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[tor-commits] [translation/tor_outreach_md_completed] new translations in tor_outreach_md_completed
commit 84bf0b965fc14d4274cd4705975ba8791108dc78
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Jan 26 13:01:51 2022 +0000
new translations in tor_outreach_md_completed
tor-outreach2019-2020-id.md | 156 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
tor-outreach2019-2020-is.md | 153 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
tor-outreach2019-2020-ms_MY.md | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
tor-outreach2019-2020-pl.md | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
tor-outreach2019-2020-ro.md | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
5 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 385 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tor-outreach2019-2020-id.md b/tor-outreach2019-2020-id.md
index ab0c3901ba..6c8fce0dc7 100644
--- a/tor-outreach2019-2020-id.md
+++ b/tor-outreach2019-2020-id.md
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
-# Materi Penjangkauan Tor 2019-2020
+# Tor Outreach Material 2019-2020
-### Privasi adalah hak asasi manusia
+### Privacy is a human right
-Seperti kebanyakan kita, Aleisha menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya berhubungan secara daring dengan teman-teman, berbagi di media sosial, dan menjelajahi web.
+Like many of us, Aleisha spends most of her time online--connecting with friends, posting on social media, and browsing the web.
-Namun akhir-akhir ini, ia memperhatikan bahwa iklan-iklan yang terkait pencarian yang ia lakukan sebelumnya mengikutinya dalam jaringan.
+But lately, she's noticed that advertisements related to her previous searches are following her around online.
-Ini terasa sangat invasif sampai ia melakukan beberapa riset pada iklan daring dan mempelajari bahwa bukan hanya para pengiklan yang melacaknya namun juga PJI (Penyedia Jasa Internet), perusahaan analitik, platform media sosial, dan sebagainya.
+This feels so invasive that she does some research on online ads and learns that it's not just advertisers tracking her but also her ISP, analytics companies, social media platforms, and more.
-Aleisha memutuskan ia ingin mencari dan menggunakan perangkat lunak yang tidak mengumpulkan datanya, tidak melacaknya, dan tidak memberitahukan layanan lain tentang segala hal yang privat tentangnya.
+Aleisha decides she wants to find and use software that doesn't collect her data, doesn't track her, and doesn't tell other services anything private about her.
-Ia pergi ke sebuah pelatihan privasi di sebuah ruangretas (hackerspace) lokal dan belajar tentang **Tor Browser**, satu-satunya peramban web yang memungkinkannya untuk meramban secara anonim.
+She goes to a privacy training at a local hackerspace and learns about **Tor Browser**, the only web browser that allows her to browse anonymously.
-### Masa depan adalah feminis siber
+### The future is cyberfeminist
-Fernanda menjalankan sebuah kolektif perempuan yang fokus pada hak-hak reproduksi di Brazil, di mana aborsi adalah ilegal.
+Fernanda runs a women's collective focused on reproductive rights in Brazil, where abortion is illegal.
-Fernanda dan koleganya membangun sebuah situs web yang memberikan informasi mengenai akses terhadap aborsi, alat kontrasepsi dan sumber-sumber lainnya untuk orang yang sedang mencari informasi tentang reproduksi.
+Fernanda and her colleagues built a website with information about abortion access, birth control, and other resources for people seeking reproductive information.
-Bila situs web ini terhubung kembali ke mereka, mereka bisa ditahan--atau lebih buruk lagi.
+If this website was linked back to them, they could be arrested--or worse.
-Untuk melindungi diri mereka, Fernanda dan koleganya membuat situs web tersebut menggunakan **layanan onion** Tor. Layanan onion tidak hanya melindungi dari terungkapnya mereka sebagai operator dari peladen situs web tersebut tapi juga membantu melindungi pengunjung situs web mereka dengan mensyaratkan penggunaan Tor Browser.
+To protect themselves, Fernanda and her colleagues created the website using Tor **onion services**. Onion services not only protect them from being discovered as the operators of the server but also help protect visitors to their website by requiring they use Tor Browser.
-Faktanya, Fernanda menggunakan **Tor Browser** untuk segala aktivitas penjelajahan webnya untuk berada di sisi yang aman.
+In fact, Fernanda uses **Tor Browser** for all of her web browsing just to be on the safe side.
-Dia juga menggunakan aplikasi yang menggunakan jaringan Tor yang disebut **OnionShare** untuk mengirimkan berkas kepada aktifis lainnya secara aman dan privat.
+She also uses a Tor-powered app called **OnionShare** to send files to other activists securely and privately.
-### Aktivis hak reproduksi seperti Fernanda berjuang untuk kebebasan dasar, dan Tor membantu menggerakan perlawanan mereka.
+### Reproductive rights activists like Fernanda are fighting for fundamental freedoms, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Air adalah kehidupan
+### Water is life
-Jelani tinggal di sebuah desa kecil yang dilewati sungai besar.
+Jelani lives in a small village which a wide river runs through.
-Sungai ini telah menyediakan air untuk komunitasnya sejak zaman nenek moyangnya.
+This river has provided water to his community since the days of his ancestors.
-Namun hari ini, sungai Jelani terancam oleh perusahaan multinasional kuat yang melakukan pengeboran minyak di wilayah tersebut.
+But today, Jelaniâ??s river is threatened by powerful multinational companies drilling for oil in the region.
-Firma keamanan privat yang dibayar oleh perusahaan ini, menggunakan mekanisme pengawasan yang kuat untuk memantau aktivitas daring Jelani dan tetangganya di desa yang melakukan pengorganisiran untuk melindungi sungai sakral mereka.
+Private security firms, paid for by these companies, use powerful surveillance mechanisms to monitor the online activities of Jelani and his neighbors in the village who are organizing to protect their sacred river.
-Jelani menggunakan **Tor Browser** untuk mencegah perusahaan ini mengamati dia saat mengunjungi situs web untuk perlindungan hak asasi internasional dan bantuan hukum dan menulis blog tentang gerakan perlawanan di desanya.
+Jelani uses **Tor Browser** to prevent these companies from watching as he visits websites for international human rights protection and legal aid and writes blog posts about the resistance movement in his village.
-Dia juga menggunakan **OnionShare** dan **SecureDrop** untuk mengirimkan dokument secara aman kepada jurnalis-jurnalis yang membantu mengekspos pelanggaran hak asasi manusia ini.
+He also uses **OnionShare** and **SecureDrop** to securely send documents to journalists who are helping expose these human rights violations.
-Semua perangkat lunak ini menggunakan Tor untuk membantu melindungi privasi Jelani.
+All of this software uses Tor to help protect Jelaniâ??s privacy.
-### Aktivis hak asasi manusia seperti Jelani berjuang untuk keadilan di komunitas mereka, dan Tor membantu menggerakan perlawanan mereka.
+### Human rights activists like Jelani are fighting for justice in their communities, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Bangun jembatan bukan tembok
+### Build bridges not walls
-Jean bepergian untuk pertama kalinya ke sebuah negara yang jauh dari keluarganya.
+Jean was traveling for the first time to a country far from his family.
-Setelah tiba di hotel, dia membuka laptopnya.
+After arriving at a hotel, he opened his laptop.
-Dia sangat lelah saat pesan "Koneksi habis" pertama kali muncul pada peramban webnya, dia pikir itu berasal dari kesalahannya sendiri.
+He was so exhausted that when the message "Connection has timed out" first appeared on his web browser, he thought it was due to his own error.
-Namun saat mencoba lagi dan lagi, dia menyadari bahwa penyedia surel, situs web berita, dan banyak aplikasi yang tidak tersedia.
+But after trying again and again, he realized that his email provider, a news website, and many apps were unavailable.
-Dia telah mendengar bahwa negara ini menyensor internet dan bertanya-tanya apakah itu yang terjadi.
-Bagaimana dia dapat menghubungi keluarganya dari balik tembok yang tidak bisa ditembus?
-Setelah dia melakukan beberapa kali pencarian web, dia menemukan sebuah forum dan membaca tentang VPN, layanan privat yang memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung ke sebuah jaringan lain tanpa sensor.
+He had heard that this country censors the internet and wondered if that was happening.
+How could he contact his family from behind this impenetrable wall?
+After doing some web searches, he found a forum and read about VPNs, private services that allow you to connect to another uncensored network.
-Jean menghabiskan waktu setengah jam mencoba untuk mencari tahu manakah VPN murah yang terbaik.
+Jean spent half an hour trying to figure out which cheap VPN was best.
-Dia memilih satu dan tampak bekerja untuk sesaat, namun setelah lima menit sambungannya putus dan VPN tersebut tidak mau terhubung lagi.
+He chose one and for a moment it seemed to work, but after five minutes the connection went offline and the VPN would no longer connect.
-Jean terus membaca untuk mencari opsi lain dan mempelajari tentang Tor Browser dan bagaimana itu bisa mengelakkan sensor.
+Jean kept reading to find other options and learned about Tor Browser and how it can circumvent censorship.
-Dia menemukan situs bayangan resmi untuk mengunduh progamnya.
+He found an official website mirror to download the program.
-Saat dia membuka **Tor Browser**, dia mengikuti anjuran untuk pengguna yang disensor dan terhubung ke sebuah bridge yang memungkinkan dia mengakses internet lagi.
+When he opened **Tor Browser**, he followed the prompts for censored users and connected to a bridge which allowed him to access the internet again.
-Dengan Tor Browser, Jean dapat meramban secara bebas dan privat dan menghubungi keluarganya.
+With Tor Browser, Jean can browse freely and privately and contact his family.
-### Pengguna yang disensor di seluruh dunia mengandalkan Tor Browser untuk cara yang bebas, stabil, dan tanpa sensor dalam mengakses internet.
+### Censored users all over the world rely on Tor Browser for a free, stable, and uncensored way to access the internet.
-# 5. Bagian Bersama
+# 5. Shared Sections
-## Apa itu Tor?
+## What is Tor?
-Tor adalah perangkat lunak gratis dan sebuah jaringan terbuka yang membantu melindungi Anda dari pelacakan, pengawasan, dan penyensoran daring.
-Tor dibuat secara gratis oleh sebuah organisasi nirlaba 501(c)3 berbasis di Amerika Serikat bernama Tor Project.
+Tor is free software and an open network that helps protect you from tracking, surveillance, and censorship online.
+Tor is created for free by a 501(c)3 U.S.-based nonprofit called the Tor Project.
-Cara paling mudah menggunakan Tor adalah Tor Browser.
-Saat Anda menggunakan Tor Browser, tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat melihat situs web apa yang Anda kunjungi atau dari mana Anda berasal.
+The easiest way to use Tor is Tor Browser.
+When you use Tor Browser, no one can see what websites you visit or where in the world youâ??re coming from.
