?פר×?×?×?ת ש×?×?.\n"
-"×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?תק×?×? ×?ת פ×?×?רפ×?קס, ×?× ×? ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? \"×?×?×?×?×?\", ×?×¢×?×?ר ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×? ש×? פ×?×?רפ×?קס ×?×?ת×?×?ת "
+msgstr "×?×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? פ×?×?רפ×?קס ×?×?× ×? ×?×?תק×? ×¢×? ×?×?ש×?×?.\nTor ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×? ×¢×? ×?פ×?פנ×?×? ×?×?ר×?×?, ×?×?×?×? Internet Explorer,\n×?×? ×?×? ק×? ×?×?תר ×?×?שת×?ש ×?פ×?×?רפ×?קס, שת×?ר×? ×?×?×?× ×? ×¢×? ×?פר×?×?×?ת ש×?×?.\n\n×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?תק×?×? ×?ת פ×?×?רפ×?קס, ×?× ×? ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? \"×?×?×?×?×?\", ×?×¢×?×?ר ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×? ש×? פ×?×?רפ×?קס ×?×?ת×?×?ת "
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -268,9 +238,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"×?שתס×?×?×? ×?×?תק×?×? ×?ת פ×?×?רפ×?קס, ת×?×?×? ×?×?פע×?×? ש×?×? ×?ת ×?תקנת Tor.\n"
-"×?×?, ×?×? ×?ת×? ×?×¢×?×?×£ ×?×?×?תר ×¢×? ×?תקנת פ×?×?רפ×?קס, פש×?×? ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? \"×?×?×?\"."
+msgstr "×?שתס×?×?×? ×?×?תק×?×? ×?ת פ×?×?רפ×?קס, ת×?×?×? ×?×?פע×?×? ש×?×? ×?ת ×?תקנת Tor.\n\n×?×?, ×?×? ×?ת×? ×?×¢×?×?×£ ×?×?×?תר ×¢×? ×?תקנת פ×?×?רפ×?קס, פש×?×? ×?×?×¥ ×¢×? \"×?×?×?\"."
diff --git a/hu/vidalia_hu.po b/hu/vidalia_hu.po
index f0b65b3..cb120af 100755
--- a/hu/vidalia_hu.po
+++ b/hu/vidalia_hu.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: vargaviktor <viktor.varga@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ez a varázsló végigvezeti a Tor, Vidalia, Polipo és Torbutton szoftverek telepítésén.\n"
-"A Tor egy olyan rendszer, amivel a névtelenül használhatja az Internetet, segítségével névtelenül böngészhet és publikálhat, cseveghet, használhat IRC-t és egyéb szolgáltatásokat. A Vidalia egy grafikus felület a Tor kezeléséhez, felügyeletéhez és beállításához.\n"
-"A Polipo egy gyorsítótáras web proxy aminek a segítségével megnövelheti a Tor kapcsolat során a böngészés teljesítményét.\n"
-"A Torbutton egy Firefox kiegészítÅ?, ami lehetÅ?vé teszi, hogy gyorsan ki és bekapcsolja a névtelen böngészést.\n"
-"Ha korábban telepítette a Tor, Vidalia, Polipo és Firefox szoftvereket, kérjük ellenÅ?rizze, hogy ne fussanak, mielÅ?tt folytatná a telepítést.\n"
+msgstr "Ez a varázsló végigvezeti a Tor, Vidalia, Polipo és Torbutton szoftverek telepítésén.\n\nA Tor egy olyan rendszer, amivel a névtelenül használhatja az Internetet, segítségével névtelenül böngészhet és publikálhat, cseveghet, használhat IRC-t és egyéb szolgáltatásokat. A Vidalia egy grafikus felület a Tor kezeléséhez, felügyeletéhez és beállításához.\n\nA Polipo egy gyorsítótáras web proxy aminek a segítségével megnövelheti a Tor kapcsolat során a böngészés teljesítményét.\n\nA Torbutton egy Firefox kiegészítÅ?, ami lehetÅ?vé teszi, hogy gyorsan ki és bekapcsolja a névtelen böngészést.\n\nHa korábban telepítette a Tor, Vidalia, Polipo és Firefox szoftvereket, kérjük ellenÅ?rizze, hogy ne fussanak, mielÅ?tt folytatná a telepítést.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"A telepítés sikeres.\n"
-"Kérjük tekintse meg https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows oldalt, hogy megtanulja, hogyan kell beállítania alkalmazásait a Tor használatára.\n"
-"Ha a Torbuttont telepítette, akkor újra kell indítania a Firefox böngészÅ?jét."
+msgstr "A telepítés sikeres.\nKérjük tekintse meg https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows oldalt, hogy megtanulja, hogyan kell beállítania alkalmazásait a Tor használatára.\n\nHa a Torbuttont telepítette, akkor újra kell indítania a Firefox böngészÅ?jét."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "A telepített komponensek futtatása most"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"A Vidalia egy kezelÅ?felület, amienk segítéségvel egyszerüek vezérlheti, "
-"monitorozhatja, konfigurálhatja a Tor-t."
+msgstr "A Vidalia egy kezelÅ?felület, amienk segítéségvel egyszerüek vezérlheti, monitorozhatja, konfigurálhatja a Tor-t."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ez a varázsló végigvezeti a telepítésén a Vidalia szoftvernk, ami egy "
-"grafikus felület, a Tor szoftver kezeléséhez, felügyeletéhez és "
+msgstr "Ez a varázsló végigvezeti a telepítésén a Vidalia szoftvernk, ami egy grafikus felület, a Tor szoftver kezeléséhez, felügyeletéhez és beállításához."
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -103,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} honlap"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"A Vidalia egy grafikus felület, amivel irányíthatja, felügyelheti és "
-"konfigurálhatja a Tor-t."
+msgstr "A Vidalia egy grafikus felület, amivel irányíthatja, felügyelheti és konfigurálhatja a Tor-t."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -113,8 +91,7 @@ msgstr "Futtatás indításkor"
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartupDesc"
 msgid "Automatically run ${VIDALIA_NAME} at startup."
-msgstr ""
-" ${VIDALIA_NAME} automatikusan elindításra kerül a számítógép indításakor."
+msgstr " ${VIDALIA_NAME} automatikusan elindításra kerül a számítógép indításakor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaShortcuts"
 msgid "Add to Start Menu"
@@ -132,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"A Tor egy olyan rendszer, amivel névtelenül érheti el az Internetet, segít a"
-" névtelenül igénybe venni a web böngészés és publikálást, az üzenetküldést, "
-"az IRC-t, és más szolgáltatásokat."
+msgstr "A Tor egy olyan rendszer, amivel névtelenül érheti el az Internetet, segít a névtelenül igénybe venni a web böngészés és publikálást, az üzenetküldést, az IRC-t, és más szolgáltatásokat."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -150,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Már van egy Tor konfigurációs fájlja.$\n"
-"Szeretné felülírni azt, az alapértelmezett minta konfigurációs fájllal?"
+msgstr "Már van egy Tor konfigurációs fájlja.$\n$\nSzeretné felülírni azt, az alapértelmezett minta konfigurációs fájllal?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -175,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"A Polipo egy gyorsítótáras web proxy, ami növeli a a teljesítményt a Tor "
-"kapcsolat alatt végzett web böngészésnél. "
+msgstr "A Polipo egy gyorsítótáras web proxy, ami növeli a a teljesítményt a Tor kapcsolat alatt végzett web böngészésnél. "
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -207,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"A Torbutton egy Firefox kiegészítÅ?, ami lehetÅ?vé teszi, hogy gyorsan ki és "
-"bekapcsolja a névtelen böngészést."
+msgstr "A Torbutton egy Firefox kiegészítÅ?, ami lehetÅ?vé teszi, hogy gyorsan ki és bekapcsolja a névtelen böngészést."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -229,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "A ${TORBUTTON_DESC} hozzáadása a Firefox-hoz."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"A Firefox nincs a gépen telepítve. A Torbutton nem került telepítésre."
+msgstr "A Firefox nincs a gépen telepítve. A Torbutton nem került telepítésre."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -251,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "A Firefox nincs telepítve"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Javasoltjuk, hogy telepítse a Firefox böngészÅ?t a folytatás elÅ?tt a legjobb "
-"biztonság érdekében."
+msgstr "Javasoltjuk, hogy telepítse a Firefox böngészÅ?t a folytatás elÅ?tt a legjobb biztonság érdekében."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -264,11 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"A Mozilla Firefox Web böngészÅ? nincs a számítógépére telepítve.\n"
-"A Tor működik más böngészÅ?kkel, mint például az Internet Explorer, de könnyebb a Firefox böngészÅ?vel együtt a használat, ami egyébként is jobban védi a névtelenségét.\n"
-"Ha szeretné telepíteni a Firefox-ot, akkor most nyomja meg a Mégsem gombot, majd látogasson el a Firefox letöltési oldalára, a következÅ? címre:"
+msgstr "A Mozilla Firefox Web böngészÅ? nincs a számítógépére telepítve.\nA Tor működik más böngészÅ?kkel, mint például az Internet Explorer, de könnyebb a Firefox böngészÅ?vel együtt a használat, ami egyébként is jobban védi a névtelenségét.\n\nHa szeretné telepíteni a Firefox-ot, akkor most nyomja meg a Mégsem gombot, majd látogasson el a Firefox letöltési oldalára, a következÅ? címre:"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -277,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha telepítette a Firefox böngészÅ?t, indítsa el újra a Tor telepítÅ?jét.\n"
-"Vagy ha mégis a Firefox telepítése nélkül szeretné telepíteni a Tor-t, akkor csak nyomjon a Tovább gombra."
+msgstr "Ha telepítette a Firefox böngészÅ?t, indítsa el újra a Tor telepítÅ?jét.\n\nVagy ha mégis a Firefox telepítése nélkül szeretné telepíteni a Tor-t, akkor csak nyomjon a Tovább gombra."
diff --git a/id/vidalia_id.po b/id/vidalia_id.po
index efb9fa5..1519d48 100755
--- a/id/vidalia_id.po
+++ b/id/vidalia_id.po
@@ -48,9 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Instalasi selesai.\n"
-"Mohon kunjungi https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows untuk belajar bagaimana cara mengkonfigurasi aplikasi Anda agar dapat menggunakan Tor."
+msgstr "Instalasi selesai.\nMohon kunjungi https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows untuk belajar bagaimana cara mengkonfigurasi aplikasi Anda agar dapat menggunakan Tor."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -58,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Menjalankan komponen yang telah diinstall"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia adalah GUI yang membantu Anda untuk mengendalikan, memonitor dan "
-"mengkonfigurasi Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia adalah GUI yang membantu Anda untuk mengendalikan, memonitor dan mengkonfigurasi Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -75,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Installer ini akan memandu Anda dalam menginstall Vidalia, GUI yang membantu Anda untuk mengendalikan, memonitor dan mengkonfigurasi Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Installer ini akan memandu Anda dalam menginstall Vidalia, GUI yang membantu Anda untuk mengendalikan, memonitor dan mengkonfigurasi Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -90,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Website ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia adalah GUI yang membantu Anda untuk mengendalikan, memonitor dan "
-"mengkonfigurasi Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia adalah GUI yang membantu Anda untuk mengendalikan, memonitor dan mengkonfigurasi Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -118,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor adalah sistem yang memungkinkan menggunakan Internet tanpa dikenal "
-"(anonymous), membantu Anda untuk browsing, instant messaging, IRC dan lain-"
-"lain tanpa dikenal."
+msgstr "Tor adalah sistem yang memungkinkan menggunakan Internet tanpa dikenal (anonymous), membantu Anda untuk browsing, instant messaging, IRC dan lain-lain tanpa dikenal."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -136,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda telah mempunyai file konfigurasi Tor.$\n"
-"Anda ingin menimpanya dengan file konfigurasi default? "
+msgstr "Anda telah mempunyai file konfigurasi Tor.$\n$\nAnda ingin menimpanya dengan file konfigurasi default? "
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -191,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton adalah ekstensi firefox yang membuat Anda dengan cepat "
-"mengaktifkan atau mematikan browsing secara anonymous."
+msgstr "Torbutton adalah ekstensi firefox yang membuat Anda dengan cepat mengaktifkan atau mematikan browsing secara anonymous."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -213,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Tambahkan ektensi ${TORBUTTON_DESC} pada Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Tidak ditemukan Firefox pada sistem Anda. Tidak menginstall Torbutton."
+msgstr "Tidak ditemukan Firefox pada sistem Anda. Tidak menginstall Torbutton."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -235,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox tidak diinstall"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Kami merekomendasikan Anda untuk menginstall Firefox sebelum melanjutkan, "
-"untuk keamanan terbaik. "
+msgstr "Kami merekomendasikan Anda untuk menginstall Firefox sebelum melanjutkan, untuk keamanan terbaik. "
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -248,12 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox browser tidak diinstall di komputer Anda.\n"
-"Tor juga dapat bekerja dengan browser lainnya, seperti Internet Explorer, tetapi\n"
-"akan lebih mudah apabila menggunakan Firefox. Firefox juga lebih baik dalam menjaga privasi Anda.\n"
-"Jika Anda ingin menginstall Firefox, mohon tekan tombol Batal, kemudian kunjungi website Firefox di www.mozilla.com/firefox/  "
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox browser tidak diinstall di komputer Anda.\nTor juga dapat bekerja dengan browser lainnya, seperti Internet Explorer, tetapi\nakan lebih mudah apabila menggunakan Firefox. Firefox juga lebih baik dalam menjaga privasi Anda.\n\nJika Anda ingin menginstall Firefox, mohon tekan tombol Batal, kemudian kunjungi website Firefox di www.mozilla.com/firefox/  "
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -262,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Ketika Anda telah selesai menginstall Firefox, Anda harus menjalankan Tor Installer sekali lagi.\n"
-"Atau, jika Anda memilih untuk menginstall Tor tanpa Firefox, tekan tombol Lanjut."
+msgstr "Ketika Anda telah selesai menginstall Firefox, Anda harus menjalankan Tor Installer sekali lagi.\n\nAtau, jika Anda memilih untuk menginstall Tor tanpa Firefox, tekan tombol Lanjut."
diff --git a/it/vidalia_it.po b/it/vidalia_it.po
index a3ec66a..5ea1820 100644
--- a/it/vidalia_it.po
+++ b/it/vidalia_it.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-05 20:21+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
-"Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/torproject/team/it/)\n"
+"Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/torproject/language/it/)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Questo wizard assisterà nell'installazione di Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy e Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor è un software che consente di usare Internet in modo anonimo, aiutandoti a rendere anonimela navigazione e la pubblicazione sul web, la messaggistica istantanea, IRC e altro ancora. Vidalia è una interfaccia grafica che semplifica il controllo e la configurazione di Tor.\n"
-"Polipo è un proxy filtrante che protegge la privacy e rimuove pubblicità (ad, banner e popup).\n"
-"Torbutton è un'estensione di Firefox che consente di attivare o disattivare rapidamente la navigazione anonima.\n"
-"Se esistono già precedenti installazioni di Tor, Vidalia, Polipo o Firefox è consigliabile assicurarsi che questi programmi siano chiusi prima di continuare con l'installazione.\n"
+msgstr "Questo wizard assisterà nell'installazione di Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy e Torbutton.\n\nTor è un software che consente di usare Internet in modo anonimo, aiutandoti a rendere anonimela navigazione e la pubblicazione sul web, la messaggistica istantanea, IRC e altro ancora. Vidalia è una interfaccia grafica che semplifica il controllo e la configurazione di Tor.\n\nPolipo è un proxy filtrante che protegge la privacy e rimuove pubblicità (ad, banner e popup).\n\nTorbutton è un'estensione di Firefox che consente di attivare o disattivare rapidamente la navigazione anonima.\n\nSe esistono già precedenti installazioni di Tor, Vidalia, Polipo o Firefox è consigliabile assicurarsi che questi programmi siano chiusi prima di continuare con l'installazione.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"L'installazione è stata completata.\n"
-"Consultare https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows per informazioni sull'uso e sulla configurazione di Tor.\n"
-"Se Torbutton è stato installato sarà necessario riavviare Firefox."