-Aplikasi lainnya, seperti SecureDrop dan OnionShare, menggunakan Tor untuk melindungi pengguna mereka dari pengawasan dan sensor.
+Other applications, like SecureDrop and OnionShare, use Tor to protect their users against surveillance and censorship.
-## 6. Bagaimana Tor bekerja?
+## 6. How does Tor work?
-Amal ingin mengunjungi situs web Bekele secara privat, lalu dia membuka Tor Browser.
+Amal wants to visit Bekeleâ??s website privately, so she opens Tor Browser.
-Tor Browser memilih sirkuit acak dari tiga relai, yang terdiri dari komputer-komputer di seluruh dunia yang dikonfigurasikan untuk mengarahkan lalu lintas melalui jaringan Tor.
+Tor Browser selects a random circuit of three relays, which are computers all over the world configured to route traffic over the Tor network.
-Tor Browser lalu mengenkripsi permintaan situs webnya sebanyak tiga kali dan mengirimkannya ke relai Tor pertama pada sirkuit.
+Tor Browser then encrypts her website request three times and sends it to the first Tor relay in her circuit.
-Relai pertama menghapus lapisan enkripsi pertama namun tidak mengetahui bahwa tujuannya adalah ke situs web Bekele.
+The first relay removes the first encryption layer but doesn't learn that the destination is Bekeleâ??s website.
-Relai pertama hanya mengetahui lokasi berikutnya dalam sirkuit tersebut, yaitu relai kedua.
+The first relay learns only the next location in the circuit, which is the second relay.
-Relai kedua menghapus lapisan enkripsi lainnya dan meneruskan permintaan halaman web kepada relai ketiga.
+The second relay removes another encryption layer and forwards the web page request to the third relay.
-Relai ketiga menghapus lapisan enkripsi terakhir dan meneruskan permintaan halaman web kepada tujuannya, situs web Bekele, namun tidak mengetahui permintaan tersebut berasal dari Amal.
+The third relay removes the last encryption layer and forwards the web page request to its destination, Bekeleâ??s website, but it doesn't know the request comes from Amal.
-Bekele tidak mengetahui bahwa permintaan situs web tersebut berasal dari Amal kecuali dia memberitahukannya.
+Bekele doesn't know that the website request came from Amal unless she tells him so.
-## 7. Siapa yang menggunakan Tor?
+## 7. Who uses Tor?
-Orang di seluruh dunia menggunakan Tor untuk melindungi privasi mereka dan mengakses web secara bebas.
+People all over the world use Tor to protect their privacy and access the web freely.
-Tor membantu melindungi jurnalis, aktivis hak asasi manusia, korban kekerasan domestik, peneliti akademis, dan siapa saja yang mengalami pelacakan, sensor, atau pengawasan.
+Tor helps protect journalists, human rights defenders, domestic violence victims, academic researchers, and anyone experiencing tracking, censorship, or surveillance.
-## 6. Mengapa memercayai Tor?
+## 6. Why trust Tor?
-Tor didesain untuk privasi. Kami tidak mengetahui siapa saja pengguna kami, dan kami tidak menyimpan catatan dari aktivitas pengguna.
+Tor is designed for privacy. We donâ??t know who our users are, and we don't keep logs of user activity.
-Operator relai Tor tidak dapat menyingkap identitas sesungguhnya dari pengguna Tor.
+Tor relay operators cannot reveal the true identity of Tor users.
-Peninjauan bersama terus menerus atas kode sumber Tor oleh akademisi dan komunitas sumber terbuka (open source) memastikan tidak ada pintu belakang (backdoor) pada Tor, dan kontrak sosial kami berjanji bahwa kami tidak akan membuat backdoor pada Tor.
+Continual peer review of Tor's source code by academic and open source communities ensures that there are no backdoors in Tor, and our social contract promises that we will never backdoor Tor.
-## 7. Bergabung dengan komunitas Tor
+## 7. Join the Tor community
-Tor dimungkinkan oleh beragam pengguna, pengembang, operator relai, dan advokat dari seluruh dunia.
+Tor is made possible by a diverse set of users, developers, relay operators, and advocates from around the world.
-Kami membutuhkan bantuan Anda untuk membuat Tor lebih dapat digunakan dan aman untuk orang di mana pun.
+We need your help to make Tor more usable and secure for people everywhere.
-Anda dapat menjadi sukarelawan bersama Tor dengan cara menulis kode, menjalankan relai, membuat dokumentasi, menawarkan bantuan pengguna, atau memberitahukan orang di komunitas Anda mengenai Tor.
+You can volunteer with Tor by writing code, running a relay, creating documentation, offering user support, or telling people in your community about Tor.
-Komunitas Tor diatur oleh sebuah kode etik, dan kami menggarisbawahi janji-janji kami kepada komunitas dalam kontrak sosial kami.
+The Tor community is governed by a code of conduct, and we outline our set of promises to the community in our social contract.
-Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai Tor dengan mengunjungi situs web kami, wiki kami, temukan kami pada IRC, bergabung ke salah satu milis kami, atau mendaftar untuk Berita Tor di newsletter.torproject.org.
+Learn more about Tor by visiting our website, our wiki, finding us on IRC, joining one of our mailing lists, or signing up for Tor News at newsletter.torproject.org.
-## 8. Unduh Tor
+## 8. Download Tor
-Tor untuk Komputer
+Tor for Desktop
-### Android
-Tor Browser untuk Android telah tersedia di GooglePlay.
+### Android
+Tor Browser for Android is available from GooglePlay.
### iOS
-Onion Browser, dikembangkan oleh M. Tigas, adalah satu-satunya peramban yang kami rekomendasikan untuk iOS.
+Onion Browser, developed by M. Tigas, is the only browser we recommend for iOS.
diff --git a/tor-outreach2019-2020-is.md b/tor-outreach2019-2020-is.md
index 4da9b364ec..6c8fce0dc7 100644
--- a/tor-outreach2019-2020-is.md
+++ b/tor-outreach2019-2020-is.md
@@ -1,161 +1,162 @@
-# Tor kynningarefni 2019-2020
+# Tor Outreach Material 2019-2020
-### Friðhelgi persónuupplýsinga er mannréttindi
+### Privacy is a human right
-LÃkt og mörg okkar, eyðir Aleisha miklu af tÃmanum sÃnum á netinu -að hafa samband við vini, pósta á samfélagsmiðla og við vafur á vefnum.
+Like many of us, Aleisha spends most of her time online--connecting with friends, posting on social media, and browsing the web.
-En upp á sÃðkastið hefur hún tekið eftir að auglýsingar sem tengjast málum sem hún hefur áður leitað að á netinu eru farnar að fylgja henni út um allt á netinu.
+But lately, she's noticed that advertisements related to her previous searches are following her around online.
-�etta finnst henni vægast sagt uppáþrengjandi, þannig að hún leggst à dálitla rannsóknarvinnu á netinu og kemst fljótt að þvà að það eru ekki bara auglýsendur sem eru að fylgjast með henni, heldur einnig netþjónustufyrirtækið hennar, ýmis greiningafyrirtæki, samfélagsmiðlafyritæki og fleiri.
+This feels so invasive that she does some research on online ads and learns that it's not just advertisers tracking her but also her ISP, analytics companies, social media platforms, and more.
-Aleisha ákveður að hún vilji reyna að finna og nota hugbúnað sem ekki safnar gögnum um hana, fylgist ekki með henni, og sem gefi ekki öðrum þjónustum upp neinar persónulegar upplýsingar um hana.
+Aleisha decides she wants to find and use software that doesn't collect her data, doesn't track her, and doesn't tell other services anything private about her.
-Hún fer á námskeið um gagnaleynd à hakkaravinnustofu (hackerspace) à hverfinu sÃnu og lærir þar um **Tor-vafrann** - eina vefvafrann sem gerir henni hleift að vafra nafnlaust um netið.
+She goes to a privacy training at a local hackerspace and learns about **Tor Browser**, the only web browser that allows her to browse anonymously.
-### FramtÃðin er fyrir netvædda femÃnista
+### The future is cyberfeminist
-Fernanda rekur kvennasamtök sem vinna að réttindum til frjósemisheilbrigði à BrasilÃu, þar sem fóstureyðingar eru ólöglegar.
+Fernanda runs a women's collective focused on reproductive rights in Brazil, where abortion is illegal.
-Fernanda og samstarfskonur hennar útbjuggu vefsvæði með upplýsingum um aðgang að fóstureyðingum, getnaðarvörnum og öðrum upplýsingum varðandi barneignir.
+Fernanda and her colleagues built a website with information about abortion access, birth control, and other resources for people seeking reproductive information.
-Ef þetta vefsvæði væri rakið til þeirra gætu þær átt á hættu að vera handteknar - eða þaðan af verra.
+If this website was linked back to them, they could be arrested--or worse.
-Til að verja sig, útbjuggu Fernanda og samstarfskonur hennar vefsvæðið með Tor **onion-þjónustum**. Onion-þjónustur koma ekki aðeins à veg fyrir að upp komist að þær séu rekstraraðilar vefsvæðisins, heldur hjálpar einnig til við að vernda þá sem heimsækja vefinn, þvà hann er einungis hægt að skoða með Tor-vafranum.
+To protect themselves, Fernanda and her colleagues created the website using Tor **onion services**. Onion services not only protect them from being discovered as the operators of the server but also help protect visitors to their website by requiring they use Tor Browser.
-Reyndar notar Fernanda **Tor-vafrann** à allt sitt vafur á veraldarvefnum, bara til að hafa öryggið sÃn megin.
+In fact, Fernanda uses **Tor Browser** for all of her web browsing just to be on the safe side.
-Hún notar einnig Tor-virkjað forrit sem kallast **OnionShare** til að senda skrár til annarra aðgerðasinna, á öruggan hátt og à friði fyrir hnýsni.
+She also uses a Tor-powered app called **OnionShare** to send files to other activists securely and privately.
-### Aðgerðasinnar eins og Fernanda sem vinna að réttindum til frjósemisheilbrigði eru að berjast fyrir grunn-mannréttindum og frelsi, og Tor styður þvà við baráttu þeirra.
+### Reproductive rights activists like Fernanda are fighting for fundamental freedoms, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Vatn er lÃfið
+### Water is life
-Jelani býr à litlu þorpi á bakka stórs fljóts.
+Jelani lives in a small village which a wide river runs through.
-�etta fljót hefur séð samfélaginu fyrir vatni svo lengi sem elstu menn muna.
+This river has provided water to his community since the days of his ancestors.
-En núna er fljótinu hans Jelani ógnað af valdamiklum fjölþjóðafyrirtækjum sem eru byrjuð að bora eftir olÃu à nágrenninu.
+But today, Jelaniâ??s river is threatened by powerful multinational companies drilling for oil in the region.
-Einkarekin öryggisfyrirtæki, starfandi á vegum þessara fyrirtækja, nota öfluga eftirlitstækni til að fylgjast með netumferð Jelani og nágranna hans à þorpinu, sem eru smátt og smátt að skipuleggja sig til að reyna að verja mikilvæga fljótið þeirra.
+Private security firms, paid for by these companies, use powerful surveillance mechanisms to monitor the online activities of Jelani and his neighbors in the village who are organizing to protect their sacred river.
-Jelani nýtir sér **Tor-vafrann** til að komast hjá þvà að þessi fyrirtæki fylgist með þvà þegar hann heimsækir vefsvæði mannréttindasamtaka og lögfræðiaðstoðar eða skrifar bloggfærslur um andófshreyfinguna à þorpinu hans.
+Jelani uses **Tor Browser** to prevent these companies from watching as he visits websites for international human rights protection and legal aid and writes blog posts about the resistance movement in his village.
-Hann notfærir sér lÃka **OnionShare** og **SecureDrop** til að geta sent skjöl á öruggan hátt til blaðamanna sem eru að hjálpa við að fletta ofan af þeim brotum á mannréttingum sem à gangi eru.
+He also uses **OnionShare** and **SecureDrop** to securely send documents to journalists who are helping expose these human rights violations.
-Allur þessi hugbúnaður notar Tor til að vernda friðhelgi Jelanis.
+All of this software uses Tor to help protect Jelaniâ??s privacy.
-### Aðgerðasinnar à mannréttindamálum eins og Jelani eru að berjast fyrir réttlátu samfélagi, og Tor styður þvà við baráttu þeirra.
+### Human rights activists like Jelani are fighting for justice in their communities, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Byggjum brýr - ekki veggi
+### Build bridges not walls
-Jean var að ferðast à fyrsta skipti til lands langt frá heimahögunum.
+Jean was traveling for the first time to a country far from his family.
-Ã?egar hann kom á hótelið var eitt af þvà fyrsta sem hann gerði að opna fartölvuna sÃna.
+After arriving at a hotel, he opened his laptop.
-Hann var það þreyttur að fyrst þegar hann fékk skilaboðin "Tengingin rann út á tÃma", þá datt honum à hug að villan stafaði af einhverri vitleysu sem hann hefði sjálfur gert.
+He was so exhausted that when the message "Connection has timed out" first appeared on his web browser, he thought it was due to his own error.
-En eftir að hafa reynt aftur nokkrum sinnum, þá rann upp fyrir honum að tölvupóstþjónustan hans, fréttavefurinn sem hann var vanur að skoða, ásamt mörgum forritum, virkuðu ekki og voru ekki aðgengileg.
+But after trying again and again, he realized that his email provider, a news website, and many apps were unavailable.
-Hann hafði heyrt að internetið væri ritskoðað à þessu landi og velti fyrir sér hvort það væri ástæðan. Hvernig ætti hann að fara að þvà að hafa samband við fjölskyldu og vini à gegnum þennan ókleifa múr?
-Honum tókst samt að framkvæma nokkrar vefleitir of fann spjallsvæði þar sem hann gat fræðst um VPN; einkaþjónustur sem gera kleift að tengjast beint við netkerfi, án ritskoðunar eða annarra hafta.
+He had heard that this country censors the internet and wondered if that was happening.
+How could he contact his family from behind this impenetrable wall?
+After doing some web searches, he found a forum and read about VPNs, private services that allow you to connect to another uncensored network.
-Jean eyddi hálftÃma à að finna út hvaða ódýra VPN-þjónusta væri best.
+Jean spent half an hour trying to figure out which cheap VPN was best.
-Han valdi sér eina og à smástund virtist allt vera à lagi, en eftir fimm mÃnútur rofnaði tengingin og VPN-þjónustan hætti að virka.
+He chose one and for a moment it seemed to work, but after five minutes the connection went offline and the VPN would no longer connect.
-Jean hélt áfram að kanna málið og datt loks niður á Tor-vafrann of sá hvernig hann gæti komist à kringum ritskoðun.
+Jean kept reading to find other options and learned about Tor Browser and how it can circumvent censorship.
-Hann fann opinberan vefspegil þar sem hann gat sótt upprunalega útgáfu forritsins.
+He found an official website mirror to download the program.
-�egar hann opnaði **Tor-vafrann**, gat hann fylgt leiðbeiningum fyrir ritskoðaða notendur og tengdist við svokallaða brú sem gerði honum kleift að fá aftur ótakmarkaðan aðgang að intenetinu.
+When he opened **Tor Browser**, he followed the prompts for censored users and connected to a bridge which allowed him to access the internet again.
-Með Tor-vafranum getur Jean vafrað frjálst og à friði fyrir hnýsni og komist à samband við fjölskylduna sÃna.
+With Tor Browser, Jean can browse freely and privately and contact his family.
-### Notendur út um vÃða veröld sem búa við ritskoðun reiða sig á Tor-vafrann sem ókeypis, stöðuga og óritskoðaða leið inn á internetið.
+### Censored users all over the world rely on Tor Browser for a free, stable, and uncensored way to access the internet.
-# 5. Sameiginlegir hlutar
+# 5. Shared Sections
-## Hvað er Tor?
+## What is Tor?
-Tor er frjáls hugbúnaður og opið netkerfi sem hjálpar þér að verjast eftirliti, skráningu og ritskoðun á netinu.
-Tor er à boði án kvaða frá Tor-verkefninu sem er bandarÃsk US 501(c)(3) sjálfboðaliðasamtök án gróðamarkmiða.
+Tor is free software and an open network that helps protect you from tracking, surveillance, and censorship online.
+Tor is created for free by a 501(c)3 U.S.-based nonprofit called the Tor Project.
-Einfaldasta leiðin til að nota Tor er með Tor-vafranum.
-�egar þú notar Tor-vafrann getur enginn séð hvaða vefsvæði þú ert að skoða eða hvar à heiminum þú ert.
+The easiest way to use Tor is Tor Browser.
+When you use Tor Browser, no one can see what websites you visit or where in the world youâ??re coming from.
-Ã?nnur forrit, eins og SecureDrop og OnionShare, nota Tor til að verja notendur sÃna gegn eftirliti og ritskoðun.
+Other applications, like SecureDrop and OnionShare, use Tor to protect their users against surveillance and censorship.
-## 6. Hvernig virkar Tor?
+## 6. How does Tor work?
-Amal vill heimsækja vefsvæði Bekele án afskipta annarra, þannig að hún ræsir Tor-vafrann.
+Amal wants to visit Bekeleâ??s website privately, so she opens Tor Browser.
-Tor-vafrinn velur af handahófi rás með þremur endurvörpum, sem eru tölvur vÃðs vegar um heiminn sem settar eru upp til að beina umferð um Tor-netkerfið.
+Tor Browser selects a random circuit of three relays, which are computers all over the world configured to route traffic over the Tor network.
-Tor-vafrinn dulritar sÃðan à þrÃgang beiðnir hennar um vefsÃður og sendir þær upplýsingar til fyrsta endurvarpans à rásinni hennar.
+Tor Browser then encrypts her website request three times and sends it to the first Tor relay in her circuit.
-Fyrsti endurvarpinn fjarlægir fyrsta dulritunarlagið en fær ekki að vita að áfangastaðurinn er vefþjónninn sem hýsir vefsvæði Bekele.
+The first relay removes the first encryption layer but doesn't learn that the destination is Bekeleâ??s website.
-Fyrsti endurvarpinn fær einungis að vita næstu staðsetningu à rásinni, sem er þá endurvarpi númer tvö.
+The first relay learns only the next location in the circuit, which is the second relay.
-Annar endurvarpinn fjarlægir næsta dulritunarlag og áframsendir beiðnina á þriðja endurvarpann.
+The second relay removes another encryption layer and forwards the web page request to the third relay.
-Ã?riðji endurvarpinn fjarlægir sÃðsta dulritunarlagið og áframsendir vefsÃðubeiðnina á áfangastaðinn, en veit ekki að beiðnin kemur frá Amal.
+The third relay removes the last encryption layer and forwards the web page request to its destination, Bekeleâ??s website, but it doesn't know the request comes from Amal.
-Bekele veit ekki að beiðnin um vefsÃðuna kemur frá Amal nema ef hún segir honum frá þvà sjálf.
+Bekele doesn't know that the website request came from Amal unless she tells him so.
-## 7. Hverjir nota Tor?
+## 7. Who uses Tor?
-Fólk út um vÃða veröld notar Tor til að verja persónuupplýsingar sÃnar og til að geta skoðað vefinn án hafta.
+People all over the world use Tor to protect their privacy and access the web freely.
-Tor aðstoðar við að vernda blaðamenn, baráttufólk fyrir mannréttindum, fórnarlömb heimilisofbeldis, akademÃska vÃsindamenn og alla þá sem gætu orðið fyrir eftirliti, skráningu og ritskoðun.
+Tor helps protect journalists, human rights defenders, domestic violence victims, academic researchers, and anyone experiencing tracking, censorship, or surveillance.
-## 6. Af hverju treysta Tor?
+## 6. Why trust Tor?
-Tor er hannað fyrir gagnaleynd. Við vitum ekki hverjir notendur okkar eru, og við höldum ekki neinar skrár yfir virkni notenda.
+Tor is designed for privacy. We donâ??t know who our users are, and we don't keep logs of user activity.
-�eir sem reka Tor-endurvarpa geta ekki séð raunveruleg auðkenni Tor-notenda.
+Tor relay operators cannot reveal the true identity of Tor users.
-SÃfelld yfirferð jafningja á grunnkóða Tor, sem fram fer à akademÃskum og frjálsum samfélögum, tryggir að það séu engar bakdyr à Tor, auk þess sem samfélagssáttmálinn okkar lofar að aldrei muni verða neinar bakdyr à Tor.
+Continual peer review of Tor's source code by academic and open source communities ensures that there are no backdoors in Tor, and our social contract promises that we will never backdoor Tor.
-## 7. Taktu þátt à Tor-samfélaginu
+## 7. Join the Tor community
-Tor er gert mögulegt með fjölbreyttri blöndu af notendum, forriturum, endurvörpurum og ráðgjöfum úr hinum ýmsu heimshornum.
+Tor is made possible by a diverse set of users, developers, relay operators, and advocates from around the world.
-Við þörfnumst hjálpar þinnar við að gera Tor ennþá notendavænni og öruggari fyrir fólk allsstaðar à heiminum.
+We need your help to make Tor more usable and secure for people everywhere.