+msgstr "L'installazione è stata completata.\nConsultare https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows per informazioni sull'uso e sulla configurazione di Tor.\n\nSe Torbutton è stato installato sarà necessario riavviare Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Avvia ora i componenti installati"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia è una interfaccia grafica per controllare, monitorare e configurare "
+msgstr "Vidalia è una interfaccia grafica per controllare, monitorare e configurare Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Questa procedura guidata assisterà nell'installazione di Vidalia, un programma grafico di controllo e configurazione di Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Questa procedura guidata assisterà nell'installazione di Vidalia, un programma grafico di controllo e configurazione di Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -129,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor è un sistema per usare Internet in modo anonimo, permettendoti di "
-"rendere anonimi la navigazione e la pubblicazione web, la messaggistica "
-"istantanea, IRC, e altro ancora."
+msgstr "Tor è un sistema per usare Internet in modo anonimo, permettendoti di rendere anonimi la navigazione e la pubblicazione web, la messaggistica istantanea, IRC, e altro ancora."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -147,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un file di configurazione Tor è già presente nel sistema.$\n"
-"Sovrascriverlo con il file di configurazione standard?"
+msgstr "Un file di configurazione Tor è già presente nel sistema.$\n$\nSovrascriverlo con il file di configurazione standard?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -172,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo è un caching web proxy che migliora le prestazioni dela navigazione "
-"web con Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo è un caching web proxy che migliora le prestazioni dela navigazione web con Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -204,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton è un'estensione per Firefox che consente di attivare o disattivare"
-" rapidamente la navigazione anonima."
+msgstr "Torbutton è un'estensione per Firefox che consente di attivare o disattivare rapidamente la navigazione anonima."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -226,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Aggiunge l'estensione ${TORBUTTON_DESC} a Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox non è stato trovato nel sistema. Torbutton non sarà installato."
+msgstr "Firefox non è stato trovato nel sistema. Torbutton non sarà installato."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -248,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox non è installato"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Consigliamo di installare Firefox prima di continuare, per una maggiore "
+msgstr "Consigliamo di installare Firefox prima di continuare, per una maggiore sicurezza"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -261,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Il browser web Mozilla Firefox non è installato sul tuo computer.\n"
-"Tor funzionerà con altri browser, come Internet Explorer, ma\n"
-"è più semplice da utilizzare con Firefox, che funziona anche meglio\n"
-"per proteggere il tuo anonimato.\n"
-"Se vuoi installare Firefox, premi Annulla, quindi vai\n"
-"alla pagina di download di Firefox a"
+msgstr "Il browser web Mozilla Firefox non è installato sul tuo computer.\nTor funzionerà con altri browser, come Internet Explorer, ma\nè più semplice da utilizzare con Firefox, che funziona anche meglio\nper proteggere il tuo anonimato.\n\nSe vuoi installare Firefox, premi Annulla, quindi vai\nalla pagina di download di Firefox a"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -277,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Quando hai installato Firefox, puoi nuovamente eseguire\n"
-"l'installatore di Tor.\n"
-"O, se preferisci installare Tor senza Firefox,\n"
-"premi Avanti per continuare"
+msgstr "Quando hai installato Firefox, puoi nuovamente eseguire\nl'installatore di Tor.\n\nO, se preferisci installare Tor senza Firefox,\npremi Avanti per continuare"
diff --git a/ja/vidalia_ja.po b/ja/vidalia_ja.po
index a2f234c..efb9739 100755
--- a/ja/vidalia_ja.po
+++ b/ja/vidalia_ja.po
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Torã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®è¨­å®?ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?¯ã??https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows ã??ã??覧ã??ã? ã??ã??ã??\n"
+msgstr "ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã?«ã?¯çµ?äº?ã??ã?¾ã??ã??ã??\nTorã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã??ã??ã??ã?®è¨­å®?ã?«ã?¤ã??ã?¦ã?¯ã??https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows ã??ã??覧ã??ã? ã??ã??ã??\n\nTorbuttonã??ã?¤ã?³ã?¹ã??ã?¼ã?«ã??ã??ã??æ?¹ã?¯ã??Firefoxã??å??èµ·å??ã??ã??å¿?è¦?ã??ã??ã??ã?¾ã??."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -242,5 +238,3 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/ko/vidalia_ko.po b/ko/vidalia_ko.po
index 6e61f84..88ab86a 100755
--- a/ko/vidalia_ko.po
+++ b/ko/vidalia_ko.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 04:56+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: cwt967 <cwt967@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -34,18 +34,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ì?´ ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë?? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, Torbuttonì?? ì?¤ì¹?를 ë??ì??ì¤? ê²?ì??ë??ë?¤. \n"
-"Torë?? ì?µëª? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ê³¼ ì?¸ì?¤í?´í?¸ ë©?ì??ì§?, IRC ë?±ì?? ë??ì??ì¤?ì?¼ë¡?ì?¨ ì?¸í?°ë?·ì?? ì?µëª?ì?¼ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ê²? í?´ 주ë?? ì??ì?¤í??ì??ë??ë?¤. Vidaliaë?? Tor를 ì ?ì?´í??ê³ , 모ë??í?°í??ê³ , ì?¤ì ?í?  ì?? ì??ê²? í?´ 주ë?? GUIì??ë??ë?¤. \n"
-"Polipoë?? Torì?? í?µí?? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ì?? ì?±ë?¥ì?? í?¥ì??ì??í?¤ê¸°ì??í?´ì?? ìº?ì?±í??ë?? ì?¹ í??ë¡?ì??ì??ë??ë?¤. \n"
-"Torbuttonì?? ì?µëª? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ì?? 빨리 í??ì?±í??ì??í?¤ê³ , ë¹?í??ì?±í??ì??í?¤ê¸° ì??í?? í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ í??ì?¥ 기ë?¥ì??ë??ë?¤. \n"
-"ë§?ì?½ ì?´ì ?ì?? Torë?? Vidalia, Polipo, Firefox를 ì?¤ì¹?í??ë?¤ë©´, ì?´ ì?¤ì¹?를 ê³?ì??í??기 ì ?ì?? ì??ë??ì?? ì ?ì§?ì??ì¼? 주ì?­ì??ì?¤. \n"
+msgstr "ì?´ ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë?? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, Torbuttonì?? ì?¤ì¹?를 ë??ì??ì¤? ê²?ì??ë??ë?¤. \n\nTorë?? ì?µëª? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ê³¼ ì?¸ì?¤í?´í?¸ ë©?ì??ì§?, IRC ë?±ì?? ë??ì??ì¤?ì?¼ë¡?ì?¨ ì?¸í?°ë?·ì?? ì?µëª?ì?¼ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ê²? í?´ 주ë?? ì??ì?¤í??ì??ë??ë?¤. Vidaliaë?? Tor를 ì ?ì?´í??ê³ , 모ë??í?°í??ê³ , ì?¤ì ?í?  ì?? ì??ê²? í?´ 주ë?? GUIì??ë??ë?¤. \n\nPolipoë?? Torì?? í?µí?? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ì?? ì?±ë?¥ì?? í?¥ì??ì??í?¤ê¸°ì??í?´ì?? ìº?ì?±í??ë?? ì?¹ í??ë¡?ì??ì??ë??ë?¤. \n\nTorbuttonì?? ì?µëª? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ì?? 빨리 í??ì?±í??ì??í?¤ê³ , ë¹?í??ì?±í??ì??í?¤ê¸° ì??í?? í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ í??ì?¥ 기ë?¥ì??ë??ë?¤. \n\në§?ì?½ ì?´ì ?ì?? Torë?? Vidalia, Polipo, Firefox를 ì?¤ì¹?í??ë?¤ë©´, ì?´ ì?¤ì¹?를 ê³?ì??í??기 ì ?ì?? ì??ë??ì?? ì ?ì§?ì??ì¼? 주ì?­ì??ì?¤. \n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -61,12 +50,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"ì?¤ì¹?ê°? ì??ë£?ë??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. \n"
-"ì??ì?¸í?? ë?´ì?©ì?? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windowsì??ì;?? í? ë¥´ë¥¼ ì?¬ì?©í??ì?¬ ì??ì?© í??ë¡?ê·¸ë?¨ì?? 구ì?±í??ë?? ë°©ë²?ì?? ë°°ì?¸ ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤.\n"
-"Torbuttonì?? ì?¤ì¹?í??ì?  ê²½ì?°, Firefox를 ë?¤ì?? ì??ì??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤. "
+msgstr "ì?¤ì¹?ê°? ì??ë£?ë??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. \n\nì??ì?¸í?? ë?´ì?©ì?? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windowsì??ì;?? í? ë¥´ë¥¼ ì?¬ì?©í??ì?¬ ì??ì?© í??ë¡?ê·¸ë?¨ì?? 구ì?±í??ë?? ë°©ë²?ì?? ë°°ì?¸ ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤.\n\nTorbuttonì?? ì?¤ì¹?í??ì?  ê²½ì?°, Firefox를 ë?¤ì?? ì??ì??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤. "
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -127,8 +111,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Torë?? ì?µëª? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ê³¼ ì?¸ì?¤í?´í?¸ ë©?ì??ì§?, IRC ë?±ì?? ë??ì??ì¤?ì?¼ë¡?ì?¨ ì?¸í?°ë?·ì?? ì?µëª?ì?¼ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ê²? í?´ 주ë?? ì??ì?¤í??ì??ë??ë?¤."
+msgstr "Torë?? ì?µëª? ì?¹ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì§?ê³¼ ì?¸ì?¤í?´í?¸ ë©?ì??ì§?, IRC ë?±ì?? ë??ì??ì¤?ì?¼ë¡?ì?¨ ì?¸í?°ë?·ì?? ì?µëª?ì?¼ë¡? ì?¬ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ê²? í?´ 주ë?? ì??ì?¤í??ì??ë??ë?¤."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -143,10 +126,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"ì?´ë¯¸ Tor ì?¤ì ? í??ì?¼ì?? ê°?ì§?ê³  ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. $\n"
-"기본 ì?¤ì ? í??ì?¼ë¡? ë??ì²´í??ì??ê² ì?µë??ê¹??"
+msgstr "ì?´ë¯¸ Tor ì?¤ì ? í??ì?¼ì?? ê°?ì§?ê³  ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. $\n$\n기본 ì?¤ì ? í??ì?¼ë¡? ë??ì²´í??ì??ê² ì?µë??ê¹??"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -250,14 +230,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì ?ê°? ì?¤ì¹?ë??ì§? ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. \n"
-"Torë?? Internet Explorerì?? ê°?ì?? ë?¤ë¥¸ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì ?ì??ë?? ë??ì??í?©ë??ë?¤. \n"
-"í??ì§?ë§?, í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ì?? ì?¬ì?©í??ë?? ê²?ì?´ ë?? ì?½ê³ , \n"
-"ì?µëª?ì?±ì?? ë?? ì?? ì? ì§?ì??ì¼? ì¤?ë??ë?¤. \n"
-"í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ë¥¼ ì?¤ì¹?í??ê³  ì?¶ì?¼ì??ë?¤ë©´, ì·¨ì?? ë²?í?¼ì?? ë??르ì??ê³ ,\n"
-"í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ ë?¤ì?´ë¡?ë?? ì?¼í?°ë¡? ê°?ì?­ì??ì?¤:"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì ?ê°? ì?¤ì¹?ë??ì§? ì??ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. \nTorë?? Internet Explorerì?? ê°?ì?? ë?¤ë¥¸ ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì ?ì??ë?? ë??ì??í?©ë??ë?¤. \ní??ì§?ë§?, í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ì?? ì?¬ì?©í??ë?? ê²?ì?´ ë?? ì?½ê³ , \nì?µëª?ì?±ì?? ë?? ì?? ì? ì§?ì??ì¼? ì¤?ë??ë?¤. \n\ní??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ë¥¼ ì?¤ì¹?í??ê³  ì?¶ì?¼ì??ë?¤ë©´, ì·¨ì?? ë²?í?¼ì?? ë??르ì??ê³ ,\ní??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ ë?¤ì?´ë¡?ë?? ì?¼í?°ë¡? ê°?ì?­ì??ì?¤:"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -266,11 +239,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ ì?¤ì¹?ê°? ì??ë£?ë?? í??, ë?¤ì?? í??ë²?\n"
-"Tor ì?¤ì¹? ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë¥¼ ì?¤í??í?´ 주ì?­ì??ì?¤. \n"
-"ë??, í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ ì??ì?´ ì?¤ì¹?í??ì??려면,\n"
-"ë?¤ì?? ë²?í?¼ì?? ë??ë?¬ ê³?ì??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤. "
+msgstr "í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ ì?¤ì¹?ê°? ì??ë£?ë?? í??, ë?¤ì?? í??ë²?\nTor ì?¤ì¹? ë§?ë²?ì?¬ë¥¼ ì?¤í??í?´ 주ì?­ì??ì?¤. \n\në??, í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ ì??ì?´ ì?¤ì¹?í??ì??려면,\në?¤ì?? ë²?í?¼ì?? ë??ë?¬ ê³?ì??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤. "
diff --git a/my/vidalia_my.po b/my/vidalia_my.po
index ece743d..c15ad39 100755
--- a/my/vidalia_my.po
+++ b/my/vidalia_my.po
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"á??á??á?¹á?·á??á?¼á??á?¸á?¹á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?®á?¸á??á?®á?¸á??á?«á?»á??á?®á?? \n"
-"á?±á??á?ºá?¸á??á?°á?¸á?»á??á?³á?? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows á??á?¼á??á?¹ á??á??á?¹á?? application á??á?ºá?¬á?¸á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹ Tor á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á??á??á?¹ á??á??á?¹á??á?­á?¯á?? á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­ á?±á??á?·á??á?¬á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?«á??\n"
-"Torbutton á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?²á?·á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ Firefox á??á?¯á?­ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?­á?¯á?¡á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹á??"