-Ã?ú getur boðið fram krafta þÃna hjá Tor með þvà að skrifa kóða, reka endurvarpa, útbúa leiðbeiningar, bjóða stuðning við notendur, eða með þvà að segja fólki sem þú hittir frá Tor.
+You can volunteer with Tor by writing code, running a relay, creating documentation, offering user support, or telling people in your community about Tor.
-Samfélaginu sem stendur að Tor er stýrt með siðareglum, og à samfélagssáttmálanum okkar útlistum við þau loforð sem við ætlum aðö standa við gagnvart samfélaginu.
+The Tor community is governed by a code of conduct, and we outline our set of promises to the community in our social contract.
-Lærðu meira um Tor með þvà að skoða vefsvæðið okkar, wiki-upplýsingasÃðurnar, með þvà að finna okkur á IRC, gerast áskrifandi að einhverjum póstlistanum okkar, eða með þvà að skrá þig fyrir Tor-fréttabréfinu á at newsletter.torproject.org.
+Learn more about Tor by visiting our website, our wiki, finding us on IRC, joining one of our mailing lists, or signing up for Tor News at newsletter.torproject.org.
-## 8. Sæktu Tor-vafrann
+## 8. Download Tor
-Tor fyrir tölvur
+Tor for Desktop
### Android
-Tor-vafri fyrir Android er tiltækur á GooglePlay.
+Tor Browser for Android is available from GooglePlay.
### iOS
-Onion-vafrinn, þróaður af M. Tigas, er eini vafrinn sem við getum mælt með fyrir iOS.
+Onion Browser, developed by M. Tigas, is the only browser we recommend for iOS.
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-# Bahan Jerayawara Tor 2019-2020
+# Tor Outreach Material 2019-2020
-### Privasi atau kesendirian ialah hak asasi manusia
+### Privacy is a human right
-Seperti orang lain, Aleisha menghabiskan masanya di atas-talian--berhubung dengan rakan, mengepos di media sosial, dan melayari sesawang.
+Like many of us, Aleisha spends most of her time online--connecting with friends, posting on social media, and browsing the web.
-Tetapi baru-baru ini, beliau mendapati iklan-iklan berkaitan penggelintaran beliau sebelum ini telah mengikutnya semasa berada di atas-talian.
+But lately, she's noticed that advertisements related to her previous searches are following her around online.
-Beliau menjadi tidak selesa dan telah mengkaji tentang iklan atas-talian dan didapati bukan sahaja pengiklan menjejaknya tetapi ISP, syarikat-syarikat analitik, platform media sosial, dan banyak lagi.
+This feels so invasive that she does some research on online ads and learns that it's not just advertisers tracking her but also her ISP, analytics companies, social media platforms, and more.
-Aleisha nekad mencari dan menggunakan perisian yang tidak mengutip data, tidak menjejak beliau, dan tidak memberitahu perkhidmatan lain apa-apa maklumat peribadinya.
+Aleisha decides she wants to find and use software that doesn't collect her data, doesn't track her, and doesn't tell other services anything private about her.
-Dia pergi ke latihan berkenaan privasi di hackerspace tempatan dan mendapati **Pelayar Tor** satu-satunya pelayar sesawang yang membolehkan beliau melayari internet secara awanama.
+She goes to a privacy training at a local hackerspace and learns about **Tor Browser**, the only web browser that allows her to browse anonymously.
-### Masa hadapan untuk feminis siber
+### The future is cyberfeminist
-Fernanda telah mengumpul maklumat berkenaan hak-hak reproduktif di Brazil, yang melarang pengguguran.
+Fernanda runs a women's collective focused on reproductive rights in Brazil, where abortion is illegal.
-Fernanda dan rakan-rakannya telah membina sebuah laman sesawang berkenaan pengguguran, kawalan kelahiran, dan lain-lain sumber yang mengenai maklumat reproduktif.
+Fernanda and her colleagues built a website with information about abortion access, birth control, and other resources for people seeking reproductive information.
-Jika laman sesawang ini dipaut kembali kepada mereka, berkemungkinan mereka boleh ditahan--atau lain-lain perkara buruk boleh berlaku.
+If this website was linked back to them, they could be arrested--or worse.
-Untuk melindungi diri mereka, Fernanda dan rakan-rakannya telah membina sebuah laman sesawang menggunakan **perkhidmatan onion**. Perkhidmatan onion bukan sahaja melindungi diri mereka daripada diketahui oleh operator pelayan tetapi dapat melindungi para pelawat yang pergi ke laman sesawang tersebut kerana mereka perlu menggunakan Pelayar Tor jua.
+To protect themselves, Fernanda and her colleagues created the website using Tor **onion services**. Onion services not only protect them from being discovered as the operators of the server but also help protect visitors to their website by requiring they use Tor Browser.
-Selain itu, Fernanda menggunakan **Pelayar Tor** untuk semua aktiviti pelayaran sesawang beliau untuk memastikan keselamatan terjamin.
+In fact, Fernanda uses **Tor Browser** for all of her web browsing just to be on the safe side.
-Dia juga menggunakan apl yang diperkasakan dengan Tor iaitu **OnionShare** yang dapat menghantar fail-fail kepada para aktivis lain secara selamat dan rahsia.
+She also uses a Tor-powered app called **OnionShare** to send files to other activists securely and privately.
-### Aktivis hak-hak reproduktif seperti Fernanda dapat berjuang untuk kebebasan asasi, dan Tor membantu memperkasakan penentangan beliau.
+### Reproductive rights activists like Fernanda are fighting for fundamental freedoms, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Air ialah kehidupan
+### Water is life
-Jelani tinggal di sebuah kampung yang direntasi sungai yang luas.
+Jelani lives in a small village which a wide river runs through.
-Sungai ini menyediakan air kepada komunitinya semenjak ketibaan leluhurnya di sini.
+This river has provided water to his community since the days of his ancestors.
-Tetapi hari ini, sungai tempat tinggal Jelani telah diancam oleh syarikat multinasional yang mengerudi minyak di kawasannya.
+But today, Jelaniâ??s river is threatened by powerful multinational companies drilling for oil in the region.
-Firma-firma sekuriti persendirian, telah diupah oleh syarikat-syarikat ini telah menggunakan mekanisma pengintipan yang hebat untuk memantau apa jua aktiviti atas-talian Jelani dan jiran-jirannya di dalam kampung. Khususnya kepada sesiapa yang merancang untuk melindungi sungai mereka.
+Private security firms, paid for by these companies, use powerful surveillance mechanisms to monitor the online activities of Jelani and his neighbors in the village who are organizing to protect their sacred river.
-Jelani menggunakan **Pelayar Tor** untuk menghalang syarikat-syarikat ini memantaunya ketika beliau melawati laman sesawang berkaitan perlindungan hak asasi dan bantuan perundangan antarabangsa serta menulis hantaran-hantaran blog berkenaan gerakan mereka di kampung tersebut.
+Jelani uses **Tor Browser** to prevent these companies from watching as he visits websites for international human rights protection and legal aid and writes blog posts about the resistance movement in his village.
-Dia juga menggunakan **OnionShare** dan **SecureDrop** untuk memastikan dokumen dihantar kepada wartawan yang mahu mendedahkan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia secara selamat.
+He also uses **OnionShare** and **SecureDrop** to securely send documents to journalists who are helping expose these human rights violations.
-Semua perisianini menggunakan Tor dapat membantu kerahsiaan Jelani.
+All of this software uses Tor to help protect Jelaniâ??s privacy.
-### Aktivis hak kemanusiaan seperti Jelani berjuang untuk keadilan komunitinya, dan Tor membantu dengan memperkasakan tentangan mereka.
+### Human rights activists like Jelani are fighting for justice in their communities, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Bina titi bukannya dinding
+### Build bridges not walls
-Jean telah melancong ke sebuah negara yang jauh dari keluarganya.
+Jean was traveling for the first time to a country far from his family.
-Seusai tiba di sebuah hotel, beliau terus membuka komputer ribanya.
+After arriving at a hotel, he opened his laptop.
-Dia menjadi kepenatan bila mesej "Connection has timed out" muncul setiap kali membuka pelayar sesawangnya, beliau anggap disebabkan oleh kesilapannya.
+He was so exhausted that when the message "Connection has timed out" first appeared on his web browser, he thought it was due to his own error.
-Tetapi setelah berkali-kali mencuba, beliau dapati penyedia emel, laman sesawang berita, dan banyak lagi aplikasi lain tidak boleh digunakan.
+But after trying again and again, he realized that his email provider, a news website, and many apps were unavailable.
-Beliau diberitahu negara ini telah menapis internet dan jika ia masih berkuat kuasa.
-Bagaimana beliau dapat menghubungi ahli keluarganya di sebalik tembok yang sukar ditembusi?
-Selepas membuat beberapa penggelintaran sesawang, beliau menemui sebuah forum dan mendapat maklumat berkenaan VPN, perkhidmatan persendirian yang membolehkan anda bersambung dengan rangkaian tanpa tapisan.
+He had heard that this country censors the internet and wondered if that was happening.
+How could he contact his family from behind this impenetrable wall?
+After doing some web searches, he found a forum and read about VPNs, private services that allow you to connect to another uncensored network.
-Jean menghabiskan satu setengah jam memilih VPN murah yang terbaik.
+Jean spent half an hour trying to figure out which cheap VPN was best.
-Beliau telah memilih satu dan buat sementara ia berfungsi dengan baik, tetapi selepas lima minit sambungan terputus dan VPN juga tidak dapat bersambung sepertimana yang dikehendaki.
+He chose one and for a moment it seemed to work, but after five minutes the connection went offline and the VPN would no longer connect.
-Jean mencari maklumat dan pilihan-pilihan yang ada dan mengetahui Pelayar Tor dan cara menggunakannya untuk menghindari tapisan.
+Jean kept reading to find other options and learned about Tor Browser and how it can circumvent censorship.
-Beliau menemui satu cermin laman sesawang rasmi yang dapat memuat turun program tersebut.
+He found an official website mirror to download the program.
-Bila beliau membuka **Pelayar Tor**, beliau terus ikuti makluman untuk pengguna tertapi dan bersambung dengan titi yang membolehkan beliau mencapai internet semula.
+When he opened **Tor Browser**, he followed the prompts for censored users and connected to a bridge which allowed him to access the internet again.
-Dengan Pelayar Tor, Jean dapat melayari secara bebas dan persendirian dan seterusnya dapat menghubungi ahli keluarganya.
+With Tor Browser, Jean can browse freely and privately and contact his family.
-### Pengguna tertapis di seluruh dunia bergantung kepada Pelayar Tor untuk mencapai laluan Internet tanpa tapisan.