+msgstr "á??á??á?¹á?·á??á?¼á??á?¸á?¹á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?®á?¸á??á?®á?¸á??á?«á?»á??á?®á?? \ná?±á??á?ºá?¸á??á?°á?¸á?»á??á?³á?? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows á??á?¼á??á?¹ á??á??á?¹á?? application á??á?ºá?¬á?¸á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹ Tor á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á??á??á?¹ á??á??á?¹á??á?­á?¯á?? á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­ á?±á??á?·á??á?¬á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?«á??\n\nTorbutton á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?²á?·á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ Firefox á??á?¯á?­ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?­á?¯á?¡á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹á??"
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -60,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¬á?¸á?±á??á?¬ á?¡á??á?­á??á?¹á?¡á??á?­
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ GUI á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ Tor á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?³á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?? "
-"á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?·á?¾á??á??á?¹á?¾á??á??á?·á?¹á??á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
+msgstr "Vidalia á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ GUI á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ Tor á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?³á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?? á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?·á?¾á??á??á?¹á?¾á??á??á?·á?¹á??á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -77,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"á?¤ á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?·á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?½ GUI á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ Tor á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?³á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?? á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?·á?¾á??á??á?¹á?¾á??á??á?·á?¹á??á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á?±á??á?¬ Vidalia á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?¯á?­ á??á?°á??á?®á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á??á?¹á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹á?? \n"
+msgstr "á?¤ á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?·á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?½ GUI á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ Tor á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?³á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?? á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?·á?¾á??á??á?¹á?¾á??á??á?·á?¹á??á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á?±á??á?¬ Vidalia á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?¯á?­ á??á?°á??á?®á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á??á?¹á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹á?? \n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -92,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} á??á?°á??á??á?¬á??á?ºá??á?¹á??á?½á?¬"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ GUI á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ Tor á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?³á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?? "
-"á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?·á?¾á??á??á?¹á?¾á??á??á?·á?¹á??á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
+msgstr "Vidalia á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ GUI á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ Tor á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?³á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?? á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?·á?¾á??á??á?¹á?¾á??á??á?·á?¹á??á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -120,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á??á?­ á?¡á??á?¹á??á?¬á??á??á?¹ á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á?? á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á??á?­ Web á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?½á??á?¹á?·"
-" á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¹á?·á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á?? á??á?ºá??á?¹á??á?ºá??á?¹á?¸á??á?­á?¯á?? á??á??á?¹á?±á??á?·á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á?? IRC á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?¡á?»á??á?¬á?¸ "
-"á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?¬á?¸á??á?­á?¯ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹á??"
+msgstr "Tor á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á??á?­ á?¡á??á?¹á??á?¬á??á??á?¹ á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á?? á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á??á?­ Web á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¹á?·á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸á?? á??á?ºá??á?¹á??á?ºá??á?¹á?¸á??á?­á?¯á?? á??á??á?¹á?±á??á?·á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á?? IRC á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?¡á?»á??á?¬á?¸ á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸á??á?ºá?¬á?¸á??á?­á?¯ á??á?°á??á?®á?±á??á?¸á??á?«á??á??á?¹á??"
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -138,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"á??á??á?¹á?·á??á?¶á??á?¼á??á?¹ Tor á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á?? á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹ á??á?½á?­á?»á??á?®á?¸ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹á??$\n"
-"á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­ á??á?°á?? á??á?­á?¯á?¸á??á?½á??á?¹á?¸á?±á??á?¬ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?¡á??á?¬á?¸á??á?¯á?­á?¸á??á?­á?¯á??á?«á??á??á?¬á?¸ ?"
+msgstr "á??á??á?¹á?·á??á?¶á??á?¼á??á?¹ Tor á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á?? á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹ á??á?½á?­á?»á??á?®á?¸ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹á??$\n$\ná??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­ á??á?°á?? á??á?­á?¯á?¸á??á?½á??á?¹á?¸á?±á??á?¬ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?¡á??á?¬á?¸á??á?¯á?­á?¸á??á?­á?¯á??á?«á??á??á?¬á?¸ ?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -193,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ Firefox extension á??á??á?¹á??á?¯ á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á??á?­ web browsing "
-"á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?·/á??á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?·á??á?¯á?­ á??á?ºá??á?¹á?»á??á??á?¹á??á?¼á?¬ á?±á?»á??á?¬á??á?¹á?¸á??á?²á?±á??á??á?­á?¯á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
+msgstr "Torbutton á??á?­á?¯á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?¬ Firefox extension á??á??á?¹á??á?¯ á?»á??á??á?¹á?»á??á?®á?¸ á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á??á?­ web browsing á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?·/á??á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?·á??á?¯á?­ á??á?ºá??á?¹á?»á??á??á?¹á??á?¼á?¬ á?±á?»á??á?¬á??á?¹á?¸á??á?²á?±á??á??á?­á?¯á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -215,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "${TORBUTTON_DESC} extension á??á?­á?¯ Firefox á??á?­á?¯á?? á??á??á?·á?¹
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"á??á??á?¹á?? á??á??á??á?¹á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸ Firefox á??á?±á??á?¼á??á??á?½á?­á??á?«á?? Torbutton á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?«"
+msgstr "á??á??á?¹á?? á??á??á??á?¹á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸ Firefox á??á?±á??á?¼á??á??á?½á?­á??á?«á?? Torbutton á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?«"
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -237,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox á??á??á?¹á?·á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?? á??á??á?½á?­á??á?«"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"á?±á??á?½á??á??á??á?¹ á??á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á??á?® á?¡á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¶á?¯á?¸ á??á?¶á?¯á?»á??á?¶á?³á??á??á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹ Firefox á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á?¹ "
+msgstr "á?±á??á?½á??á??á??á?¹ á??á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á??á?® á?¡á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¶á?¯á?¸ á??á?¶á?¯á?»á??á?¶á?³á??á??á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹ Firefox á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á?¹ á?¡á?¾á??á?¶á?»á??á?³á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -250,13 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"The Mozilla Firefox Web browser á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?¹á?? á??á??á??á?¹á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á?¬á?¸á??á?«\n"
-"Tor á??á??á?¹ á?¡á?»á??á?¬á?¸ browsers á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?¥á??á??á?¬ Internet Explorer á??á?­á?¯á??á?»á??á??á?¹á?· á?¡á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸ \n"
-"Firefox á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ á??á?­á?¯á??á?­á?¯á??á?¼á??á?¹á??á?°á?»á??á?®á?¸ \n"
-"á??á??á?¹á?? á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?ºá?­á?³á??á??á?½á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á?¯á??á?­á?¯á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¼á??á?¹á??á?¼á?¬ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹\n"
-"Firefox á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?­á?¯á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ Cancel á??á?­á?¯ á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?­á??á?¹á??\n"
-"Firefox Download page á??á?­á?¯á?? á??á?¼á?¬á?¸á??á?«"
+msgstr "The Mozilla Firefox Web browser á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?¹á?? á??á??á??á?¹á?¡á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á?¬á?¸á??á?«\nTor á??á??á?¹ á?¡á?»á??á?¬á?¸ browsers á??á?ºá?¬á?¸ á?¥á??á??á?¬ Internet Explorer á??á?­á?¯á??á?»á??á??á?¹á?· á?¡á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¯á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á?¹á??á??á?¹á?¸ \nFirefox á??á?½á??á?¹á?· á?¡á??á?¶á?¯á?¸á?»á??á?³á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ á??á?­á?¯á??á?­á?¯á??á?¼á??á?¹á??á?°á?»á??á?®á?¸ \ná??á??á?¹á?? á?¡á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?ºá?­á?³á??á??á?½á??á?¹á??á??á??á?¯á?­ á??á?­á?¯á??á?­á?¯á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¼á??á?¹á??á?¼á?¬ á?»á??á?³á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹\nFirefox á??á?¯á?­ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?­á?¯á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ Cancel á??á?­á?¯ á??á??á??á?¹á??á?½á?­á??á?¹á??\nFirefox Download page á??á?­á?¯á?? á??á?¼á?¬á?¸á??á?«"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -265,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á?»á??á?®á?¸á??á?®á?¸á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ \n"
-"Tor á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á??á?¯á?­ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹ á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹\n"
-"á??á?¯á?­á??á??á??á?¯á??á?¹ Firefox á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?»á??á?³á??á?² Tor á??á?­á?¯ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¯á?­á??á?«á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ \n"
-"Next á??á?¯á?­ á??á?½á?­á??á?¹á?? á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
+msgstr "Firefox á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á?»á??á?®á?¸á??á?®á?¸á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ \nTor á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á??á??á?¯á?­ á?»á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹ á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹ á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹\n\ná??á?¯á?­á??á??á??á?¯á??á?¹ Firefox á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á?»á??á??á?¹á?¸ á??á?»á??á?³á??á?² Tor á??á?­á?¯ á??á??á?·á?¹á??á?¼á??á?¹á?¸á??á?¯á?­á??á?«á??á?½á?ºá??á?¹ \nNext á??á?¯á?­ á??á?½á?­á??á?¹á?? á??á??á?¹á??á??á?¹á??á?¯á??á?¹á?±á??á?¬á??á?¹á??á?¯á?­á??á?¹á??á?«á??á??á?¹"
diff --git a/nb/vidalia_nb.po b/nb/vidalia_nb.po
index f90b18a..7a6d6df 100755
--- a/nb/vidalia_nb.po
+++ b/nb/vidalia_nb.po
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Innstalleringen er fullført.\n"
-"Vennligst se https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows om hvordan du skal konfigurere dine programmer til bruk med Tor.\n"
-"Hvis du innstallerte Torbutton trenger du å restarte Firefox."
+msgstr "Innstalleringen er fullført.\nVennligst se https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows om hvordan du skal konfigurere dine programmer til bruk med Tor.\n\nHvis du innstallerte Torbutton trenger du å restarte Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -60,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Kjør innstallerte komponenter nå."
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia er et grafisk brukergrensesnitt som hjelper deg med å kontrollere, "
-"overvåke og konfigurere Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia er et grafisk brukergrensesnitt som hjelper deg med å kontrollere, overvåke og konfigurere Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -77,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Denne veiledningen vil vise deg innstallasjonen av Vidalia, et grafisk brukergrensesnitt som hjelper deg med å kontrollere, overvåke og konfigurere Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Denne veiledningen vil vise deg innstallasjonen av Vidalia, et grafisk brukergrensesnitt som hjelper deg med å kontrollere, overvåke og konfigurere Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -92,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} nettside"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia er et grafisk brukergrensesnitt som hjelper deg med å kontrollere, "
-"overvåke og konfigurere Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia er et grafisk brukergrensesnitt som hjelper deg med å kontrollere, overvåke og konfigurere Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -120,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor er et system for å surfe internett anonymt, ved å anonymisere din "
-"internettlesing og publisering, lynmeldinger, IRC og mer."
+msgstr "Tor er et system for å surfe internett anonymt, ved å anonymisere din internettlesing og publisering, lynmeldinger, IRC og mer."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -137,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Hvis du allerede har en Tor-konfigurasjonsfil.$\n"
-"Vil du overskrive den med en standard konfigurasjonsfil?"
+msgstr "Hvis du allerede har en Tor-konfigurasjonsfil.$\n$\nVil du overskrive den med en standard konfigurasjonsfil?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -192,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton er en Firefox-utvidelse som tillater deg å kjapt bytte mellom å "
-"aktivere og deaktivere anonym nettlesing."
+msgstr "Torbutton er en Firefox-utvidelse som tillater deg å kjapt bytte mellom å aktivere og deaktivere anonym nettlesing."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -235,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox er ikke innstallert"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Vi anbefaler at du innstallerer Firefox før du fortsetter, for best "
+msgstr "Vi anbefaler at du innstallerer Firefox før du fortsetter, for best sikkerhet."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -248,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox nettleseren er ikke innstallert på din maskin.\n"
-"Tor vil fungere med andre nettlesere, som Internet Explorer, men\n"
-"det er enklere og bruke med Firefox, som også gjør en bedre innsats med\n"
-"Ã¥ beskytte din anonymitet.\n"
-"Hvis du vil innstallere Firefox, vennligst trykk Avbryt og gå\n"
-"til Firefox-nedlastingsside hos"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox nettleseren er ikke innstallert på din maskin.\nTor vil fungere med andre nettlesere, som Internet Explorer, men\ndet er enklere og bruke med Firefox, som også gjør en bedre innsats med\nå beskytte din anonymitet.\n\nHvis du vil innstallere Firefox, vennligst trykk Avbryt og gå\ntil Firefox-nedlastingsside hos"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -264,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Når du er ferdig med å innstallere Firefox kan du kjøre Tor-innstallasjonen på nytt.\n"
-"Eller, hvis du vil innstallere Tor uten Firefox, trykk Neste for å fortsette."
+msgstr "Når du er ferdig med å innstallere Firefox kan du kjøre Tor-innstallasjonen på nytt.\n\nEller, hvis du vil innstallere Tor uten Firefox, trykk Neste for å fortsette."
diff --git a/nl/vidalia_nl.po b/nl/vidalia_nl.po
index b752c8e..b598de6 100644
--- a/nl/vidalia_nl.po
+++ b/nl/vidalia_nl.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Deze wizard zal u leiden door de installatie van Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, and Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor is een systeem om het internet anoniem te gebruiken, om anoniem te surfen, te publiceren, berichten te sturen, IRC enzomeer. Vidalia is een programma om Tor te configureren en op te volgen.\n"
-"Polipo is een net-proxy dat de performantie van het surfen met Tor verhoogt.\n"
-"Torbutten is een Firefox-extensie dat toelaat om snel te wisselen tussen gewoon en anoniem surfen.\n"
-"Indien u eerder Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, of Firefox heeft geïnstalleerd, zorg dan dat deze zijn afgesloten voordat u verder gaat met deze installatie.\n"
+msgstr "Deze wizard zal u leiden door de installatie van Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, and Torbutton.\n\nTor is een systeem om het internet anoniem te gebruiken, om anoniem te surfen, te publiceren, berichten te sturen, IRC enzomeer. Vidalia is een programma om Tor te configureren en op te volgen.\n\nPolipo is een net-proxy dat de performantie van het surfen met Tor verhoogt.\n\nTorbutten is een Firefox-extensie dat toelaat om snel te wisselen tussen gewoon en anoniem surfen.\n\nIndien u eerder Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, of Firefox heeft geïnstalleerd, zorg dan dat deze zijn afgesloten voordat u verder gaat met deze installatie.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"De installatie is voltooid.\n"
-"Bekijk alstublieft https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows voor meer informatie over het configureren van applicaties voor gebruik via Tor.\n"
-"Indien u Torbutton heeft geïnstalleerd, dient u Firefox te herstarten."
+msgstr "De installatie is voltooid.\nBekijk alstublieft https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows voor meer informatie over het configureren van applicaties voor gebruik via Tor.\n\nIndien u Torbutton heeft geïnstalleerd, dient u Firefox te herstarten."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -86,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Deze wizard zal u leiden door de installatie van Vidalia, een programma om Tor te configureren en op te volgen.\n"
+msgstr "Deze wizard zal u leiden door de installatie van Vidalia, een programma om Tor te configureren en op te volgen.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -127,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor is een systeem om het internet anoniem te gebruiken, om anoniem op het "
-"net te surfen, te publiceren, berichten te sturen, IRC, en zo meer."