+### Censored users all over the world rely on Tor Browser for a free, stable, and uncensored way to access the internet.
-# 5. Seksyen Perkongsian Maklumat
+# 5. Shared Sections
-## Apakah Tor?
+## What is Tor?
-Tor ialah perisian bebas dan rangkaian terbuka yang dapat melindungi anda dari penjejakan, pengintipan, dan tapisan di atas talian.
-Tor dicipta secara percuma oleh sebuah organisasi tidak berasaskan keuntungan U.S 501(c)3 yang dikenali sebagai Tor Project.
+Tor is free software and an open network that helps protect you from tracking, surveillance, and censorship online.
+Tor is created for free by a 501(c)3 U.S.-based nonprofit called the Tor Project.
-Cara termudah menggunakan Tor ialah melalui Pelayar Tor.
-Bila anda menggunakan Pelayar Tor, tiada siapa dapat melihat laman sesawang yang anda lawati atau lokasi anda berada.
+The easiest way to use Tor is Tor Browser.
+When you use Tor Browser, no one can see what websites you visit or where in the world youâ??re coming from.
-Lain-lain aplikasi, seperti SecureDrop dan OnionShare, menggunakan Tor untuk melindungi pengguna mereka terhadap pengintipan dan tapisan.
+Other applications, like SecureDrop and OnionShare, use Tor to protect their users against surveillance and censorship.
-## 6. Bagaimanakah Tor berfungsi?
+## 6. How does Tor work?
-Amal mahu melayari laman sesawang Bekele secara sulit, jadi beliau membuka Pelayar Tor.
+Amal wants to visit Bekeleâ??s website privately, so she opens Tor Browser.
-Pelayar Tor memilih satu litar rawak dari tiga geganti, merupakan komputer-komputer di serata dunia yang telah dikonfigurkan untuk menghala trafik melalui rangkaian Tor.
+Tor Browser selects a random circuit of three relays, which are computers all over the world configured to route traffic over the Tor network.
-Pelayar Tor kemudian menyulitkan permintaan laman sesawang beliau sebanyak tiga kali dan menghantarnya ke geganti Tor yang pertama di dalam litarnya.
+Tor Browser then encrypts her website request three times and sends it to the first Tor relay in her circuit.
-Geganti pertama membuang lapisan penyulitan pertama tetapi tidak mengetahui destinasi tersebut ialah laman sesawang Bekele.
+The first relay removes the first encryption layer but doesn't learn that the destination is Bekeleâ??s website.
-Geganti pertama hanya mengetahui lokasi berikutnya di dalam litar, yang merupakan geganti kedua.
+The first relay learns only the next location in the circuit, which is the second relay.
-Geganti kedua membuang lapisan penyulitan yang lain dan majukan permintaan laman sesawang ke geganti ketiga.
+The second relay removes another encryption layer and forwards the web page request to the third relay.
-Geganti ketiga membuang lapisan penyulitan terakhir dan majukan permintaan laman sesawang ke destinasinya, iaitu laman sesawang Bekele, tetapi ia tidak mengetahui permintaan tersebut berasal daripada Amal.
+The third relay removes the last encryption layer and forwards the web page request to its destination, Bekeleâ??s website, but it doesn't know the request comes from Amal.
-Bekele tidak tahu permintaan tersebut berasal daripada Amal melainkan beliau memberitahunya sendiri.
+Bekele doesn't know that the website request came from Amal unless she tells him so.
-## 7. Siapa yang menggunakan Tor?
+## 7. Who uses Tor?
-Individu-individu di seluruh dunia menggunakan Tor untuk melindungi kerahsiaan mereka dan mahu mencapai sesawang dengan bebas.
+People all over the world use Tor to protect their privacy and access the web freely.
-Tor dapat melindungi para wartawan, pelindung hak-hak kemanusiaan, mangsa keganasan domestik, pengkaji akademik dan sesiapa sahaja yang pernah dijejak, ditapis, atau diintip.
+Tor helps protect journalists, human rights defenders, domestic violence victims, academic researchers, and anyone experiencing tracking, censorship, or surveillance.
-## 6. Kenapa perlu mempercayai Tor?
+## 6. Why trust Tor?
-Tor direka khusus untuk privasi. Kami tidak tahu siapa pengguna kami, dan kami juga tidak menyimpan log aktiviti pengguna.
+Tor is designed for privacy. We donâ??t know who our users are, and we don't keep logs of user activity.
-Para operator geganti Tor tidak pernah mendedahkan identiti sebenar pengguna Tor.
+Tor relay operators cannot reveal the true identity of Tor users.
-Semakan semula kod sumber Tor secara berterusan oleh para akademik dan komuniti sumber terbuka dapat memastikan tiada pintu belakang di dalam Tor, dan kontrak sosial kami berjanji tidak sesekali membuat pintu belakang untuk Tor.
+Continual peer review of Tor's source code by academic and open source communities ensures that there are no backdoors in Tor, and our social contract promises that we will never backdoor Tor.
-## 7. Sertai komuniti Tor
+## 7. Join the Tor community
-Tor wujud disebabkan oleh pelbagai set para pengguna, pembangun, operator geganti dan penyokong di seluruh dunia.
+Tor is made possible by a diverse set of users, developers, relay operators, and advocates from around the world.
-Kami memerlukan bantuan anda untuk memastikan Tor boleh digunakan dan selamat untuk sesiapa sahaja di mana-mana.
+We need your help to make Tor more usable and secure for people everywhere.
-Anda boleh menjadi sukarela Tor dengan menulis kod, menjalankan sebuah geganti, mencipta dokumentasi, menawarkan sokongan pengguna, atau beritahu orang lain dalam komuniti anda mengenai Tor.
+You can volunteer with Tor by writing code, running a relay, creating documentation, offering user support, or telling people in your community about Tor.
-Komuniti Tor ditabdir berdasarkan tatakelakuan, dan kami telah menggariskan satu set janji kepada komuniti di dalam kontrak sosial kami.
+The Tor community is governed by a code of conduct, and we outline our set of promises to the community in our social contract.
-Ketahui lebih lanjut berkenaan Tor dengan melawati laman sesawang kami, wiki kami, temui kami di IRC, sertai salah satu dari senarai mel kami, atau melanggan Berita Tor di newsletter.torproject.org.
+Learn more about Tor by visiting our website, our wiki, finding us on IRC, joining one of our mailing lists, or signing up for Tor News at newsletter.torproject.org.
-## 8. Muat Turun Tor
+## 8. Download Tor
-Tor untuk Desktop
+Tor for Desktop
### Android
-Pelayar Tor untuk Android tersedia di dalam GooglePlay.
+Tor Browser for Android is available from GooglePlay.
### iOS
-Pelayar Onion, dibangunkan oleh M. Tigas, adalah satu-satunya pelayar yang kami sarankan untuk iOS.
+Onion Browser, developed by M. Tigas, is the only browser we recommend for iOS.
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-# MateriaÅ?y Informacyjne Tor 2019-2020
+# Tor Outreach Material 2019-2020
-### Prawo do prywatnoÅ?ci jest prawem czÅ?owieka.
+### Privacy is a human right
-Tak jak wielu z nas, Aleisha wiÄ?kszoÅ?Ä? czasu spÄ?dzanego online poÅ?wiÄ?ca na kontakty ze znajomymi, postowanie w mediach spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ciowych i przeglÄ?danie sieci.
+Like many of us, Aleisha spends most of her time online--connecting with friends, posting on social media, and browsing the web.
-Ale ostatnio zauważyÅ?a, że â??â??reklamy zwiÄ?zane z jej poprzednimi poszukiwaniami Å?ledzÄ? jÄ? w Internecie.
+But lately, she's noticed that advertisements related to her previous searches are following her around online.
-Wydaje siÄ? to tak inwazyjne, że zajmuje siÄ? badaniem reklam internetowych i dowiaduje siÄ?, że Å?ledzÄ? jÄ? nie tylko reklamodawcy, ale także jej dostawca usÅ?ug internetowych, firmy analityczne, platformy mediów spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ciowych i inne.
+This feels so invasive that she does some research on online ads and learns that it's not just advertisers tracking her but also her ISP, analytics companies, social media platforms, and more.
-Aleisha postanawia znaleźÄ? i korzystaÄ? z oprogramowania, które nie zbiera jej danych, nie Å?ledzi jej i nie mówi innym usÅ?ugom o niej prywatnie.
+Aleisha decides she wants to find and use software that doesn't collect her data, doesn't track her, and doesn't tell other services anything private about her.
-Chodzi na szkolenie prywatnoÅ?ci w lokalnej hackerspace i uczy siÄ? o **Tor Browser**, jedynej przeglÄ?darce internetowej, która pozwala jej przeglÄ?daÄ? anonimowo.
+She goes to a privacy training at a local hackerspace and learns about **Tor Browser**, the only web browser that allows her to browse anonymously.
-### PrzyszÅ?oÅ?Ä? to cyberfeministka
+### The future is cyberfeminist
-Fernanda prowadzi kolektyw kobiecy zajmujÄ?cy siÄ? prawami reprodukcyjnymi w Brazylii, gdzie aborcja jest nielegalna.
+Fernanda runs a women's collective focused on reproductive rights in Brazil, where abortion is illegal.
-Fernanda i jej koledzy zbudowali stronÄ? internetowÄ? z informacjami na temat dostÄ?pu do aborcji, kontroli urodzeÅ? i innych zasobów dla osób poszukujÄ?cych informacji reprodukcyjnych.
+Fernanda and her colleagues built a website with information about abortion access, birth control, and other resources for people seeking reproductive information.
-Gdyby ta strona internetowa byÅ?a z nimi powiÄ?zana, mogliby zostaÄ? aresztowani - lub gorzej.
+If this website was linked back to them, they could be arrested--or worse.
-Aby siÄ? chroniÄ?, Fernanda i jej koledzy stworzyli stronÄ? przy użyciu usÅ?ug cebulowych Tor **onion services**. UsÅ?ugi cebulowe nie tylko chroniÄ? je przed wykryciem jako operatorzy serwera, ale także pomagajÄ? chroniÄ? odwiedzajÄ?cych ich witrynÄ?, wymagajÄ?c, aby korzystali z przeglÄ?darki Tor Browser.
+To protect themselves, Fernanda and her colleagues created the website using Tor **onion services**. Onion services not only protect them from being discovered as the operators of the server but also help protect visitors to their website by requiring they use Tor Browser.
-W rzeczywistoÅ?ci Fernanda używa **Tor Browser**, aby wszystkie jej strony byÅ?y bezpieczne.
+In fact, Fernanda uses **Tor Browser** for all of her web browsing just to be on the safe side.