+msgstr "Tor is een systeem om het internet anoniem te gebruiken, om anoniem op het net te surfen, te publiceren, berichten te sturen, IRC, en zo meer."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -144,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"U heeft reeds een Tor configuratie bestand.$\n"
-"Wilt u het overschrijven met het standaard voorbeeld configuratie bestand?"
+msgstr "U heeft reeds een Tor configuratie bestand.$\n$\nWilt u het overschrijven met het standaard voorbeeld configuratie bestand?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -169,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo is een net-proxy om de performantie van het surfen via Tor te "
+msgstr "Polipo is een net-proxy om de performantie van het surfen via Tor te verhogen."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -201,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton is een Firefox-extensie dat toelaat snel te wisselen tussen gewoon"
-" en anoniem surfen."
+msgstr "Torbutton is een Firefox-extensie dat toelaat snel te wisselen tussen gewoon en anoniem surfen."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -223,9 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Voeg de ${TORBUTTON_DESC} extensie toe aan Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox werd niet gevonden op uw systeem. Torbutton wordt niet "
+msgstr "Firefox werd niet gevonden op uw systeem. Torbutton wordt niet geïnstalleerd."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -233,8 +204,7 @@ msgstr "Toepassingsgegevens"
 msgctxt "AppDataUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove saved application data and configuration files."
-msgstr ""
-"Verwijder de opgeslagen toepassingsgegevens en de configuratiebestanden."
+msgstr "Verwijder de opgeslagen toepassingsgegevens en de configuratiebestanden."
 msgctxt "LanguageCode"
 msgid "en"
@@ -247,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox is niet geïnstalleerd."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Wij raden U aan om Firefox te installeren voor de hoogste veiligheid "
-"vooraleer verder te gaan."
+msgstr "Wij raden U aan om Firefox te installeren voor de hoogste veiligheid vooraleer verder te gaan."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -260,13 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox is niet geïnstalleerd op uw computer.\n"
-"Tor werkt wel met andere programma's als Internet Explorer, maar \n"
-"is gemakkellijker in gebruik met Firefox, dat daarenboven beter werkt om uw anonimiteit te bewaren.\n"
-"Als U Firefox wilt installeren, druk op Annuleer, en ga \n"
-"naar de Firefox-pagina op"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox is niet geïnstalleerd op uw computer.\nTor werkt wel met andere programma's als Internet Explorer, maar \nis gemakkellijker in gebruik met Firefox, dat daarenboven beter werkt om uw anonimiteit te bewaren.\n\nAls U Firefox wilt installeren, druk op Annuleer, en ga \nnaar de Firefox-pagina op"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -275,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Als U klaar bent met de installatie van Firefox, \n"
-"kan U het Tor-installatieprogramma opnieuw starten.\n"
-"Of, indien U Tor wil installeren zonder Firefox, druk \n"
-"Volgende om verder te gaan."
+msgstr "Als U klaar bent met de installatie van Firefox, \nkan U het Tor-installatieprogramma opnieuw starten.\n\nOf, indien U Tor wil installeren zonder Firefox, druk \nVolgende om verder te gaan."
diff --git a/pl/vidalia_pl.po b/pl/vidalia_pl.po
index 44fb95b..90fc188 100644
--- a/pl/vidalia_pl.po
+++ b/pl/vidalia_pl.po
@@ -32,17 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Kreator przeprowadzi CiÄ? przez instalacjÄ? Tora, Vidalii, Polipo oraz Torbuttona.\n"
-"Tor jest systemem pozwalajÄ?cym anonimowo surfowaÄ? po internecie, pomaga zachowaÄ? anonimowoÅ?Ä? podczas przeglÄ?dania i publikacji stron www, używania komunikatorów, IRC i innych. Vidalia jest graficznym interfejsem użytkownika, który pomaga sterowaÄ?, monitorowaÄ? i konfigurowaÄ? Tora.\n"
-"Polipi jest cache'ujÄ?cym serwerem proxy, który pomaga zwiÄ?kszyÄ? wydajnoÅ?Ä? podczas przeglÄ?dania sieci z użycien Tora.\n"
-"Torbutton jest rozszerzeniem Firefoxa, które umożliwa w szybki sposób przeÅ?Ä?czanie siÄ? w tryb anonimowego surfowania.\n"
-"JeÅ?li poprzednio instalowaÅ?eÅ? Tora, VidaliÄ?, Polipo lub Firefoxa, upewnij siÄ?, że żadne z nich nie jest w tej chwili uruchomione, zanim kontynuujesz tÄ? instalacjÄ?.\n"
+msgstr "Kreator przeprowadzi CiÄ? przez instalacjÄ? Tora, Vidalii, Polipo oraz Torbuttona.\n\nTor jest systemem pozwalajÄ?cym anonimowo surfowaÄ? po internecie, pomaga zachowaÄ? anonimowoÅ?Ä? podczas przeglÄ?dania i publikacji stron www, używania komunikatorów, IRC i innych. Vidalia jest graficznym interfejsem użytkownika, który pomaga sterowaÄ?, monitorowaÄ? i konfigurowaÄ? Tora.\n\nPolipi jest cache'ujÄ?cym serwerem proxy, który pomaga zwiÄ?kszyÄ? wydajnoÅ?Ä? podczas przeglÄ?dania sieci z użycien Tora.\nTorbutton jest rozszerzeniem Firefoxa, które umożliwa w szybki sposób przeÅ?Ä?czanie siÄ? w tryb anonimowego surfowania.\n\nJeÅ?li poprzednio instalowaÅ?eÅ? Tora, VidaliÄ?, Polipo lub Firefoxa, upewnij siÄ?, że żadne z nich nie jest w tej chwili uruchomione, zanim kontynuujesz tÄ? instalacjÄ?.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -58,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Instalacja zakoÅ?czona.\n"
-"ProszÄ? zobaczyÄ? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows aby dowiedzieÄ? siÄ?, jak skonfigurowaÄ? aplikacje do wspóÅ?pracy z Torem.\n"
-"JeÅ?li instalowaÅ?eÅ? Torbutton'a, bÄ?dziesz musiaÅ? uruchomiÄ? ponownie Firefox'a."
+msgstr "Instalacja zakoÅ?czona.\nProszÄ? zobaczyÄ? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows aby dowiedzieÄ? siÄ?, jak skonfigurowaÄ? aplikacje do wspóÅ?pracy z Torem.\n\nJeÅ?li instalowaÅ?eÅ? Torbutton'a, bÄ?dziesz musiaÅ? uruchomiÄ? ponownie Firefox'a."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -70,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Uruchom teraz zainstalowane komponenty."
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia jest graficznym interfejsem użytkownika, który pomaga sterowaÄ?, "
-"monitorowaÄ? i konfigurowaÄ? Tora."
+msgstr "Vidalia jest graficznym interfejsem użytkownika, który pomaga sterowaÄ?, monitorowaÄ? i konfigurowaÄ? Tora."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -87,9 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Kreator przeprowadzi CiÄ? przez proces instalacji Vidalii, graficznego interfejsu użytkownika który umożliwia sterowanie, monitorowanie i konfiguracjÄ? Tora.\n"
+msgstr "Kreator przeprowadzi CiÄ? przez proces instalacji Vidalii, graficznego interfejsu użytkownika który umożliwia sterowanie, monitorowanie i konfiguracjÄ? Tora.\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -101,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Strona domowa ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia jest graficznym interfejsem użytkownika, który umożliwa sterowanie, "
-"monitorowanie i konfiguracjÄ? Tora."
+msgstr "Vidalia jest graficznym interfejsem użytkownika, który umożliwa sterowanie, monitorowanie i konfiguracjÄ? Tora."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -129,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor jest systemem umożliwiajÄ?cym anonimowe użytkowanie Internetu, pomagajÄ?c "
-"pozostaÄ? Ci anonimowym podczas przeglÄ?dania stron www, wysyÅ?ania plików, "
-"komunikacji, IRC i innych."
+msgstr "Tor jest systemem umożliwiajÄ?cym anonimowe użytkowanie Internetu, pomagajÄ?c pozostaÄ? Ci anonimowym podczas przeglÄ?dania stron www, wysyÅ?ania plików, komunikacji, IRC i innych."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -147,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Posiadasz już plik konfiguracyjny Tora.$\n"
-"Czy chcesz nadpisaÄ? go przykÅ?adowym domyÅ?lnym plikiem konfiguracyjnym ?"
+msgstr "Posiadasz już plik konfiguracyjny Tora.$\n$\nCzy chcesz nadpisaÄ? go przykÅ?adowym domyÅ?lnym plikiem konfiguracyjnym ?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -172,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo jest cache'ujÄ?cym serwerem proxy, który przyspiesza przeglÄ?danie "
-"sieci przy użyciu Tora."
+msgstr "Polipo jest cache'ujÄ?cym serwerem proxy, który przyspiesza przeglÄ?danie sieci przy użyciu Tora."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -204,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton jest rozszerzeniem Firefoxa, które umożliwia wÅ?Ä?czanie i "
-"wyÅ?Ä?czanie anonimowego przeglÄ?dania stron www w szybki sposób."
+msgstr "Torbutton jest rozszerzeniem Firefoxa, które umożliwia wÅ?Ä?czanie i wyÅ?Ä?czanie anonimowego przeglÄ?dania stron www w szybki sposób."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -226,10 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Dodaje rozszerzenie ${TORBUTTON_DESC} do Firefoxa."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox nie zostaÅ? znaleziony w Twoim systemie. Torbutton nie zostanie "
-"zainstalowany.Firefox nie zostaÅ? znaleziony w systemie. Instalacja "
-"Torbuttona zaniechana."
+msgstr "Firefox nie zostaÅ? znaleziony w Twoim systemie. Torbutton nie zostanie zainstalowany.Firefox nie zostaÅ? znaleziony w systemie. Instalacja Torbuttona zaniechana."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -250,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox nie jest zainstalowany"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Zalecamy zainstalowanie Firefoxa zanim kontynuujesz, dla zachowania "
-"najlepszego bezpieczeÅ?stwa."
+msgstr "Zalecamy zainstalowanie Firefoxa zanim kontynuujesz, dla zachowania najlepszego bezpieczeÅ?stwa."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -263,13 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"PrzeglÄ?darka Mozilla Firefox nie jest zainstalowana na tym komputerze.\n"
-"Tor bÄ?dzie dziaÅ?aÄ? z innymi przeglÄ?darkami, jak Internet Explorer, lecz\n"
-"jest Å?atwiejszy w użyciu z Firefoxem, który również pomaga lepiej chroniÄ? TwojÄ? anonimowoÅ?Ä?.\n"
-"JeÅ?li chcesz zainstalowaÄ? Firefoxa, proszÄ? nacisnÄ?Ä? Anuluj, i przejÅ?Ä? \n"
-"do strony Firefoxa"
+msgstr "PrzeglÄ?darka Mozilla Firefox nie jest zainstalowana na tym komputerze.\nTor bÄ?dzie dziaÅ?aÄ? z innymi przeglÄ?darkami, jak Internet Explorer, lecz\njest Å?atwiejszy w użyciu z Firefoxem, który również pomaga lepiej chroniÄ? TwojÄ? anonimowoÅ?Ä?.\n\nJeÅ?li chcesz zainstalowaÄ? Firefoxa, proszÄ? nacisnÄ?Ä? Anuluj, i przejÅ?Ä? \ndo strony Firefoxa"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -278,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Gdy zakoÅ?czysz instalowanie Firefoxa, możesz ponownie uruchomiÄ? instalatora Tor.\n"
-"Albo, jeÅ?li preferujesz zainstalowaÄ? Tora bez Firefoxa, po prostu kliknij Kontynuuj."
+msgstr "Gdy zakoÅ?czysz instalowanie Firefoxa, możesz ponownie uruchomiÄ? instalatora Tor.\n\nAlbo, jeÅ?li preferujesz zainstalowaÄ? Tora bez Firefoxa, po prostu kliknij Kontynuuj."
diff --git a/pt/vidalia_pt.po b/pt/vidalia_pt.po
index 36154ed..629e612 100644
--- a/pt/vidalia_pt.po
+++ b/pt/vidalia_pt.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Este assistente irá guiá-lo na instalação do Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy e Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor é um sistema que lhe permite utilizar a Internet de uma forma anónima, ajudando-o a manter o anonimato no seu navegador e publicador, mensagens instantâneas, IRC, e outras aplicações. Vidalia é uma aplicação gráfica que o ajuda a controlar, monitorizar e configurar o Tor.\n"
-"Polipo é um proxy que mantém cópias locais das páginas visitadas, melhorando a velocidade de acesso a páginas enquanto utiliza Tor.\n"
-"Torbutton é uma extensão do Firefox que permite activar e desactivar rapidamente o anonimato de seu navegador.\n"
-"Se já instalou previamente o Tor, Vidalia, Polipo ou Firefox, por favor certifique-se de que nenhuma das aplicações está actualmente em funcionamento, antes de prosseguir com esta instalação.\n"
+msgstr "Este assistente irá guiá-lo na instalação do Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy e Torbutton.\n\nTor é um sistema que lhe permite utilizar a Internet de uma forma anónima, ajudando-o a manter o anonimato no seu navegador e publicador, mensagens instantâneas, IRC, e outras aplicações. Vidalia é uma aplicação gráfica que o ajuda a controlar, monitorizar e configurar o Tor.\n\nPolipo é um proxy que mantém cópias locais das páginas visitadas, melhorando a velocidade de acesso a páginas enquanto utiliza Tor.\n\nTorbutton é uma extensão do Firefox que permite activar e desactivar rapidamente o anonimato de seu navegador.\n\nSe já instalou previamente o Tor, Vidalia, Polipo ou Firefox, por favor certifique-se de que nenhuma das aplicações está actualmente em funcionamento, antes de prosseguir com esta instalação.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"A instalação foi completada.\n"
-"Por favor visite https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows para aprender como configurar as suas aplicaçãoes para utilizar o Tor.\n"
-"Se instalou o Torbutton, terá que reiniciar o Firefox."
+msgstr "A instalação foi completada.\nPor favor visite https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows para aprender como configurar as suas aplicaçãoes para utilizar o Tor.\n\nSe instalou o Torbutton, terá que reiniciar o Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Executar os componentes instalados agora"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia é uma aplicação gráfica que o ajuda a controlar, monitorizar e "
-"configurar o Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia é uma aplicação gráfica que o ajuda a controlar, monitorizar e configurar o Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Este assistente irá guiá-lo na instalação do Vidalia, uma aplicação gráfica que lhe permite controlar, monitorizar e configurar o Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Este assistente irá guiá-lo na instalação do Vidalia, uma aplicação gráfica que lhe permite controlar, monitorizar e configurar o Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -103,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} website"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia é uma aplicação gráfica que o ajuda a controlar, monitorizar, e "
-"configurar o Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia é uma aplicação gráfica que o ajuda a controlar, monitorizar, e configurar o Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -131,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor é um sistema para utilizar a Internet anonimamente, ajudando-o a manter "
-"o anonimato no navegador e publicador, aplicação de mensagens instantâneas, "
-"IRC, e outras."