-Korzysta również z aplikacji Tor o nazwie **OnionShare**, aby bezpiecznie i prywatnie wysyÅ?aÄ? pliki do innych aktywistów.
+She also uses a Tor-powered app called **OnionShare** to send files to other activists securely and privately.
-### DziaÅ?acze na rzecz praw reprodukcyjnych, tacy jak Fernanda, walczÄ? o podstawowe prawa wolnoÅ?ci, a Tor pomaga wspieraÄ? ich opór.
+### Reproductive rights activists like Fernanda are fighting for fundamental freedoms, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Woda to życie
+### Water is life
-Jelani mieszka w maÅ?ej wiosce, przez którÄ? przepÅ?ywa szeroka rzeka.
+Jelani lives in a small village which a wide river runs through.
-Ta rzeka dostarczaÅ?a wodÄ? jego spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ci od czasów jego przodków.
+This river has provided water to his community since the days of his ancestors.
-Jednak dziÅ? rzeka Jelani jest zagrożona przez potÄ?żne miÄ?dzynarodowe firmy, które poszukujÄ? ropy w regionie.
+But today, Jelaniâ??s river is threatened by powerful multinational companies drilling for oil in the region.
-Prywatne firmy ochrony, opÅ?acane przez te firmy, korzystajÄ? z potÄ?żnych mechanizmów nadzoru, aby monitorowaÄ? dziaÅ?ania online Jelaniego i jego sÄ?siadów we wsi, którzy organizujÄ? siÄ? w celu ochrony ich Å?wiÄ?tej rzeki.
+Private security firms, paid for by these companies, use powerful surveillance mechanisms to monitor the online activities of Jelani and his neighbors in the village who are organizing to protect their sacred river.
-Jelani używa przeglÄ?darki **Tor Browser**, aby uniemożliwiÄ? tym firmom oglÄ?danie, gdy odwiedza strony internetowe w celu ochrony miÄ?dzynarodowej praw czÅ?owieka i pomocy prawnej, i pisze blogi o ruchu oporu w jego wiosce.
+Jelani uses **Tor Browser** to prevent these companies from watching as he visits websites for international human rights protection and legal aid and writes blog posts about the resistance movement in his village.
-Używa również **OnionShare** i **SecureDrop** do bezpiecznego wysyÅ?ania dokumentów do dziennikarzy, którzy pomagajÄ? ujawniÄ? te naruszenia praw czÅ?owieka.
+He also uses **OnionShare** and **SecureDrop** to securely send documents to journalists who are helping expose these human rights violations.
-CaÅ?e to oprogramowanie używa Tora, aby chroniÄ? prywatnoÅ?Ä? Jelaniego.
+All of this software uses Tor to help protect Jelaniâ??s privacy.
-### ObroÅ?cy praw czÅ?owieka, tacy jak Jelani, walczÄ? o sprawiedliwoÅ?Ä? w swoich spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ciach, a Tor pomaga zasilaÄ? ich opór.
+### Human rights activists like Jelani are fighting for justice in their communities, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Buduj mosty, a nie Å?ciany
+### Build bridges not walls
-Jean podróżowaÅ? po raz pierwszy do kraju z dala od swojej rodziny.
+Jean was traveling for the first time to a country far from his family.
-Po przybyciu do hotelu otworzyÅ? laptop.
+After arriving at a hotel, he opened his laptop.
-ByÅ? tak wyczerpany, że gdy w jego przeglÄ?darce pojawiÅ? siÄ? komunikat â??UpÅ?ynÄ?Å? limit czasu poÅ?Ä?czeniaâ??, pomyÅ?laÅ?, że jest to spowodowane jego wÅ?asnym bÅ?Ä?dem.
+He was so exhausted that when the message "Connection has timed out" first appeared on his web browser, he thought it was due to his own error.
-Ale po kolejnych próbach zdaÅ? sobie sprawÄ?, że jego dostawca poczty e-mail, witryna z wiadomoÅ?ciami i wiele aplikacji byÅ?y niedostÄ?pne.
+But after trying again and again, he realized that his email provider, a news website, and many apps were unavailable.
-SÅ?yszaÅ?, że ten kraj cenzuruje internet i zastanawiaÅ? siÄ?, czy tak siÄ? dzieje.
-Jak mógÅ? skontaktowaÄ? siÄ? ze swojÄ? rodzinÄ? zza tej nieprzeniknionej Å?ciany?
-Po przeprowadzeniu kilku wyszukiwaÅ? internetowych znalazÅ? forum i przeczytaÅ? o VPN, prywatnych usÅ?ugach, które umożliwiajÄ? poÅ?Ä?czenie z innÄ? nieocenzurowanÄ? sieciÄ?.
+He had heard that this country censors the internet and wondered if that was happening.
+How could he contact his family from behind this impenetrable wall?
+After doing some web searches, he found a forum and read about VPNs, private services that allow you to connect to another uncensored network.
-Jean spÄ?dziÅ? póÅ? godziny, próbujÄ?c dowiedzieÄ? siÄ?, który tani VPN jest najlepszy.
+Jean spent half an hour trying to figure out which cheap VPN was best.
-WybraÅ? jedno i przez chwilÄ? wydawaÅ?o siÄ?, że dziaÅ?a, ale po piÄ?ciu minutach poÅ?Ä?czenie zostaÅ?o wyÅ?Ä?czone, a VPN przestaÅ? siÄ? Å?Ä?czyÄ?.
+He chose one and for a moment it seemed to work, but after five minutes the connection went offline and the VPN would no longer connect.
-Jean wciÄ?ż czytaÅ?, aby znaleźÄ? inne opcje i dowiedzieÄ? siÄ? o przeglÄ?darce Tor i jak może obejÅ?Ä? cenzurÄ?.
+Jean kept reading to find other options and learned about Tor Browser and how it can circumvent censorship.
-ZnalazÅ? oficjalne lustro na stronie internetowej, aby pobraÄ? program.
+He found an official website mirror to download the program.
-Kiedy otworzyÅ? **Tor Browser**, Å?ledziÅ? podpowiedzi dla ocenzurowanych użytkowników i Å?Ä?czyÅ? siÄ? z mostem, który pozwoliÅ? mu ponownie uzyskaÄ? dostÄ?p do Internetu.
+When he opened **Tor Browser**, he followed the prompts for censored users and connected to a bridge which allowed him to access the internet again.
-DziÄ?ki przeglÄ?darce Tor Browser Jean może swobodnie i prywatnie przeglÄ?daÄ? i kontaktowaÄ? siÄ? z rodzinÄ?.
+With Tor Browser, Jean can browse freely and privately and contact his family.
-### Cenzurowani użytkownicy na caÅ?ym Å?wiecie polegajÄ? na przeglÄ?darce Tor Browser za darmowy, stabilny i nieocenzurowany sposób dostÄ?pu do Internetu.
+### Censored users all over the world rely on Tor Browser for a free, stable, and uncensored way to access the internet.
-# 5. Ogólne Tematy
+# 5. Shared Sections
-## Czym jest Tor?
+## What is Tor?
-Tor jest wolnym oprogramowaniem i otwartÄ? sieciÄ?, która pomaga chroniÄ? CiÄ? przed Å?ledzeniem, nadzorem i cenzurÄ? w Internecie.
-Tor jest tworzony za darmo przez organizacjÄ? non-profit o nazwie 501(c)3 z USA o nazwie Tor Project.
+Tor is free software and an open network that helps protect you from tracking, surveillance, and censorship online.
+Tor is created for free by a 501(c)3 U.S.-based nonprofit called the Tor Project.
-NajÅ?atwiejszym sposobem użycia przeglÄ?darki Tor jest Tor Browser.
-Kiedy używasz przeglÄ?darki Tor Browser, nikt nie może zobaczyÄ?, które strony odwiedzasz lub skÄ?d pochodzisz.
+The easiest way to use Tor is Tor Browser.
+When you use Tor Browser, no one can see what websites you visit or where in the world youâ??re coming from.
-Inne aplikacje, takie jak SecureDrop i OnionShare, używajÄ? przeglÄ?darki Tor do ochrony swoich użytkowników przed nadzorem i cenzurÄ?.
+Other applications, like SecureDrop and OnionShare, use Tor to protect their users against surveillance and censorship.
-## 6. Jak dziaÅ?a Tor?
+## 6. How does Tor work?
-Amal chce prywatnie odwiedziÄ? stronÄ? Bekeleâ??s, wiÄ?c otwiera przeglÄ?darkÄ? Tor Browser.
+Amal wants to visit Bekeleâ??s website privately, so she opens Tor Browser.
-PrzeglÄ?darka Tor Browser wybiera losowy obwód trzech przekaźników, które sÄ? komputerami na caÅ?ym Å?wiecie skonfigurowanymi do kierowania ruchu przez sieÄ? Tor.
+Tor Browser selects a random circuit of three relays, which are computers all over the world configured to route traffic over the Tor network.
-PrzeglÄ?darka Tor Browser nastÄ?pnie szyfruje żÄ?danie swojej strony trzy razy i wysyÅ?a jÄ? do pierwszego przekaźnika Tor w jej obwodzie.
+Tor Browser then encrypts her website request three times and sends it to the first Tor relay in her circuit.
-Pierwszy przekaźnik usuwa pierwszÄ? warstwÄ? szyfrowania, ale nie wie, że miejscem docelowym jest strona internetowa Bekeleâ??s.
+The first relay removes the first encryption layer but doesn't learn that the destination is Bekeleâ??s website.
-Pierwszy przekaźnik uczy siÄ? tylko nastÄ?pnej lokalizacji w obwodzie, która jest drugim przekaźnikiem.
+The first relay learns only the next location in the circuit, which is the second relay.
-Drugi przekaźnik usuwa kolejnÄ? warstwÄ? szyfrowania i przekazuje żÄ?danie strony do trzeciego przekaźnika.
+The second relay removes another encryption layer and forwards the web page request to the third relay.
-Trzeci przekaźnik usuwa ostatniÄ? warstwÄ? szyfrowania i przesyÅ?a żÄ?danie strony internetowej do jej miejsca docelowego, strony internetowej Bekeleâ??s, ale nie wie, że żÄ?danie pochodzi od Amala.
+The third relay removes the last encryption layer and forwards the web page request to its destination, Bekeleâ??s website, but it doesn't know the request comes from Amal.
-Bekele nie wie, że żÄ?danie strony pochodzi od Amala, chyba że tak mu powie.
+Bekele doesn't know that the website request came from Amal unless she tells him so.
-## 7. Kto używa przeglÄ?darki Tor?
+## 7. Who uses Tor?