+msgstr "Tor é um sistema para utilizar a Internet anonimamente, ajudando-o a manter o anonimato no navegador e publicador, aplicação de mensagens instantâneas, IRC, e outras."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -149,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Você já tem um ficheiro de configuração do Tor.$\n"
-"Você deseja substituí-lo com o ficheiro de exemplo de configuração padrão?"
+msgstr "Você já tem um ficheiro de configuração do Tor.$\n$\nVocê deseja substituí-lo com o ficheiro de exemplo de configuração padrão?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -174,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"O Polipo é um proxy de cópias locais que melhora o desempenho da rede "
-"enquanto utiliza Tor."
+msgstr "O Polipo é um proxy de cópias locais que melhora o desempenho da rede enquanto utiliza Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -206,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton é uma extensão do Firefox que permite activar e desactivar "
-"rapidamente o anonimato do seu navegador."
+msgstr "Torbutton é uma extensão do Firefox que permite activar e desactivar rapidamente o anonimato do seu navegador."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -228,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Adicionar a extensão ${TORBUTTON_DESC} ao Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"O Firefox não foi encontrado no seu sistema. O Torbutton não será instalado."
+msgstr "O Firefox não foi encontrado no seu sistema. O Torbutton não será instalado."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -250,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "O Firefox não está instalado"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Nós recomendamos a instalação do Firefox antes de continuar, para maior "
+msgstr "Nós recomendamos a instalação do Firefox antes de continuar, para maior segurança."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -263,11 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"O navegador de Internet Mozilla Firefox não está instalado no seu computador.\n"
-"O Tor vai funcionar com outros navegadores, assim como no Internet Explorer, mas é mais fácil a sua utilização com o Firefox, que fará um melhor trabalho para manter o seu anonimato.\n"
-"Se quer instalar o Firefox, por favor clique no botão Cancelar, e será redireccionado para a página de download do Firefox "
+msgstr "O navegador de Internet Mozilla Firefox não está instalado no seu computador.\nO Tor vai funcionar com outros navegadores, assim como no Internet Explorer, mas é mais fácil a sua utilização com o Firefox, que fará um melhor trabalho para manter o seu anonimato.\n\nSe quer instalar o Firefox, por favor clique no botão Cancelar, e será redireccionado para a página de download do Firefox "
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -276,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Quando terminar de instalar o Firefox, pode executar o instalador do Tor novamente.\n"
-"Ou, se você preferir instalar o Tor sem o Firefox, simplesmente clique Seguinte para continuar."
+msgstr "Quando terminar de instalar o Firefox, pode executar o instalador do Tor novamente.\n\nOu, se você preferir instalar o Tor sem o Firefox, simplesmente clique Seguinte para continuar."
diff --git a/pt_BR/vidalia_pt_BR.po b/pt_BR/vidalia_pt_BR.po
index eea8360..7652c13 100755
--- a/pt_BR/vidalia_pt_BR.po
+++ b/pt_BR/vidalia_pt_BR.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 12:53+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: n3t0 <>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Este assistente irá guiá-lo através da instalação do Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, e o botão Tor.\n"
-"Tor é um sistema para navegar na web anonimamente, ajudando você a estar anônimo para navegar, publicar, enviar mensagens instantâneas, IRC, e muito mais. Vidalia é um GUI que ajuda a controlar, monitorar e configurar o Tor.\n"
-"Polipo é um cache de proxy web que ajuda a melhorar a performance através da navegação via Tor.\n"
-"Botão Tor é uma extensão do Firefox que permite a você rapidamente habilitar ou desabilitar a navegação anônima na web.\n"
-"Se você já tiver instalado anteriormente o Tor, Vidalia, Polipo ou Firefox, por favor, tenha certeza de que eles não estão em execução antes de continuar esta instalação.\n"
+msgstr "Este assistente irá guiá-lo através da instalação do Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, e o botão Tor.\n\nTor é um sistema para navegar na web anonimamente, ajudando você a estar anônimo para navegar, publicar, enviar mensagens instantâneas, IRC, e muito mais. Vidalia é um GUI que ajuda a controlar, monitorar e configurar o Tor.\n\nPolipo é um cache de proxy web que ajuda a melhorar a performance através da navegação via Tor.\n\nBotão Tor é uma extensão do Firefox que permite a você rapidamente habilitar ou desabilitar a navegação anônima na web.\n\nSe você já tiver instalado anteriormente o Tor, Vidalia, Polipo ou Firefox, por favor, tenha certeza de que eles não estão em execução antes de continuar esta instalação.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Instalação completa.\n"
-"Por favor, veja https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows para aprender sobre como configurar suas aplicações para usar o Tor.\n"
-"Se você instalou o botão Tor, você precisa reiniciar o Firefox."
+msgstr "Instalação completa.\nPor favor, veja https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows para aprender sobre como configurar suas aplicações para usar o Tor.\n\nSe você instalou o botão Tor, você precisa reiniciar o Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,8 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Rodando componentes instalados agora"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia é um GUI que ajuda você a controlar, configurar e monitorar o Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia é um GUI que ajuda você a controlar, configurar e monitorar o Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -87,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Este assistente irá guiá-lo através da instalação do Vidalia, um GUI que ajuda a controlar, monitorar e configurar o Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Este assistente irá guiá-lo através da instalação do Vidalia, um GUI que ajuda a controlar, monitorar e configurar o Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -102,8 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Homepage do ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia é um GUI que ajuda você a controlar, configurar e monitorar o Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia é um GUI que ajuda você a controlar, configurar e monitorar o Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -129,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor é um sistema para usar a Internet anonimamente, ajudando você a navegar "
-"e publicar na Web anonimamente, enviar mensagens instantâneas, IRC, e muito "
+msgstr "Tor é um sistema para usar a Internet anonimamente, ajudando você a navegar e publicar na Web anonimamente, enviar mensagens instantâneas, IRC, e muito mais"
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -147,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Você já possui o arquivo de configuração do Tor.$\n"
-"Você gostaria de reescrevê-lo com a configuração básica?"
+msgstr "Você já possui o arquivo de configuração do Tor.$\n$\nVocê gostaria de reescrevê-lo com a configuração básica?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -172,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo é um cache de proxy web que melhora a performance da navegação web "
-"através do Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo é um cache de proxy web que melhora a performance da navegação web através do Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -204,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"O botão Tor é uma extensão do Firefox que permite a você rapidamente "
-"habilitar ou desabilitar a navegação anônima."
+msgstr "O botão Tor é uma extensão do Firefox que permite a você rapidamente habilitar ou desabilitar a navegação anônima."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -247,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox não está instalado"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Nós recomendamos que você instale o Firefox antes de continuar, para melhor "
+msgstr "Nós recomendamos que você instale o Firefox antes de continuar, para melhor segurança."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -260,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"O navegador Mozilla Firefoz não está instalado em seu computador.\n"
-"Tor irá trabalhar com outros navegadores, como o Internet Explorer, mas\n"
-"é mais fácil utilizar o Firefox, que contém um trabalho melhor sobre\n"
-"a proteção de seu anonimato.\n"
-"Se você preferir instalar o Firefox, pressione Cancelar, daí vá até a\n"
-"página de download do Firefox em"
+msgstr "O navegador Mozilla Firefoz não está instalado em seu computador.\nTor irá trabalhar com outros navegadores, como o Internet Explorer, mas\né mais fácil utilizar o Firefox, que contém um trabalho melhor sobre\na proteção de seu anonimato.\n\nSe você preferir instalar o Firefox, pressione Cancelar, daí vá até a\npágina de download do Firefox em"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -276,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Quando você terminar de instalar o Firefox, você pode rodar novamente\n"
-"a instalação do Tor.\n"
-"Ou, se você preferir instalar o Tor sem o Firefox, simplesmente clique\n"
-"em Próximo para continuar."
+msgstr "Quando você terminar de instalar o Firefox, você pode rodar novamente\na instalação do Tor.\n\nOu, se você preferir instalar o Tor sem o Firefox, simplesmente clique\nem Próximo para continuar."
diff --git a/ro/vidalia_ro.po b/ro/vidalia_ro.po
index 465b2ca..2e89fc8 100644
--- a/ro/vidalia_ro.po
+++ b/ro/vidalia_ro.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Acest program vÄ? va ghida prin instalarea Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy Å?i Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor este un sistem pentru folosirea în mod anonim a Internetului, ce vÄ? ajutÄ? la anonimizarea navigÄ?rii pe internet, mesageriei instant, IRC Å?i multe altele. Vidalia este o interfaÅ£Ä? graficÄ? ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i configuraÅ£i Tor.\n"
-"Privoxy este un proxy web pentru filtrare care îţi protejeazÄ? intimitatea Å?i ajutÄ? la înlÄ?turarea reclamelor, bannerelor Å?i ferestrelor de tip pop-up.\n"
-"Torbutton este un supliment Firefox care vÄ? permite activarea sau dezactivarea rapidÄ? a Tor.\n"
-"Daca aÅ£i instalat în trecut Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy sau Firefox, vÄ? rugÄ?m sÄ? vÄ? asiguraÅ£i cÄ? acestea nu ruleazÄ?, înainte de a continua cu instalarea.\n"
+msgstr "Acest program vÄ? va ghida prin instalarea Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy Å?i Torbutton.\n\nTor este un sistem pentru folosirea în mod anonim a Internetului, ce vÄ? ajutÄ? la anonimizarea navigÄ?rii pe internet, mesageriei instant, IRC Å?i multe altele. Vidalia este o interfaÅ£Ä? graficÄ? ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i configuraÅ£i Tor.\n\nPrivoxy este un proxy web pentru filtrare care îţi protejeazÄ? intimitatea Å?i ajutÄ? la înlÄ?turarea reclamelor, bannerelor Å?i ferestrelor de tip pop-up.\n\nTorbutton este un supliment Firefox care vÄ? permite activarea sau dezactivarea rapidÄ? a Tor.\n\nDaca aÅ£i instalat în trecut Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy sau Firefox, vÄ? rugÄ?m sÄ? vÄ? asiguraÅ£i cÄ? acestea nu ruleazÄ?, înainte de a continua cu instalarea.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Instalarea s-a terminat cu succes.\n"
-"VÄ? rugÄ?m vizitaÅ£i https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows pentru a învÄ?Å£a cum sÄ? configuraÅ£i diferite aplicaÅ£ii pentru folosirea Tor.\n"
-"Daca aÅ£i instalat Torbutton, este nevoie sÄ? reporniÅ£i Firefox."
+msgstr "Instalarea s-a terminat cu succes.\nVÄ? rugÄ?m vizitaÅ£i https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows pentru a învÄ?Å£a cum sÄ? configuraÅ£i diferite aplicaÅ£ii pentru folosirea Tor.\n\nDaca aÅ£i instalat Torbutton, este nevoie sÄ? reporniÅ£i Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "PorneÅ?te acum componentele instalate"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia este o interfaÅ£Ä? graficÄ? ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i "
-"configuraţi Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia este o interfaÅ£Ä? graficÄ? ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i configuraÅ£i Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Acest program vÄ? va ghida prin instalarea Vidalia, un program ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i configuraÅ£i Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Acest program vÄ? va ghida prin instalarea Vidalia, un program ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i configuraÅ£i Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -103,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Site-ul oficial ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia este o interfaÅ£Ä? graficÄ? ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i "
-"configuraţi Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia este o interfaÅ£Ä? graficÄ? ce vÄ? ajutÄ? sÄ? controlaÅ£i, monitorizaÅ£i Å?i configuraÅ£i Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -131,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor este un sistem pentru folosirea în mod anonim a internetului, ce vÄ? "
-"ajutÄ? la anonimizarea navigÄ?rii pe web, mesageriei instant, IRC Å?i multe "
+msgstr "Tor este un sistem pentru folosirea în mod anonim a internetului, ce vÄ? ajutÄ? la anonimizarea navigÄ?rii pe web, mesageriei instant, IRC Å?i multe altele."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -149,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"ExistÄ? deja un fiÅ?ier de configurare pentru Tor.$\n"
-"DoriÅ£i sÄ? îl suprascrieÅ£i cu un fiÅ?ier implicit de configurare?"
+msgstr "ExistÄ? deja un fiÅ?ier de configurare pentru Tor.$\n$\nDoriÅ£i sÄ? îl suprascrieÅ£i cu un fiÅ?ier implicit de configurare?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -174,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo este un proxy web pentru depozitare care creÅ?te performanÅ£ele "
-"navigÄ?rii pe Web prin Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo este un proxy web pentru depozitare care creÅ?te performanÅ£ele navigÄ?rii pe Web prin Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -206,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton este un supliment Firefox care vÄ? permite activarea sau "
-"dezactivarea rapidÄ? a Tor."
+msgstr "Torbutton este un supliment Firefox care vÄ? permite activarea sau dezactivarea rapidÄ? a Tor."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -228,9 +196,7 @@ msgstr "AdaugÄ? suplimentul ${TORBUTTON_DESC} la Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox nu a fost gÄ?sit pe sistemul dumneavoastrÄ?. Torbutton nu va fi "
+msgstr "Firefox nu a fost gÄ?sit pe sistemul dumneavoastrÄ?. Torbutton nu va fi instalat."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -251,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox nu este instalat."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"VÄ? recomandÄ?m sÄ? instalaÅ£i Firefox înainte sÄ? continuaÅ£i, pentru o siguranÅ£Ä?"
-" sporitÄ?."
+msgstr "VÄ? recomandÄ?m sÄ? instalaÅ£i Firefox înainte sÄ? continuaÅ£i, pentru o siguranÅ£Ä? sporitÄ?."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -264,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Navigatorul Mozilla Firefox nu este instalat pe computerul dumneavoastrÄ?.\n"
-"Tor va funcţiona cu alte navigatoare, precum Internet Explorer, dar\n"
-"este mai uÅ?or de folosit cu Firefox, care protejeazÄ? mai bine\n"
-"anonimitatea dumneavoastrÄ?.\n"
-"DacÄ? doriÅ£i sÄ? instalaÅ£i Firefox, apÄ?saÅ£i Revocare, apoi vizitaÅ£i\n"
-" pagina oficialÄ? a Firefox, la"
+msgstr "Navigatorul Mozilla Firefox nu este instalat pe computerul dumneavoastrÄ?.\nTor va funcÅ£iona cu alte navigatoare, precum Internet Explorer, dar\neste mai uÅ?or de folosit cu Firefox, care protejeazÄ? mai bine\nanonimitatea dumneavoastrÄ?.\n\nDacÄ? doriÅ£i sÄ? instalaÅ£i Firefox, apÄ?saÅ£i Revocare, apoi vizitaÅ£i\n pagina oficialÄ? a Firefox, la"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -280,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"DupÄ? ce Firefox a fost instalat cu success, puteÅ£i rula încÄ? o datÄ?\n"
-"programul de instalare Tor.\n"
-"DacÄ? preferaÅ£i sÄ? instalaÅ£i Tor fÄ?rÄ? Firefox,\n"
-"apÄ?saÅ£i Ã?nainte pentru a continua."
+msgstr "DupÄ? ce Firefox a fost instalat cu success, puteÅ£i rula încÄ? o datÄ?\nprogramul de instalare Tor.\n\nDacÄ? preferaÅ£i sÄ? instalaÅ£i Tor fÄ?rÄ? Firefox,\napÄ?saÅ£i Ã?nainte pentru a continua."
diff --git a/ru/vidalia_ru.po b/ru/vidalia_ru.po
index e9ba940..fcd8c43 100644
--- a/ru/vidalia_ru.po
+++ b/ru/vidalia_ru.po
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: runasand <runa.sandvik@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
-"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/torproject/team/ru/)\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/torproject/language/ru/)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -34,18 +34,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ЭÑ?оÑ? маÑ?Ñ?еÑ? поможеÑ? вам Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? пÑ?огÑ?аммÑ? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo и Torbutton.â??\n"
-"Tor - Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ема длÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? в инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?е анонимно, помогаÑ? вам анонимно пÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?иваÑ?Ñ? веб-Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?, пÑ?бликоваÑ?Ñ? даннÑ?е, обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? в IM-клиенÑ?аÑ?, IRC и многое дÑ?Ñ?гое. Vidalia - инÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?, облегÑ?аÑ?Ñ?ий наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?окÑ? и Ñ?пÑ?авление Tor.â??\n"
-"Polipo - кÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ий пÑ?окÑ?и-Ñ?еÑ?веÑ?, Ñ?велиÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединениÑ? пÑ?и Ñ?абоÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?езTor.â??\n"
-"Torbutton - Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ение Firefox, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ее бÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?й доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к оÑ?новнÑ?м Ñ?Ñ?нкÑ?иÑ?м Tor.â??\n"
-"Ð?Ñ?ли Ñ? ваÑ? Ñ?же Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановленÑ? пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ие веÑ?Ñ?ии Tor, Vidalia, Polipo или Firefox, Ñ?бедиÑ?еÑ?Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?и пÑ?огÑ?аммÑ? не запÑ?Ñ?енÑ? пÑ?ед Ñ?ем, как пÑ?одолжиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановкÑ?.â??\n"
+msgstr "ЭÑ?оÑ? маÑ?Ñ?еÑ? поможеÑ? вам Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? пÑ?огÑ?аммÑ? Tor, Vidalia, Polipo и Torbutton.â??\nâ??\nTor - Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ема длÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? в инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?е анонимно, помогаÑ? вам анонимно пÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?иваÑ?Ñ? веб-Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?, пÑ?бликоваÑ?Ñ? даннÑ?е, обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? в IM-клиенÑ?аÑ?, IRC и многое дÑ?Ñ?гое. Vidalia - инÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?, облегÑ?аÑ?Ñ?ий наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?окÑ? и Ñ?пÑ?авление Tor.â??\nâ??\nPolipo - кÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ий пÑ?окÑ?и-Ñ?еÑ?веÑ?, Ñ?велиÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединениÑ? пÑ?и Ñ?абоÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?езTor.â??\nâ??\nTorbutton - Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ение Firefox, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ее бÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?й доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к оÑ?новнÑ?м Ñ?Ñ?нкÑ?иÑ?м Tor.â??\nâ??\nÐ?Ñ?ли Ñ? ваÑ? Ñ?же Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановленÑ? пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ие веÑ?Ñ?ии Tor, Vidalia, Polipo или Firefox, Ñ?бедиÑ?еÑ?
 Ñ?, Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?и пÑ?огÑ?аммÑ? не запÑ?Ñ?енÑ? пÑ?ед Ñ?ем, как пÑ?одолжиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановкÑ?.â??\nâ??\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -61,10 +50,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"УÑ?Ñ?ановка завеÑ?Ñ?ена. Ð?ожалÑ?йÑ?Ñ?а, Ñ?м. https:// www.torproject.org/docs/tоÑ?-"
-"doc-windows, Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? Ñ?знаÑ?Ñ?, как наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? пÑ?иложениÑ? длÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зованиÑ? Tor. "
-"Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановили Torbutton, вам нÑ?жно пеÑ?езапÑ?Ñ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? Firefox."
+msgstr "УÑ?Ñ?ановка завеÑ?Ñ?ена. Ð?ожалÑ?йÑ?Ñ?а, Ñ?м. https:// www.torproject.org/docs/tоÑ?-doc-windows, Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? Ñ?знаÑ?Ñ?, как наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оиÑ?Ñ? пÑ?иложениÑ? длÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зованиÑ? Tor. Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановили Torbutton, вам нÑ?жно пеÑ?езапÑ?Ñ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -72,9 +58,7 @@ msgstr "Ð?апÑ?Ñ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановленнÑ?е компоненÑ?Ñ? Ñ?е
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia - Ñ?Ñ?о гÑ?аÑ?иÑ?еÑ?кий инÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?, коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?й позволÑ?еÑ? конÑ?Ñ?оллиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?, "
-"мониÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? и наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аиваÑ?Ñ? Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia - Ñ?Ñ?о гÑ?аÑ?иÑ?еÑ?кий инÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?, коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?й позволÑ?еÑ? конÑ?Ñ?оллиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ?, мониÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? и наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аиваÑ?Ñ? Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -89,10 +73,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ЭÑ?оÑ? маÑ?Ñ?еÑ? поможеÑ? вам Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Vidalia - инÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?, облегÑ?аÑ?Ñ?ий наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?окÑ? и Ñ?пÑ?авление Tor.â??\n"
+msgstr "ЭÑ?оÑ? маÑ?Ñ?еÑ? поможеÑ? вам Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Vidalia - инÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ?, облегÑ?аÑ?Ñ?ий наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?окÑ? и Ñ?пÑ?авление Tor.â??\nâ??\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -130,10 +111,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor - Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ема длÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? в инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?е анонимно, помогаÑ? вам анонимно "
-"пÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?иваÑ?Ñ? веб-Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?, пÑ?бликоваÑ?Ñ? даннÑ?е, обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? в IM-клиенÑ?аÑ?, IRC "
-"и многое дÑ?Ñ?гое."
+msgstr "Tor - Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ема длÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? в инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?е анонимно, помогаÑ? вам анонимно пÑ?оÑ?маÑ?Ñ?иваÑ?Ñ? веб-Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?, пÑ?бликоваÑ?Ñ? даннÑ?е, обÑ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? в IM-клиенÑ?аÑ?, IRC и многое дÑ?Ñ?гое."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -148,10 +126,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"У ваÑ? Ñ?же еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии Tor. $\n"
-"$ \n"
-"Ð?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е пеÑ?езапиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? его Ñ? Ñ?айлом конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ??"
+msgstr "У ваÑ? Ñ?же еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айл конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии Tor. $\n$ \nÐ?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е пеÑ?езапиÑ?аÑ?Ñ? его Ñ? Ñ?айлом конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ии по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ??"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -173,9 +148,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo - кÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ий пÑ?окÑ?и-Ñ?еÑ?веÑ?, Ñ?велиÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединениÑ? пÑ?и "
-"Ñ?абоÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?ез Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo - кÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ий пÑ?окÑ?и-Ñ?еÑ?веÑ?, Ñ?велиÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?ий Ñ?коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?оединениÑ? пÑ?и Ñ?абоÑ?е Ñ?еÑ?ез Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -205,9 +178,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton - Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ение Firefox, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ее бÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?й доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к оÑ?новнÑ?м "
-"Ñ?Ñ?нкÑ?иÑ?м Tor."
+msgstr "Torbutton - Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ение Firefox, пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ее бÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?й доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?п к оÑ?новнÑ?м Ñ?Ñ?нкÑ?иÑ?м Tor."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -227,8 +198,7 @@ msgstr "Ð?обавиÑ?Ñ? Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ение ${TORBUTTON_DESC} в Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox не Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлена на данном компÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?е. Torbutton не бÑ?деÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлена."
+msgstr "Firefox не Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлена на данном компÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?е. Torbutton не бÑ?деÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлена."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -249,8 +219,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox не Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлена"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Ð?лÑ? доÑ?Ñ?ижениÑ? макÑ?ималÑ?ной безопаÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и Ñ?екомендÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Firefox"
+msgstr "Ð?лÑ? доÑ?Ñ?ижениÑ? макÑ?ималÑ?ной безопаÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и Ñ?екомендÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Firefox"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -261,14 +230,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Ð?Ñ?аÑ?зеÑ? Mozilla Firefox не Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлен на данном компÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?е.â??\n"
-"Tor Ñ?абоÑ?аеÑ? и Ñ? оÑ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ми бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ?ами, однакоâ??\n"
-"мÑ? Ñ?екомендÑ?ем вам Firefox, как Ñ?амÑ?й пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?ой иâ??\n"
-"лÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е обеÑ?пеÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?ий анонимноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?.â??\n"
-"Ð?Ñ?ли Ð?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Firefox, нажмиÑ?еâ??\n"
-"\"Ð?Ñ?мена\", а заÑ?ем зайдиÑ?е на Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Firefox:"
+msgstr "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?зеÑ? Mozilla Firefox не Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлен на данном компÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?е.â??\nTor Ñ?абоÑ?аеÑ? и Ñ? оÑ?Ñ?алÑ?нÑ?ми бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ?ами, однакоâ??\nмÑ? Ñ?екомендÑ?ем вам Firefox, как Ñ?амÑ?й пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?ой иâ??\nлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е обеÑ?пеÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?ий анонимноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?.â??\nâ??\nÐ?Ñ?ли Ð?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановиÑ?Ñ? Firefox, нажмиÑ?еâ??\n\"Ð?Ñ?мена\", а заÑ?ем зайдиÑ?е на Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? Firefox:"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -277,11 +239,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Ð?оÑ?ле Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки Firefox Ð?Ñ? можеÑ?е Ñ?нова запÑ?Ñ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?â??\n"
-"пÑ?огÑ?аммÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки Tor.â??\n"
-"Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? не Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавливаÑ?Ñ? Firefox, пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?оâ??\n"
-"нажмиÑ?е \"Ð?алее\"."
+msgstr "Ð?оÑ?ле Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки Firefox Ð?Ñ? можеÑ?е Ñ?нова запÑ?Ñ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?â??\nпÑ?огÑ?аммÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ановки Tor.â??\nâ??\nÐ?Ñ?ли вÑ? не Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавливаÑ?Ñ? Firefox, пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?оâ??\nнажмиÑ?е \"Ð?алее\"."
diff --git a/sv/vidalia_sv.po b/sv/vidalia_sv.po
index 6f83194..ef6bcbe 100644
--- a/sv/vidalia_sv.po
+++ b/sv/vidalia_sv.po
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Installationen är klar. \n"
-"Vänligen se https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows för information om hur du använder Tor med dina existerande program.\n"
-"Om du valde att installera Torbutton, måste du starta om Firefox."
+msgstr "Installationen är klar. \nVänligen se https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows för information om hur du använder Tor med dina existerande program.\n\nOm du valde att installera Torbutton, måste du starta om Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -60,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Kör igång installerade program"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia är ett användargränssnitt som gör det enkelt att hantera, övervaka "
-"och konfigurera Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia är ett användargränssnitt som gör det enkelt att hantera, övervaka och konfigurera Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -77,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Denna guide tar dig igenom installationen av Vidalia, ett användargränssnitt som gör det enkelt att hantera, övervaka och konfigurera Tor.\n"
+msgstr "Denna guide tar dig igenom installationen av Vidalia, ett användargränssnitt som gör det enkelt att hantera, övervaka och konfigurera Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -92,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME}-websidan"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia är ett användargränssnitt som gör det enkelt att hantera, övervaka "
-"och konfigurera Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia är ett användargränssnitt som gör det enkelt att hantera, övervaka och konfigurera Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -120,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor är ett program för att vara anonym på Internet och gör det möjligt att "
-"anonymt surfa och publicera information, skicka snabbmeddelanden, använda "
-"IRC, och mycket annat."
+msgstr "Tor är ett program för att vara anonym på Internet och gör det möjligt att anonymt surfa och publicera information, skicka snabbmeddelanden, använda IRC, och mycket annat."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -138,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Du har redan en konfigurationsfil för Tor.$\n"
-"Vill du skriva över den med standardkonfigurationsfilen?"
+msgstr "Du har redan en konfigurationsfil för Tor.$\n$\nVill du skriva över den med standardkonfigurationsfilen?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -193,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton är ett tillägg till Firefox som gör det möjligt att snabbt "
-"aktivera eller inaktivera anonym surfning."
+msgstr "Torbutton är ett tillägg till Firefox som gör det möjligt att snabbt aktivera eller inaktivera anonym surfning."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -215,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Lägg till tillägget ${TORBUTTON_DESC} till Mozilla Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton kan ej installeras: Mozilla Firefox hittades ej på din dator."
+msgstr "Torbutton kan ej installeras: Mozilla Firefox hittades ej på din dator."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -237,9 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox är inte installerat"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Vi rekommenderar att du installerar Firefox innan du fortsätter för bästa "
+msgstr "Vi rekommenderar att du installerar Firefox innan du fortsätter för bästa skydd."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -250,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Mozilla Firefox Web browsern är inte installerad på din dator.\n"
-"Tor kommer att fungera med andra browsers t.ex. Internet Explorer, Men\n"
-"det är enklare att använda Firefox vilket också gör ett bättre jobb att\n"
-"skydda din anonymitet.\n"
-"Om du vill installera Firefox, tryck på Avsluta,gå sedan\n"
-"till Firefox hemsidan"
+msgstr "Mozilla Firefox Web browsern är inte installerad på din dator.\nTor kommer att fungera med andra browsers t.ex. Internet Explorer, Men\ndet är enklare att använda Firefox vilket också gör ett bättre jobb att\nskydda din anonymitet.\n\nOm du vill installera Firefox, tryck på Avsluta,gå sedan\ntill Firefox hemsidan"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -266,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"När du är färdig med att installera Firefox så kan du köra om\n"
-"Tor installationen.\n"
-"Eller om du föredrar att installera Tor utan Firefox, så\n"
-"tryck på Nästa för att fortsätta"
+msgstr "När du är färdig med att installera Firefox så kan du köra om\nTor installationen.\n\nEller om du föredrar att installera Tor utan Firefox, så\ntryck på Nästa för att fortsätta"
diff --git a/templates/vidalia.pot b/templates/vidalia.pot
index 741c0ed..bb54e8d 100644
--- a/templates/vidalia.pot
+++ b/templates/vidalia.pot
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"This wizard will guide you through the installation of Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, and Torbutton.\n"
-"Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more. Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-"Polipo is a caching web proxy that helps increase performance of browsing the web through Tor.\n"
-"Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or disable anonymous web browsing.\n"
-"If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
+msgstr "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, and Torbutton.\n\nTor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more. Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n\nPolipo is a caching web proxy that helps increase performance of browsing the web through Tor.\n\nTorbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or disable anonymous web browsing.\n\nIf you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Installation is complete.\n"
-"Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
-"If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
+msgstr "Installation is complete.\nPlease see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n\nIf you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -86,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
+msgstr "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -127,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
-"Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
+msgstr "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -144,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
-"Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
+msgstr "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n$\nDo you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -169,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
-"through Tor."