-Ludzie na caÅ?ym Å?wiecie używajÄ? przeglÄ?darki Tor do ochrony prywatnoÅ?ci i swobodnego dostÄ?pu do sieci.
+People all over the world use Tor to protect their privacy and access the web freely.
-Tor pomaga chroniÄ? dziennikarzy, obroÅ?ców praw czÅ?owieka, ofiary przemocy domowej, badaczy akademickich i każdego, kto doÅ?wiadcza Å?ledzenia, cenzury lub nadzoru.
+Tor helps protect journalists, human rights defenders, domestic violence victims, academic researchers, and anyone experiencing tracking, censorship, or surveillance.
-## 6. Dlaczego warto zaufaÄ? przeglÄ?darce Tor?
+## 6. Why trust Tor?
-Tor jest zaprojektowany dla prywatnoÅ?ci. Nie wiemy, kim sÄ? nasi użytkownicy i nie prowadzimy dzienników aktywnoÅ?ci użytkowników.
+Tor is designed for privacy. We donâ??t know who our users are, and we don't keep logs of user activity.
-Operatorzy przekaźników Tora nie mogÄ? ujawniÄ? prawdziwej tożsamoÅ?ci użytkowników Tora.
+Tor relay operators cannot reveal the true identity of Tor users.
-CiÄ?gÅ?a wzajemna weryfikacja kodu źródÅ?owego Tora przez spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ci akademickie i spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ci open source zapewnia, że â??â??w Tora nie ma żadnych backdoorów, a nasza umowa spoÅ?eczna obiecuje, że nigdy nie zrobimy backdoora dla Tora.
+Continual peer review of Tor's source code by academic and open source communities ensures that there are no backdoors in Tor, and our social contract promises that we will never backdoor Tor.
-## 7. DoÅ?Ä?cz do spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ci Tor
+## 7. Join the Tor community
-Tor jest możliwy dziÄ?ki zróżnicowanemu zestawowi użytkowników, programistów, operatorów przekaźników i adwokatów z caÅ?ego Å?wiata.
+Tor is made possible by a diverse set of users, developers, relay operators, and advocates from around the world.
-Potrzebujemy twojej pomocy, aby uczyniÄ? Tor bardziej użytecznym i bezpiecznym dla ludzi na caÅ?ym Å?wiecie.
+We need your help to make Tor more usable and secure for people everywhere.
-Możesz zgÅ?osiÄ? siÄ? na ochotnika do Tora, piszÄ?c kod, uruchamiajÄ?c przekaźnik, tworzÄ?c dokumentacjÄ?, oferujÄ?c wsparcie dla użytkowników lub informujÄ?c ludzi w swojej spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ci o Tor.
+You can volunteer with Tor by writing code, running a relay, creating documentation, offering user support, or telling people in your community about Tor.
-SpoÅ?ecznoÅ?Ä? Tor podlega kodeksowi postÄ?powania i przedstawiamy spoÅ?ecznoÅ?ci nasze obietnice w naszej umowie spoÅ?ecznej.
+The Tor community is governed by a code of conduct, and we outline our set of promises to the community in our social contract.
-Dowiedz siÄ? wiÄ?cej o Tor, odwiedzajÄ?c naszÄ? stronÄ?, naszÄ? wiki, znajdujÄ?c nas na IRC, doÅ?Ä?czajÄ?c do jednej z naszych list mailingowych lub rejestrujÄ?c siÄ? w Tor News na newsletter.torproject.org.
+Learn more about Tor by visiting our website, our wiki, finding us on IRC, joining one of our mailing lists, or signing up for Tor News at newsletter.torproject.org.
-## 8. Pobierz przeglÄ?darkÄ? Tor
+## 8. Download Tor
-Tor Dla Komputerów Stacjonarnych
+Tor for Desktop
### Android
-Tor Browser dla systemu Android jest dostÄ?pny z GooglePlay.
+Tor Browser for Android is available from GooglePlay.
### iOS
-Onion Browser, opracowana przez M. Tigasa, jest jedynÄ? przeglÄ?darkÄ?, którÄ? zalecamy dla systemu iOS.
+Onion Browser, developed by M. Tigas, is the only browser we recommend for iOS.
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-# Material de mobilizare 2019-2020
+# Tor Outreach Material 2019-2020
-### ConfidenÈ?ialitatea este un drept uman
+### Privacy is a human right
-Ca mulÈ?i dintre noi, Aleisha îÈ?i petrece cea mai mare parte a timpului online - conectându-se cu prietenii, postând pe social media È?i navigând pe web.
+Like many of us, Aleisha spends most of her time online--connecting with friends, posting on social media, and browsing the web.
-Dar, în ultima vreme, a observat cÄ? reclamele legate de cÄ?utÄ?rile ei anterioare o urmÄ?resc online.
+But lately, she's noticed that advertisements related to her previous searches are following her around online.
-Aceasta se simte atât de invazivÄ? încât face cercetÄ?ri privind anunÈ?urile online È?i aflÄ? cÄ? nu numai agenÈ?ii de publicitate o urmÄ?resc, ci È?i ISP-ul, companiile de analizÄ?, platformele sociale media È?i multe altele.
+This feels so invasive that she does some research on online ads and learns that it's not just advertisers tracking her but also her ISP, analytics companies, social media platforms, and more.
-Aleisha decide cÄ? doreÈ?te sÄ? gÄ?seascÄ? È?i sÄ? utilizeze software care nu colecteazÄ? datele ei, nu o urmÄ?reÈ?te È?i nu spune altor servicii nimic privat despre ea.
+Aleisha decides she wants to find and use software that doesn't collect her data, doesn't track her, and doesn't tell other services anything private about her.
-Ea merge la un training de confidenÈ?ialitate dintr-un spaÈ?iu hackers local È?i aflÄ? despre ** Tor Browser **, singurul navigator web care îi permite sÄ? navigheze anonim.
+She goes to a privacy training at a local hackerspace and learns about **Tor Browser**, the only web browser that allows her to browse anonymously.
-### Viitorul este cyberfeminist
+### The future is cyberfeminist
-Fernanda conduce un colectiv de femei axat pe drepturile reproductive în Brazilia, unde avortul este ilegal.
+Fernanda runs a women's collective focused on reproductive rights in Brazil, where abortion is illegal.
-Fernanda È?i colegii ei au construit un site web cu informaÈ?ii despre accesul la avort, controlul naÈ?terilor È?i alte resurse pentru persoanele care cautÄ? informaÈ?ii despre reproducere.
+Fernanda and her colleagues built a website with information about abortion access, birth control, and other resources for people seeking reproductive information.
-DacÄ? prin acest site se poate ajunge la ei, ar putea fi arestaÈ?i - sau mai rÄ?u.
+If this website was linked back to them, they could be arrested--or worse.
-Pentru a se proteja, Fernanda È?i colegii ei au creat site-ul web folosind serviciile ** Tor **. Serviciile Onion nu numai cÄ? îi protejeazÄ? de a fi descoperiÈ?i ca operatori ai serverului, ci ajutÄ?, de asemenea, la protejarea vizitatorilor pe site-ul lor web prin solicitarea utilizÄ?rii Tor Browser.
+To protect themselves, Fernanda and her colleagues created the website using Tor **onion services**. Onion services not only protect them from being discovered as the operators of the server but also help protect visitors to their website by requiring they use Tor Browser.
-De fapt, Fernanda foloseÈ?te **Tor Browser** pentru toate browserele web doar pentru a fi pe partea sigurÄ?.
+In fact, Fernanda uses **Tor Browser** for all of her web browsing just to be on the safe side.
-De asemenea, ea utilizeazÄ? o aplicaÈ?ie Tor-powered, numitÄ? **OnionShare**, pentru a trimite în siguranÈ?Ä? È?i în mod privat fiÈ?iere altor activiÈ?ti.
+She also uses a Tor-powered app called **OnionShare** to send files to other activists securely and privately.
-### ActiviÈ?tii pentru drepturile reproductive, precum Fernanda, se luptÄ? pentru libertÄ?È?ile fundamentale, iar Tor îi ajutÄ? în activitatea de rezistenÈ?Ä?.
+### Reproductive rights activists like Fernanda are fighting for fundamental freedoms, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### Apa este viaÈ?Ä?
+### Water is life
-Jelani trÄ?ieÈ?te într-un mic sat prin care trece un râu larg.
+Jelani lives in a small village which a wide river runs through.
-Acest râu a furnizat apÄ? comunitÄ?È?ii sale din moÈ?i-strÄ?moÈ?i.
+This river has provided water to his community since the days of his ancestors.
-Dar astÄ?zi, râul lui Jelani este ameninÈ?at de puternice companii multinaÈ?ionale care sondeazÄ? petrolul din regiune.
+But today, Jelaniâ??s river is threatened by powerful multinational companies drilling for oil in the region.
-Firmele private de securitate, plÄ?tite de aceste companii, utilizeazÄ? mecanisme puternice de supraveghere pentru a monitoriza activitÄ?È?ile online ale lui Jelani È?i a vecinilor sÄ?i din sat care se organizeazÄ? pentru a-È?i proteja râul sacru.
+Private security firms, paid for by these companies, use powerful surveillance mechanisms to monitor the online activities of Jelani and his neighbors in the village who are organizing to protect their sacred river.
-Jelani foloseÈ?te **Tor Browser** pentru a împiedica aceste companii sÄ? vizioneze site-ul pentru protecÈ?ia drepturilor omului È?i a asistenÈ?ei juridice internaÈ?ionale È?i scrie bloguri despre miÈ?carea de rezistenÈ?Ä? din satul sÄ?u.
+Jelani uses **Tor Browser** to prevent these companies from watching as he visits websites for international human rights protection and legal aid and writes blog posts about the resistance movement in his village.
-De asemenea, el foloseÈ?te **OnionShare** È?i **SecureDrop** pentru a trimite în siguranÈ?Ä? documente cÄ?tre jurnaliÈ?tii care ajutÄ? la expunerea acestor încÄ?lcÄ?ri ale drepturilor omului.
+He also uses **OnionShare** and **SecureDrop** to securely send documents to journalists who are helping expose these human rights violations.
-Toate aceste programe folosesc Tor pentru a proteja intimitatea lui Jelani.
+All of this software uses Tor to help protect Jelaniâ??s privacy.
-### ActiviÈ?tii pentru drepturile omului, cum ar fi Jelani, se luptÄ? pentru justiÈ?ie în comunitÄ?È?ile lor, iar Tor îi ajutÄ? la activitatea de rezistenÈ?Ä?.
+### Human rights activists like Jelani are fighting for justice in their communities, and Tor helps power their resistance.
-### ConstruiÈ?i poduri, nu ziduri
+### Build bridges not walls
-Jean cÄ?lÄ?torea pentru prima datÄ? într-o È?arÄ? departe de familia sa.
+Jean was traveling for the first time to a country far from his family.
-DupÄ? ce a ajuns la un hotel, È?i-a deschis laptopul.
+After arriving at a hotel, he opened his laptop.
-S-a simÈ?it nedumerit atunci când a apÄ?rut pentru prima oarÄ? pe browserul sÄ?u web mesajul "Connection has timed out" È?i a crezut cÄ? mesajul s-a datorat propriei erori.
+He was so exhausted that when the message "Connection has timed out" first appeared on his web browser, he thought it was due to his own error.
-Dar dupÄ? ce a încercat de mai multe ori, È?i-a dat seama cÄ? furnizorul de e-mail, un site de È?tiri È?i multe aplicaÈ?ii nu erau disponibile.
+But after trying again and again, he realized that his email provider, a news website, and many apps were unavailable.
-A auzit cÄ? în aceastÄ? È?arÄ? se cenzureazÄ? internetul È?i se întreba dacÄ? se întâmplÄ? acest lucru.
-Cum putea sÄ?-È?i contacteze familia din spatele acestui zid impenetrabil?
-DupÄ? ce a fÄ?cut niÈ?te cÄ?utÄ?ri pe web, a gÄ?sit un forum È?i a citit despre VPN-uri, servicii private care vÄ? permit sÄ? vÄ? conectaÈ?i la o altÄ? reÈ?ea necenzuratÄ?.
+He had heard that this country censors the internet and wondered if that was happening.
+How could he contact his family from behind this impenetrable wall?
+After doing some web searches, he found a forum and read about VPNs, private services that allow you to connect to another uncensored network.
-Jean a petrecut o jumÄ?tate de orÄ? încercând sÄ?-È?i dea seama care VPN ieftin era cel mai bun.
+Jean spent half an hour trying to figure out which cheap VPN was best.
-El a ales unul È?i, pentru un timp, pÄ?rea cÄ? funcÈ?ioneazÄ?, dar dupÄ? cinci minute conexiunea a ieÈ?it offline È?i VPN-ul nu se mai putea conecta.
+He chose one and for a moment it seemed to work, but after five minutes the connection went offline and the VPN would no longer connect.
-Jean continua sÄ? citeascÄ? pentru a gÄ?si alte opÈ?iuni È?i a învÄ?È?at despre Tor Browser È?i cum poate eluda cenzura.
+Jean kept reading to find other options and learned about Tor Browser and how it can circumvent censorship.
-A gÄ?sit un site web oficial pentru a descÄ?rca programul.
+He found an official website mirror to download the program.
-A deschis browserul **Tor Browser**, a urmat instrucÈ?iunile pentru utilizatorii cenzuraÈ?i È?i s-a conectat la un pod /bridge care i-a permis din nou accesul la internet.
+When he opened **Tor Browser**, he followed the prompts for censored users and connected to a bridge which allowed him to access the internet again.
-Cu Tor Browser, Jean poate naviga liber È?i privat È?i poate lua legÄ?tura cu familia sa.
+With Tor Browser, Jean can browse freely and privately and contact his family.
-### Utilizatorii cenzuraÈ?i din întreaga lume se bazeazÄ? pe Tor Browser pentru o modalitate gratuitÄ?, stabilÄ? È?i necenzuratÄ? de a accesa internetul.
+### Censored users all over the world rely on Tor Browser for a free, stable, and uncensored way to access the internet.
-# 5. SecÈ?iuni comune
+# 5. Shared Sections
-## Ce e Torul?
+## What is Tor?
-Tor este un software gratuit È?i o reÈ?ea deschisÄ? care te ajutÄ? sÄ? te protejezi de urmÄ?rire, supraveghere È?i cenzurÄ? online.
-Tor este creat gratuit de cÄ?tre o organizaÈ?ie nonprofit 501(c)3 din S.U.A., numitÄ? Tor Project.
+Tor is free software and an open network that helps protect you from tracking, surveillance, and censorship online.
+Tor is created for free by a 501(c)3 U.S.-based nonprofit called the Tor Project.
-Cea mai uÈ?oarÄ? modalitate de a utiliza Tor este Tor Browser.
-Atunci când utilizaÈ?i Tor Browser, nimeni nu poate vedea ce site-uri Web vizitaÈ?i sau din ce locaÈ?ie le vizitaÈ?i.
+The easiest way to use Tor is Tor Browser.
+When you use Tor Browser, no one can see what websites you visit or where in the world youâ??re coming from.
-Alte aplicaÈ?ii, cum ar fi SecureDrop È?i OnionShare, utilizeazÄ? Tor pentru a-È?i proteja utilizatorii împotriva supravegherii È?i cenzurii.
+Other applications, like SecureDrop and OnionShare, use Tor to protect their users against surveillance and censorship.
-## 6. Cum funcÈ?ioneazÄ? Tor?
+## 6. How does Tor work?
-Amal doreÈ?te sÄ? viziteze privat site-ul Bekele, aÈ?a cÄ? deschide browserul Tor.
+Amal wants to visit Bekeleâ??s website privately, so she opens Tor Browser.
-Tor Browser selecteazÄ? un circuit aleatoriu de trei relee, care sunt computere din întreaga lume configurate pentru a ruta traficul prin reÈ?eaua Tor.
+Tor Browser selects a random circuit of three relays, which are computers all over the world configured to route traffic over the Tor network.
-Tor Browser cripteazÄ? de trei ori cererea ei pentru website È?i o trimite la primul releu Tor în circuitul ei.
+Tor Browser then encrypts her website request three times and sends it to the first Tor relay in her circuit.
-Primul releu eliminÄ? primul strat de criptare, dar nu aflÄ? cÄ? destinaÈ?ia este site-ul Bekele.
+The first relay removes the first encryption layer but doesn't learn that the destination is Bekeleâ??s website.
-Primul releu aflÄ? doar urmÄ?toarea locaÈ?ie din circuit, care este al doilea releu.
+The first relay learns only the next location in the circuit, which is the second relay.
-Al doilea releu eliminÄ? un alt strat de criptare È?i înainteazÄ? cererea de paginÄ? web cÄ?tre cel de-al treilea releu.
+The second relay removes another encryption layer and forwards the web page request to the third relay.
-Al treilea releu eliminÄ? ultimul strat de criptare È?i înainteazÄ? cererea de paginÄ? web cÄ?tre destinaÈ?ia sa, site-ul Bekele, dar nu È?tie cÄ? cererea vine de la Amal.
+The third relay removes the last encryption layer and forwards the web page request to its destination, Bekeleâ??s website, but it doesn't know the request comes from Amal.
-Bekele nu È?tie cÄ? cererea pentru website a venit de la Amal, cu excepÈ?ia cazului în care ea i-ar fi spus asta.
+Bekele doesn't know that the website request came from Amal unless she tells him so.
-## 7. Cine foloseÈ?te Tor?
+## 7. Who uses Tor?
-Oamenii din întreaga lume folosesc Tor pentru a-È?i proteja intimitatea È?i pentru a accesa liber internetul.
+People all over the world use Tor to protect their privacy and access the web freely.
-Tor ajutÄ? la protejarea jurnaliÈ?tilor, a apÄ?rÄ?torilor drepturilor omului, a victimelor violenÈ?ei domestice, a cercetÄ?torilor universitari È?i a oricui se confruntÄ? cu urmÄ?rirea, cenzura sau supravegherea.
+Tor helps protect journalists, human rights defenders, domestic violence victims, academic researchers, and anyone experiencing tracking, censorship, or surveillance.
-## 6. De ce sÄ? aveÈ?i încredere în Tor?
+## 6. Why trust Tor?
-Tor este proiectat pentru intimitate. Nu È?tim cine sunt utilizatorii noÈ?tri È?i nu È?inem jurnalele de activitate ale utilizatorilor.
+Tor is designed for privacy. We donâ??t know who our users are, and we don't keep logs of user activity.
-Operatorii releului Tor nu pot dezvÄ?lui adevÄ?rata identitate a utilizatorilor Tor.
+Tor relay operators cannot reveal the true identity of Tor users.
-Evaluarea continuÄ? a codului sursÄ? Tor de cÄ?tre comunitÄ?È?ile academice È?i cu surse deschise garanteazÄ? cÄ? nu existÄ? backdoors în Tor, iar contractul nostru social promite cÄ? backdoor nu va fi folosit niciodatÄ? în Tor.
+Continual peer review of Tor's source code by academic and open source communities ensures that there are no backdoors in Tor, and our social contract promises that we will never backdoor Tor.
-## 7. AderaÈ?i la comunitatea Tor
+## 7. Join the Tor community
-Realizarea Tor a fost posibilÄ? datoritÄ? mai multor utilizatori, dezvoltatori, operatori de retransmisie È?i avocaÈ?i din întreaga lume.
+Tor is made possible by a diverse set of users, developers, relay operators, and advocates from around the world.
-Avem nevoie de ajutorul dvs. pentru ca Tor sÄ? devinÄ? mai uÈ?or de folosit È?i mai sigur pentru oamenii de pretutindeni.
+We need your help to make Tor more usable and secure for people everywhere.
-PuteÈ?i contribui voluntar la Tor, scriind un cod, rulând un releu, creând documentaÈ?ie, oferind suport pentru utilizatori sau spunând oamenilor din comunitatea dvs. despre Tor.
+You can volunteer with Tor by writing code, running a relay, creating documentation, offering user support, or telling people in your community about Tor.
-Comunitatea Tor este guvernatÄ? de un cod de conduitÄ? È?i subliniem promisiunile noastre cÄ?tre comunitate din contractul nostru social.
+The Tor community is governed by a code of conduct, and we outline our set of promises to the community in our social contract.
-AflaÈ?i mai multe despre Tor vizitând site-ul nostru, pagina noastrÄ? wiki, gÄ?sindu-ne pe IRC, alÄ?turându-vÄ? uneia dintre listele noastre de discuÈ?ii sau înscriindu-vÄ? la Tor News de pe newsletter.torproject.org.
+Learn more about Tor by visiting our website, our wiki, finding us on IRC, joining one of our mailing lists, or signing up for Tor News at newsletter.torproject.org.
-## 8. DescÄ?rcare Tor
+## 8. Download Tor
-Tor pentru Desktop
+Tor for Desktop
### Android
-Tor Browser pentru Android este valabil pe GooglePlay.
+Tor Browser for Android is available from GooglePlay.
### iOS
-Onion Browser, dezvoltat de M. Tigas, este unicul browser pe care îl recomandÄ?m pentru iOS.
+Onion Browser, developed by M. Tigas, is the only browser we recommend for iOS.
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