+msgstr "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing through Tor."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -201,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
-"disable anonymous web browsing."
+msgstr "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or disable anonymous web browsing."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -244,8 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox is not installed"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
+msgstr "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -256,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"The Mozilla Firefox Web browser is not installed on your computer.\n"
-"Tor will work with other browsers, such as Internet Explorer, but\n"
-"is easier to use with Firefox, which also does a better job of\n"
-"protecting your anonymity.\n"
-"If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
-"to the Firefox download page at"
+msgstr "The Mozilla Firefox Web browser is not installed on your computer.\nTor will work with other browsers, such as Internet Explorer, but\nis easier to use with Firefox, which also does a better job of\nprotecting your anonymity.\n\nIf you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\nto the Firefox download page at"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -272,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"When you are done installing Firefox, you can once again run the\n"
-"Tor installer.\n"
-"Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
-"press Next to continue."
+msgstr "When you are done installing Firefox, you can once again run the\nTor installer.\n\nOr, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\npress Next to continue."
diff --git a/th/vidalia_th.po b/th/vidalia_th.po
index c818e60..941d248 100755
--- a/th/vidalia_th.po
+++ b/th/vidalia_th.po
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"��ื�อ�ี��ะ�ำห���ห���ร��รม�อ���า���� Tor �รุ�า��ยั� https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows \n"
-"��า��า��ิ��ั�� Torbutton �รุ�า��ิ���ร��รม Firefox �หม�"
+msgstr "�ิ��ั��สำ�ร��\n��ื�อ�ี��ะ�ำห���ห���ร��รม�อ���า���� Tor �รุ�า��ยั� https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows \n\n��า��า��ิ��ั�� Torbutton �รุ�า��ิ���ร��รม Firefox �หม�"
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -60,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "�ำลั��ิ��ั�� Components "
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia �ือ��ร��รม�ี���วย�ห���า��ว��ุม, �ิ��าม, �ละ�ำห����า�ห���� Tor "
+msgstr "Vidalia �ือ��ร��รม�ี���วย�ห���า��ว��ุม, �ิ��าม, �ละ�ำห����า�ห���� Tor ��รู�����รา��ิ�"
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -244,5 +238,3 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/tr/vidalia_tr.po b/tr/vidalia_tr.po
index f3b219f..63bb9dd 100644
--- a/tr/vidalia_tr.po
+++ b/tr/vidalia_tr.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bu sihirbaz Tor, Vidalia, Polipo ve Torbutonu yüklerken size yardımcı olacak.\n"
-"Tor internette gezinmenizi, anlık mesajlaÅ?mayı ve bir çok hizmeti güvenli ve gizli Å?ekilde kullanmanızı saÄ?lar. Vidalia bu sistemi kontrol etmenizi, görüntülemenizi ve yapılandırmanızı saÄ?layan bir arayüzüdür.\n"
-"Polipo, Tor kullanarak web gezintisi yaparken performansın arttırılmasında yardımcı olacak bir vekil sunucudur.\n"
-"Torbutton anonim web gezintisini kolayca aktif, pasif duruma getirebileceÄ?iniz bir Firefox eklentisidir.\n"
-"EÄ?er daha önceden Tor, Vidalia, Polipo veya Firefox'u yüklemiÅ?seniz lütfen kurulum bitene kadar çalıÅ?mamalarına dikkat edin.\n"
+msgstr "Bu sihirbaz Tor, Vidalia, Polipo ve Torbutonu yüklerken size yardımcı olacak.\n\nTor internette gezinmenizi, anlık mesajlaÅ?mayı ve bir çok hizmeti güvenli ve gizli Å?ekilde kullanmanızı saÄ?lar. Vidalia bu sistemi kontrol etmenizi, görüntülemenizi ve yapılandırmanızı saÄ?layan bir arayüzüdür.\n\nPolipo, Tor kullanarak web gezintisi yaparken performansın arttırılmasında yardımcı olacak bir vekil sunucudur.\n\nTorbutton anonim web gezintisini kolayca aktif, pasif duruma getirebileceÄ?iniz bir Firefox eklentisidir.\n\nEÄ?er daha önceden Tor, Vidalia, Polipo veya Firefox'u yüklemiÅ?seniz lütfen kurulum bitene kadar çalıÅ?mamalarına dikkat edin.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Kurulum tamamlandı.\n"
-"Uygulamalarınızın Tor kullanması için nasıl yapılandırılacaÄ?ına https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows adresinden ulaÅ?abilirsiniz.\n"
-"Torbutonu yüklediyseniz, Firefox'u yeniden baÅ?latmanız gerekecektir."
+msgstr "Kurulum tamamlandı.\nUygulamalarınızın Tor kullanması için nasıl yapılandırılacaÄ?ına https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows adresinden ulaÅ?abilirsiniz.\n\nTorbutonu yüklediyseniz, Firefox'u yeniden baÅ?latmanız gerekecektir."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -71,9 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Yüklü bileÅ?enleri Å?imdi çalıÅ?tır"
 msgctxt "VidaliaGroupDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia, Tor'u kontrol etmenize, görüntülemenize ve yapılandırmanıza imkan "
-"saÄ?layan bir arayüzdür."
+msgstr "Vidalia, Tor'u kontrol etmenize, görüntülemenize ve yapılandırmanıza imkan saÄ?layan bir arayüzdür."
 msgctxt "VidaliaUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${VIDALIA_DESC}."
@@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bu sihirbaz Tor'u kontrol etmenize, görüntülemenize ve yapılandırmanıza imkan saÄ?layan bir arayüz olan Vidalia'nın kurulumuna yardımcı olacaktır.\n"
+msgstr "Bu sihirbaz Tor'u kontrol etmenize, görüntülemenize ve yapılandırmanıza imkan saÄ?layan bir arayüz olan Vidalia'nın kurulumuna yardımcı olacaktır.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -103,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} anasayfası"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia, Tor'u kontrol etmenize, görüntülemenize ve yapılandırmanıza imkan "
-"saÄ?layan bir arayüzdür."
+msgstr "Vidalia, Tor'u kontrol etmenize, görüntülemenize ve yapılandırmanıza imkan saÄ?layan bir arayüzdür."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -131,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor web gezintinizi ve yayınlamanızı, anında mesajlaÅ?manızı ve baÅ?ka bir çok"
-" Å?eyi anonimleÅ?tirerek internette anonim kalmanızı saÄ?layan bir sistemdir."
+msgstr "Tor web gezintinizi ve yayınlamanızı, anında mesajlaÅ?manızı ve baÅ?ka bir çok Å?eyi anonimleÅ?tirerek internette anonim kalmanızı saÄ?layan bir sistemdir."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -148,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Bir Tor yapılandırma dosyanız bulunuyor.$\n"
-"�ntanımlı örnek yapılandırma dosyasının mevcut dosyanın üzerine kaydedilmesini ister misiniz?"
+msgstr "Bir Tor yapılandırma dosyanız bulunuyor.$\n$\n�ntanımlı örnek yapılandırma dosyasının mevcut dosyanın üzerine kaydedilmesini ister misiniz?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -173,9 +146,7 @@ msgctxt "PolipoGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Polipo is a caching web proxy that increases performance of web browsing "
 "through Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Polippo web gezintinizin daha hızlı olması için önbellekleme yapan bir "
+msgstr "Polippo web gezintinizin daha hızlı olması için önbellekleme yapan bir hizmettir."
 msgctxt "PolipoUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${POLIPO_DESC}."
@@ -205,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbuton hızlıca Tor'u aktif/pasif konuma getirebileceÄ?iniz bir Firefox "
+msgstr "Torbuton hızlıca Tor'u aktif/pasif konuma getirebileceÄ?iniz bir Firefox eklentisidir."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -248,8 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox yüklü deÄ?il"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Devam etmeden önce güvenlik açısından Firefox yüklemenizi tavsiye ederiz."
+msgstr "Devam etmeden önce güvenlik açısından Firefox yüklemenizi tavsiye ederiz."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -260,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox bilgisayarınızda yüklü deÄ?il.\n"
-"Tor Internet Explorer gibi diÄ?er web tarayıcılarıyla da çalıÅ?abilir ama\n"
-"Firefox ile kullanımı daha kolaydır ve\n"
-"anonimliÄ?i saÄ?lamak konusunda Firefox daha iyidir.\n"
-"EÄ?er Firefox kurmak isterseniz Ä°ptal'e tıklayın ve\n"
-"Firefox indirme sayfasına gidin."
+msgstr "Firefox bilgisayarınızda yüklü deÄ?il.\nTor Internet Explorer gibi diÄ?er web tarayıcılarıyla da çalıÅ?abilir ama\nFirefox ile kullanımı daha kolaydır ve\nanonimliÄ?i saÄ?lamak konusunda Firefox daha iyidir.\n\nEÄ?er Firefox kurmak isterseniz Ä°ptal'e tıklayın ve\nFirefox indirme sayfasına gidin."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -276,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Firefox'u kurduÄ?unuzda Tor kurulum yazılımını tekrar\n"
-"Ya da Tor'u Firefox olmadan kullanmak istiyorsanız\n"
-"basitçe Devam'a tıklayın."
+msgstr "Firefox'u kurduÄ?unuzda Tor kurulum yazılımını tekrar\nçalıÅ?tırabilirsiniz.\n\nYa da Tor'u Firefox olmadan kullanmak istiyorsanız\nbasitçe Devam'a tıklayın."
diff --git a/uk/vidalia_uk.po b/uk/vidalia_uk.po
index 84aed16..8acd19c 100644
--- a/uk/vidalia_uk.po
+++ b/uk/vidalia_uk.po
@@ -83,9 +83,7 @@ msgstr "Ð?омаÑ?нÑ? Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нка ${VIDALIA_NAME}"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia Ñ?е Ñ?нÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ? Ñ?кий допоможе вам кеÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и, Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?и, Ñ?а "
-"налаÑ?Ñ?овÑ?ваÑ?и Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia Ñ?е Ñ?нÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ейÑ? Ñ?кий допоможе вам кеÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и, Ñ?поÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?гаÑ?и, Ñ?а налаÑ?Ñ?овÑ?ваÑ?и Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -111,10 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor Ñ?е Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ема длÑ? анонÑ?много коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваннÑ? Ð?нÑ?еÑ?неÑ?, допомагаÑ? збеÑ?егÑ?и "
-"анонÑ?мнÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?и пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? Ð?еб Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нок Ñ?а пÑ?блÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, обмÑ?нÑ? миÑ?Ñ?Ñ?вими "
-"повÑ?домленнÑ?ми, IRC, Ñ? багаÑ?о Ñ?ого Ñ?нÑ?ого."
+msgstr "Tor Ñ?е Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ема длÑ? анонÑ?много коÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваннÑ? Ð?нÑ?еÑ?неÑ?, допомагаÑ? збеÑ?егÑ?и анонÑ?мнÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?и пеÑ?еглÑ?дÑ? Ð?еб Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нок Ñ?а пÑ?блÑ?каÑ?Ñ?Ñ?, обмÑ?нÑ? миÑ?Ñ?Ñ?вими повÑ?домленнÑ?ми, IRC, Ñ? багаÑ?о Ñ?ого Ñ?нÑ?ого."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -129,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"У ваÑ? вже Ñ? конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?йний Ñ?айл Tor.$\n"
-"Ð?ажаÑ?Ñ?е пеÑ?езапиÑ?аÑ?и його Ñ?иповим зÑ?азком конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?йного Ñ?айла?"
+msgstr "У ваÑ? вже Ñ? конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?йний Ñ?айл Tor.$\n$\nÐ?ажаÑ?Ñ?е пеÑ?езапиÑ?аÑ?и його Ñ?иповим зÑ?азком конÑ?Ñ?гÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?йного Ñ?айла?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -184,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton Ñ?е Ñ?озÑ?иÑ?еннÑ? длÑ? Firefox Ñ?ке дозволÑ?Ñ? вам Ñ?видко вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?и або "
-"виклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?и анонÑ?мний пеÑ?еглÑ?д веб Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нок."
+msgstr "Torbutton Ñ?е Ñ?озÑ?иÑ?еннÑ? длÑ? Firefox Ñ?ке дозволÑ?Ñ? вам Ñ?видко вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?и або виклÑ?Ñ?аÑ?и анонÑ?мний пеÑ?еглÑ?д веб Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?нок."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -248,5 +238,3 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/vi/vidalia_vi.po b/vi/vidalia_vi.po
index 8327541..c6d487d 100755
--- a/vi/vidalia_vi.po
+++ b/vi/vidalia_vi.po
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"Cài Ä?ặt xong.\n"
-"Vui lòng xem https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows Ä?á»? tìm hiá»?u làm thế nào Ä?á»? cấu hình những ứng dụng của bạn Ä?á»? dùng Tor.\n"
-"Nếu bạn Ä?ã cài Ä?ặt nút Torbutton, bạn sẽ cần phải khá»?i Ä?á»?ng lại Firefox."
+msgstr "Cài Ä?ặt xong.\nVui lòng xem https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows Ä?á»? tìm hiá»?u làm thế nào Ä?á»? cấu hình những ứng dụng của bạn Ä?á»? dùng Tor.\n\nNếu bạn Ä?ã cài Ä?ặt nút Torbutton, bạn sẽ cần phải khá»?i Ä?á»?ng lại Firefox."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -75,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Pháp thuật này sẽ hÆ°á»?ng dẫn bạn thông qua viá»?c cài Ä?ặt Vidalia, má»?t giao diá»?n giúp bạn kiá»?m soát, giám sát, và cấu hình Tor.\n"
-" $_CLICK"
+msgstr "Pháp thuật này sẽ hÆ°á»?ng dẫn bạn thông qua viá»?c cài Ä?ặt Vidalia, má»?t giao diá»?n giúp bạn kiá»?m soát, giám sát, và cấu hình Tor.\n\n $_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -90,8 +83,7 @@ msgstr "${VIDALIA_NAME} trang chủ"
 msgctxt "VidaliaAppDesc"
 msgid "Vidalia is a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor."
-msgstr ""
-"Vidalia là m�t giao di�n giúp bạn ki�m soát, giám sát, và cấu hình Tor."
+msgstr "Vidalia là m�t giao di�n giúp bạn ki�m soát, giám sát, và cấu hình Tor."
 msgctxt "VidaliaStartup"
 msgid "Run At Startup"
@@ -117,9 +109,7 @@ msgctxt "TorGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Tor is a system for using the Internet anonymously, helping you anonymize "
 "Web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tor là má»?t há»? thá»?ng Ä?á»? sá»­ dụng Internet nặc danh, giúp bạn dấu tên mạng Web "
-"duy�t lư�c và xuất bản, tin nhắn tức thì, IRC, và nhi�u hơn nữa."
+msgstr "Tor là má»?t há»? thá»?ng Ä?á»? sá»­ dụng Internet nặc danh, giúp bạn dấu tên mạng Web duyá»?t lÆ°á»?c và xuất bản, tin nhắn tức thì, IRC, và nhiá»?u hÆ¡n nữa."
 msgctxt "TorUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TOR_DESC}."
@@ -134,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"Bạn Ä?ã có má»?t tập tin cấu hình Tor.$\n"
-" Bạn có muá»?n ghi Ä?è lên nó vá»?i tập tin mặc Ä?á»?nh các cấu hình mẫu không?"
+msgstr "Bạn Ä?ã có má»?t tập tin cấu hình Tor.$\n$\n Bạn có muá»?n ghi Ä?è lên nó vá»?i tập tin mặc Ä?á»?nh các cấu hình mẫu không?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -189,9 +176,7 @@ msgctxt "TorbuttonGroupDesc"
 msgid ""
 "Torbutton is a Firefox extension that allows you to quickly enable or "
 "disable anonymous web browsing."
-msgstr ""
-"Torbutton là má»?t phần má»? rá»?ng của Firefox Ä?á»? cho phép bạn nhanh chóng bật "
-"hoặc tắt chức nÄ?ng duyá»?t web ẩn danh."
+msgstr "Torbutton là má»?t phần má»? rá»?ng của Firefox Ä?á»? cho phép bạn nhanh chóng bật hoặc tắt chức nÄ?ng duyá»?t web ẩn danh."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonUninstDesc"
 msgid "Remove ${TORBUTTON_DESC}."
@@ -211,8 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Thêm ${TORBUTTON_DESC} vào phần m� r�ng cho Firefox."
 msgctxt "TorbuttonFirefoxNotFound"
 msgid "Firefox was not found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
-msgstr ""
-"Không tìm thấy Firefox trên há»? thá»?ng của bạn. Không cài Ä?ặt Torbutton."
+msgstr "Không tìm thấy Firefox trên há»? thá»?ng của bạn. Không cài Ä?ặt Torbutton."
 msgctxt "AppData"
 msgid "Application Data"
@@ -233,8 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Firefox không Ä?ược cài Ä?ặt"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageSubtitle"
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you install Firefox before continuing, for best safety."
-msgstr ""
-"Chúng tôi khuyên bạn cài Ä?ặt Firefox trÆ°á»?c khi tiếp tục, Ä?á»? an toàn nhất."
+msgstr "Chúng tôi khuyên bạn cài Ä?ặt Firefox trÆ°á»?c khi tiếp tục, Ä?á»? an toàn nhất."
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageUpperText"
 msgid ""
@@ -245,14 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"Các trình duyá»?t Web Mozilla Firefox không Ä?ược cài Ä?ặt trên máy tính của bạn.\n"
-"Tor sẽ làm vi�c v�i các trình duy�t khác, chẳng hạn như Internet Explorer, nhưng\n"
-"dá»? xá»­ dụng vá»?i Firefox hÆ¡n, cÅ©ng nhÆ° làm viá»?c tá»?t hÆ¡n Ä?á»?\n"
-"bảo v� danh tính của bạn.\n"
-" Nếu bạn muá»?n cài Ä?ặt Firefox, xin vui lòng nhấn Hủy bá»?, sau Ä?ó Ä?i \n"
-" Ä?ến trang download Firefox tại"
+msgstr "Các trình duyá»?t Web Mozilla Firefox không Ä?ược cài Ä?ặt trên máy tính của bạn.\nTor sẽ làm viá»?c vá»?i các trình duyá»?t khác, chẳng hạn nhÆ° Internet Explorer, nhÆ°ng\ndá»? xá»­ dụng vá»?i Firefox hÆ¡n, cÅ©ng nhÆ° làm viá»?c tá»?t hÆ¡n Ä?á»?\nbảo vá»? danh tính của bạn.\n\n Nếu bạn muá»?n cài Ä?ặt Firefox, xin vui lòng nhấn Hủy bá»?, sau Ä?ó Ä?i \n Ä?ến trang download Firefox tại"
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -261,11 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Khi bạn Ä?ã thá»±c hiá»?n xong viá»?c cài Ä?ặt Firefox, bạn có thá»? chạy Bá»? cài Ä?ặt\n"
-"Tor m�t lần nữa.\n"
-" Hoặc, nếu bạn muá»?n cài Ä?ặt Tor mà không có Firefox, bạn chá»? cần\n"
-" nhấn nút Kế tiếp Ä?á»? tiếp tục."
+msgstr "Khi bạn Ä?ã thá»±c hiá»?n xong viá»?c cài Ä?ặt Firefox, bạn có thá»? chạy Bá»? cài Ä?ặt\nTor má»?t lần nữa.\n\n Hoặc, nếu bạn muá»?n cài Ä?ặt Tor mà không có Firefox, bạn chá»? cần\n nhấn nút Kế tiếp Ä?á»? tiếp tục."
diff --git a/zh_CN/vidalia_zh_CN.po b/zh_CN/vidalia_zh_CN.po
index 3e7c6e2..9fa1ce6 100644
--- a/zh_CN/vidalia_zh_CN.po
+++ b/zh_CN/vidalia_zh_CN.po
@@ -32,18 +32,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you have previously installed Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, or Firefox, please make sure they are not running before continuing this installation.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"该å??导å°?ä¼?å¼?导æ?¨å®?æ?? Torã??Vidaliaã??Polipo å?? Torbutton ç??å®?è£?ã??\n"
-"Tor æ?¯å?¯ä»¥å?¿å??访é?® Internt ç??ç³»ç»?ï¼?è?½å¤?帮å?©æ?¨é??å?¿ç½?页ç??æµ?è§?ä¸?å??å¸?ã??å?³æ?¶è??天ã??IRC å??å?¶ä»?æ´»å?¨ã??Vidalia æ?¯ä¸?个ç?¨æ?·å?¾å½¢ç??é?¢ï¼?è?½å¸®å?©æ?¨æ?§å?¶ã??ç??è§?å??é??ç½®Torã??\n"
-"Polipo æ?¯ä¸?ç§?ç¼?å?²å??ç½?页代ç??å?¯ä»¥å¸®å?©å¢?强 Tor ç??ç½?页æµ?è§?æ?§è?½ã??\n"
-"Torbutton æ?¯ä¸?个 Firefox æµ?è§?å?¨æ?©å±?ï¼?å?¯ä»¥å¿«é??å?¯ç?¨æ??ç¦?ç?¨å?¿å??ç½?页æµ?è§?ã??\n"
-"å¦?æ??æ?¨æ?¾ç»?å®?è£?è¿? Torã??Vidaliaã??Polipo æ?? Firefoxï¼?请确ä¿?å?¨è¿?è¡?æ­¤å®?è£?å??导å??è¿?äº?ç¨?åº?æ?ªå?¨è¿?è¡?ã??\n"
+msgstr "该å??导å°?ä¼?å¼?导æ?¨å®?æ?? Torã??Vidaliaã??Polipo å?? Torbutton ç??å®?è£?ã??\n\nTor æ?¯å?¯ä»¥å?¿å??访é?® Internt ç??ç³»ç»?ï¼?è?½å¤?帮å?©æ?¨é??å?¿ç½?页ç??æµ?è§?ä¸?å??å¸?ã??å?³æ?¶è??天ã??IRC å??å?¶ä»?æ´»å?¨ã??Vidalia æ?¯ä¸?个ç?¨æ?·å?¾å½¢ç??é?¢ï¼?è?½å¸®å?©æ?¨æ?§å?¶ã??ç??è§?å??é??ç½®Torã??\n\nPolipo æ?¯ä¸?ç§?ç¼?å?²å??ç½?页代ç??å?¯ä»¥å¸®å?©å¢?强 Tor ç??ç½?页æµ?è§?æ?§è?½ã??\n\nTorbutton æ?¯ä¸?个 Firefox æµ?è§?å?¨æ?©å±?ï¼?å?¯ä»¥å¿«é??å?¯ç?¨æ??ç¦?ç?¨å?¿å??ç½?页æµ?è§?ã??\n\nå¦?æ??æ?¨æ?¾ç»?å®?è£?è¿? Torã??Vidaliaã??Polipo æ?? Firefoxï¼?请确ä¿?å?¨è¿?è¡?æ­¤å®?è£?å??导å??è¿?äº?ç¨?åº?æ?ªå?¨è¿?è¡?ã??\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "BundleWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${BUNDLE_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -59,11 +48,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"请访é?® https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows äº?解å¦?ä½?é??ç½®åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?使ç?¨ Torã??\n"
-"å¦?æ??æ?¨é??æ?©äº?å®?è£? Torbuttonï¼?æ?¨é??è¦?é??æ?°å?¯å?¨ç?«ç?? (Firefox) æµ?è§?å?¨ã??"
+msgstr "å®?è£?å®?æ??ã??\n请访é?® https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows äº?解å¦?ä½?é??ç½®åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?使ç?¨ Torã??\n\nå¦?æ??æ?¨é??æ?©äº?å®?è£? Torbuttonï¼?æ?¨é??è¦?é??æ?°å?¯å?¨ç?«ç?? (Firefox) æµ?è§?å?¨ã??"
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -86,10 +71,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"该å??导å°?ä¼?å¼?导æ?¨å®?è£? Vidalia - ä¸?ç§?è?½å¸®å?©æ?¨æ?§å?¶ã??ç??è§?å??é??ç½® Tor ç??å?¾å½¢å??ç??é?¢ã??\n"
+msgstr "该å??导å°?ä¼?å¼?导æ?¨å®?è£? Vidalia - ä¸?ç§?è?½å¸®å?©æ?¨æ?§å?¶ã??ç??è§?å??é??ç½® Tor ç??å?¾å½¢å??ç??é?¢ã??\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -142,10 +124,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"å®?è£?ç¨?åº?æ£?æµ?å?°å·²å­?å?¨ç?? Tor é??ç½®æ??件ã??$\n"
+msgstr "å®?è£?ç¨?åº?æ£?æµ?å?°å·²å­?å?¨ç?? Tor é??ç½®æ??件ã??$\n$\næ?¯å?¦è¦?使ç?¨é»?认ç??é??ç½®æ??件è¦?ç??å®?ï¼?"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -249,11 +228,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like to install Firefox, please press Cancel, then go\n"
 "to the Firefox download page at"
-msgstr ""
-"æ?¨ç??计ç®?æ?ºå°?æ?ªå®?è£? Mozilla Firefox ç½?页æµ?è§?å?¨ã??\n"
-"Tor å°?ä¸?é??å??å?¶ä»?æµ?è§?å?¨å·¥ä½?ï¼?ä¾?å¦? Internet Explorerï¼?ä½? Firefox æ?´æ??äº?使ç?¨ï¼?并è?½æ?´å¥½ç??ä¿?æ?¤æ?¨ç??å?¿å??æ?§ã??\n"
-"å¦?æ??æ?¨æ?³å®?è£? Firefoxï¼?请ç?¹å?» å??æ¶? 并访é?® Firefox ç??ä¸?载页é?¢ "
+msgstr "æ?¨ç??计ç®?æ?ºå°?æ?ªå®?è£? Mozilla Firefox ç½?页æµ?è§?å?¨ã??\nTor å°?ä¸?é??å??å?¶ä»?æµ?è§?å?¨å·¥ä½?ï¼?ä¾?å¦? Internet Explorerï¼?ä½? Firefox æ?´æ??äº?使ç?¨ï¼?并è?½æ?´å¥½ç??ä¿?æ?¤æ?¨ç??å?¿å??æ?§ã??\n\nå¦?æ??æ?¨æ?³å®?è£? Firefoxï¼?请ç?¹å?» å??æ¶? 并访é?® Firefox ç??ä¸?载页é?¢ "
 msgctxt "FirefoxWarningPageLowerText"
 msgid ""
@@ -262,9 +237,4 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"å½?æ?¨å®?æ?? Firefox ç??å®?è£?å??ï¼?å??è¿?è¡? Tor å®?è£?ç¨?åº?ã??\n"
-"å¦?æ??æ?¨å¸?æ??ä»?å®?è£? Tor è??ä¸?使ç?¨ Firefoxï¼?请ç?¹å?» ä¸?ä¸?æ­¥ 继续å®?è£?ã??"
+msgstr "å½?æ?¨å®?æ?? Firefox ç??å®?è£?å??ï¼?å??è¿?è¡? Tor å®?è£?ç¨?åº?ã??\n\nå¦?æ??æ?¨å¸?æ??ä»?å®?è£? Tor è??ä¸?使ç?¨ Firefoxï¼?请ç?¹å?» ä¸?ä¸?æ­¥ 继续å®?è£?ã??"
diff --git a/zh_TW/vidalia_zh_TW.po b/zh_TW/vidalia_zh_TW.po
index 3e8006a..588d9b5 100644
--- a/zh_TW/vidalia_zh_TW.po
+++ b/zh_TW/vidalia_zh_TW.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 05:29+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-12 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-13 09:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: tylerlin <msn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -49,11 +49,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Please see https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows to learn how to configure your applications to use Tor.\n"
 "If you installed Torbutton, you will need to restart Firefox."
-msgstr ""
-"è«?訪å?? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows ä¾?ç?²å??é??æ?¼ Tor ç??é??ç½®è¨?æ?¯.\n"
-"å¦?æ??é?¸æ??äº?å®?è£? Torbutton,æ?¨é??è¦?é??æ?°å??å??ç?«ç??(Firefox)ç??覽å?¨."
+msgstr "å®?è£?å®?æ??.\nè«?訪å?? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-windows ä¾?ç?²å??é??æ?¼ Tor ç??é??ç½®è¨?æ?¯.\n\nå¦?æ??é?¸æ??äº?å®?è£? Torbutton,æ?¨é??è¦?é??æ?°å??å??ç?«ç??(Firefox)ç??覽å?¨."
 msgctxt "BundleRunNow"
 msgid "Run installed components now"
@@ -76,10 +72,7 @@ msgid ""
 "This wizard will guide you through the installation of Vidalia, a GUI that helps you control, monitor, and configure Tor.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"å®?è£?ç²¾é??å°?æ??å¼?å°?æ?¨å®?è£? ${VIDALIA_DESC}.\n"
+msgstr "å®?è£?ç²¾é??å°?æ??å¼?å°?æ?¨å®?è£? ${VIDALIA_DESC}.\n\n$_CLICK"
 msgctxt "VidaliaWelcomeTitle"
 msgid "Welcome to the ${VIDALIA_NAME} Setup Wizard"
@@ -132,10 +125,7 @@ msgid ""
 "You already have a Tor configuration file.$\n"
 "Do you want to overwrite it with the default sample configuration file?"
-msgstr ""
-"å®?è£?ç¨?å¼?檢測å?°å·²å­?å?¨ç?? Tor é??ç½®æª?æ¡?.$\n"
+msgstr "å®?è£?ç¨?å¼?檢測å?°å·²å­?å?¨ç?? Tor é??ç½®æª?æ¡?.$\n$\næ?¯å?¦è¦?使ç?¨é»?èª?ç??é??ç½®æª?æ¡?è¦?è??å®??"
 msgctxt "TorDocumentation"
 msgid "Documentation"
@@ -249,5 +239,3 @@ msgid ""
 "Or, if you would prefer to install Tor without Firefox, simply\n"
 "press Next to continue."
 msgstr ""

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